Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Week 7 Pictures - Part 2
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Week 7 Pictures
Bits from Belgium - Week 7
~ Psalm 52:8-9 ~
Groeten aan mijn vrienden en familie!
I spent the day today in the Flemish/Dutch part of Belgium and thought it would be a fun change to use some Dutch today instead of French! If it throws you off a little and is a little [lot?] confusing, don't worry! Now you know how I feel! :-) Just when I was starting to get a tiny bit comfortable with using a tiny bit of conversational French to "get by", I got introduced to "the other half" of Belgium, which is Dutch speaking. Confusing? You bet! It's a good taste of what it's like for the people here though, since they live it every day!
So Week 7 is here! How are YOU?!
Have I ever told you how much I enjoy and appreciate your e-mails, letters, cards, etc?! Yep, still do every bit as much as I did 6 weeks ago! As they say in Dutch... Dank U!
The wonderful "same old" from here! I am still well, still learning lots, still being stretched, still very happy, and still very thankful!
I've been thinking quite a bit this week about the difference between you hearing about and seeing pictures from my time here and my actually experiencing it. I think about the thoughts and feelings I have had when my friends have gone far away for a long period of time and life goes on at home. You try to picture where they are... what they're doing... what they're feeling, thinking, and experiencing. Even when they get back, you may have mental pictures or stories laid out in your mind of what it must have been like. It seems I have always been on that side of the story, and never really gotten to experience "this side" of it. It's really quite amazing, and oh, so different and much more wonderful than I ever "saw" from my side before! I SO wish there were some way to bring you here or let you experience some of what I'm getting to experience in "real life"! My pictures and updates do not even come close to being able to describe my life here in the "living detail" that it is... despite how hard I try! :-)
There is a realization in all this that I'm just the same, usual me that you all know, love, (and sometimes don't love), and that you shouldn't picture anything different when you think of me here. But at the same time, that same me has been given the amazing privilige to be plopped into a life and place completely different from that at home, and observe, embrace, and be a part of it for 3 months as I am carried by the grace of God and prayers of my friends and family! I think of it kind of like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz or Alice from Alice in Wonderland! :-) Still the same old me, but very much impressed, growing, and amazed by all I'm getting to see and do! :-)
I can't wait to come home and tell you all about it... thought it may take months or even a lifetime to realize and share about everything I've experienced and learned!
On to my not-so-bitty bits!
Donderdag - 23 Augustus, 2007 - Nothing thrilling to report for you. Just another "normal" day of learning, growing, and experiencing life in the Petrie household and in Belgium! I attempted spaghetti and sausage meatballs with garlice bread for dinner.
Vrijdag - 24 Augustus, 2007 - Went for very long walk in the evening. It was a lovely day, and so nice to walk, although when I realized how far I'd walked, I realized I still had to turn around and go back too. Oops! My legs are a little sore, but oh well... it feels good. :-) I took my camera with me to take some more pictures of the area or anything I might find. I always seem to find things worthy of pictures when I don't have my camera, but when I have my camera, I see little of interest. Oh well! Anyhow, I did take a few pictures of various parts of the town and neighborhood though. Shortly after I had taken a picture in one area, a lady came off her porch and rattled off a question French about photographing. (She was asking me about what and why I was taking pictures, I found out later :-) I told her I didn't speak French (in French) and asked if she spoke English. She was rather excited at this and used her English the rest of our chat. We visited for several minutes, discussing my impressions of Belgium, where I was from, etc. She told me about her visit to the U.S. and a bit about her house (considerably "young" by Belgian standards, it was built in the early 1900's). It was a pleasant chat, and funny, because she spoke quite good English (although she said she hadn't used it since school, years and years ago!), and I kept finding myself sticking French words into my Frenglais as I talked. It's probably more confusing that way for her, but we were able to carry on a nice conversation just the same. As I walked home, I saw several hot air balloons in the sky, two that looked like they were right beside a very large, rising moon! Unfortunately I could not get a good picture of it because of my location and height, but it was a really neat sight, and the sunset was gorgous too! Have I ever told you how beautiful I think Belgium is? :-)
Zaterdag - 25 Augustus, 2007 - I went to Champion again to make some purchases today. It was my third time there, and I realized that I'm more comfortable each time I go... mostly because I know a bit more French each time I go, and I understand the "order of operations" a bit better. I also try to make it pretty clear right away that "Je ne parle pas Francais!" I still walk out of there with an amazing feeling of wonder and accomplishment, and each time I'm there I use a bit more French, understand a bit more, and am more excited about going back!
Zondag - 26 Augustus, 2007 - Sundays are "movie days". I watched "One Night With The King" with Paul and Rebecca and Annie (about Queen Esther)... one day after I finished reading the book of Esther in the Bible! That was kind of neat, especially since I didn't pick the movie... they did!
... The moon is bright tonight. The night is clear, crisp, and cool. It's 10:40 p.m., 59 degrees Fahrenheit. I stick my head out my open skylight and smell the clear air. It smells of almost nothing... but maybe a bit of fall, something burning, and leaves in the air. I'm not a good sniffer, but whatever it smells or doesn't smell like is pleasant. I hear one cricket chirping and a couple cars driving. It's very quiet. I'm easily impressed, but I think it's a gorgous night. :-) I'm very tired. I think about you as I look at the moon. It's comforting somehow, even though I know you won't be seeing that moon for another several hours. Thank you God for the "lesser light to govern the night"...
Maandag - 27 Augustus, 2007 - Happy Wedding Anniversary Paul & Rebecca! Happy Wedding Engagement Jonathan & Pam!!!! We didn't do anything terribly special today to celebrate, but we did enjoy an immensely interesting dinner time discussion about how Paul and Rebecca met, their courtship, wedding, and life after that. Wow, what amazing lives they have lived! I also made an experimental berry meringue pie with frozen, pre-made crust and frozen berries. I didn't really follow a recipe and just followed the advice of Rebecca and another meringue pie recipe. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, quite honestly, but it seemed to be quite edible, since the four of us managed to eat about 2/3 of it for dessert! That was encouraging and has me motivated to perhaps try it again sometime?!
I went for a walk this morning, which is nothing new, but as I walked I realized how amazingly much there is to "take in", and how I wish I could share it with you! The pictures show you what I see, but there is SO much more that my senses experience on my walks through this little Belgian town! This morning was simply gorgous! It was 9:20 a.m., 3:20 a.m. Ohio time. :-) The sun was warm on my face as I walked downhill (and then back up!) around the block in the cool, brisk air. It felt like September in Ohio. I could hear birds chirping, the prevalent sad but beautiful coo of doves (sometimes they sound like owls!), and cars and trucks driving to and from their business on this Monday morning. Flowers lined various houses and the sidewalk beside me, filling the air with some delicious and ever-changing scents... mint... morning glory... roses... leaves...over-ripe apples...somebody's breakfast... I can hear various people talking here and there on phones, to eachother, to nobody in particular... all in French. I see a petite, elderly lady whiz by on a little motorcycle. The sight made me smile. :-) I do a lot of thinking while I walk... hum or sing some songs, and pray. I also enjoy just looking around me and delighting in all there is to absorb! I understand that it's important for a youngish lady walking alone to be alert and aware of her surroundings and what's going on around her, so as you can see, I "work" hard at taking everything in! :-) Seriously, I love it! There's so much going on and so much available to love, admire, and "soak". I think it sometimes takes being in a new environment to recognize and realize the beauty of some of the simple, everyday things. It reminds me of a song by a group called Telecast... "It's the Beauty of Simplicity"... i sang it on my walk today :-)
"It's the beauty of simplicity / that brings me down to my knees / I'll praise You for eternity / and Lord I love You / Because You / You first loved me. / It's the beauty of simplicity / that fills me with eternity / I've tasted Your divinity / and Lord I love you / Because You / You first loved me..."
I stopped by the bank to exchange some money. For those wondering, the return for a USD 20 is 14.21 Euros... ugh. :-/ On the good side, I completed the entire transaction in French without having to say "Parle vous Frencais?" :-) I should mention that that "transaction" did only consist of a few verbal exchanges, but I was still excited to be able to do it all in French, and also excited because now that I know the days of the week, I can tell the hours of operation for various businesses! :-) The hours of service here are not like in the states with a standard 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 or whatever. Here they vary greatly by day and are unpredictable hours. One bank is open today from 9 until 12 and then 2 until 4... and that's it. Tomorrow could be completely different, as could Wednesday. I guess people in the town just get used to it and know the hours!
Dinsdag - 28 Augustus, 2007 - I made ratatouille for dinner today. I'd never had ratatouille, let alone made it! Thanks Mom and brothers for the suggestion and recipe! It turns out it is a favorite of the Petries, and they said my little "creation" tasted like ratatouille should, so that was an encouragement! I woke up at about 5:00 a.m. this morning to find the full moon shining in on my face! That doesn't happen back home in my downstairs bedroom ever, so it was rather cool through my skylight! I could/should close the blinds on my skylight so I sleep a bit longer since the light often wakes me up early, but I so enjoy being able to look up at the stars, blue sky, or clouds in the morning that I haven't been able to close it yet! It's an awesome way to wake up! :-)
Woensdag - 29 Augustus, 2007 -
Today was my day off. I got up earlier than usual and joined a friend of the Petries and her neighbor for a day of "kringwinkel"ing! (Thrift store shopping!). We traveled all over a large portion of Northern and Western Belgium stopping at various thrift stores that the Petrie's friend knows. As I mentioned previously, this was mostly Flemish territory, so I heard a LOT of Dutch today! It was exhausting traveling and shopping from store to store while trying to decipher some language and communicate. It was also a BLAST! :-) I was able to find several items I was interested in finding as well as a couple others, one which includes a waffle iron! I don't know that I will have the time to actually make a Belgian waffle while I'm in Belgium, but if not, perhaps I shall try when I get home. I do have a recipe now, (thanks Andria! :-)! Throughout the day's travels I got to see a windmill, another castle ruins, acres and acres of Belgian countryside, lots of delightful livestock (mostly horses, cattle, sheep, and chickens in people's back and front yards! That's familiar!). Also saw many "Belgian Blue" cattle (a unique breed I had heard about in my animal science studies, but never seen in such abundance! I wonder why here? ;-), and savored a chocolate filled croissant. Mmmmm! We also had the great privilige and shock of driving down Ohiostraat, which when translated from Dutch to English is OHIO STREET!!! :-) How crazy is that? Our friend, who did the driving, has a GPS system in the car (her name is "Liz" :-), and that was a new and fascinating experience as well, as she navigated us all over central Belgium! :-) All in all, a lovely, tiring, wonderful day with many more memories and new experiences and some small items and pictures to bring home to prove it! :-)
Oh dear, are my week reports getting longer and longer?! :-O I'm sorry! This week's Bits might actually take you until next week to finish! As Rebecca would jokingly say, "My, my, dear, dear..."
I am sorry!
Save the best for last though...
Blessings in Belgium:
* The time and ability to see the "beauty of simplicity" all around me!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The uniqueness and intrigue of the cultures here and throughout the world that season our lives!
* Good health and physical, spiritual, and mental strength to get through each day!
Prayer Requests:
* Good nights' sleep and energy for each day
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Heb een grote week!
~ MB
P.s. To all my LDFC'er Friends! Have a posilutely, absitively fantabulous time this weekend!!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
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"But I have learned... that service also opens up levels of fulfillment far exceeding any others I have encountered. We are called to self-denial, not for its own sake, but for a compensation we can obtain in no other way." - Dr. Paul Brand "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
Groeten aan mijn vrienden en familie!
I spent the day today in the Flemish/Dutch part of Belgium and thought it would be a fun change to use some Dutch today instead of French! If it throws you off a little and is a little [lot?] confusing, don't worry! Now you know how I feel! :-) Just when I was starting to get a tiny bit comfortable with using a tiny bit of conversational French to "get by", I got introduced to "the other half" of Belgium, which is Dutch speaking. Confusing? You bet! It's a good taste of what it's like for the people here though, since they live it every day!
So Week 7 is here! How are YOU?!
Have I ever told you how much I enjoy and appreciate your e-mails, letters, cards, etc?! Yep, still do every bit as much as I did 6 weeks ago! As they say in Dutch... Dank U!
The wonderful "same old" from here! I am still well, still learning lots, still being stretched, still very happy, and still very thankful!
I've been thinking quite a bit this week about the difference between you hearing about and seeing pictures from my time here and my actually experiencing it. I think about the thoughts and feelings I have had when my friends have gone far away for a long period of time and life goes on at home. You try to picture where they are... what they're doing... what they're feeling, thinking, and experiencing. Even when they get back, you may have mental pictures or stories laid out in your mind of what it must have been like. It seems I have always been on that side of the story, and never really gotten to experience "this side" of it. It's really quite amazing, and oh, so different and much more wonderful than I ever "saw" from my side before! I SO wish there were some way to bring you here or let you experience some of what I'm getting to experience in "real life"! My pictures and updates do not even come close to being able to describe my life here in the "living detail" that it is... despite how hard I try! :-)
There is a realization in all this that I'm just the same, usual me that you all know, love, (and sometimes don't love), and that you shouldn't picture anything different when you think of me here. But at the same time, that same me has been given the amazing privilige to be plopped into a life and place completely different from that at home, and observe, embrace, and be a part of it for 3 months as I am carried by the grace of God and prayers of my friends and family! I think of it kind of like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz or Alice from Alice in Wonderland! :-) Still the same old me, but very much impressed, growing, and amazed by all I'm getting to see and do! :-)
I can't wait to come home and tell you all about it... thought it may take months or even a lifetime to realize and share about everything I've experienced and learned!
On to my not-so-bitty bits!
Donderdag - 23 Augustus, 2007 - Nothing thrilling to report for you. Just another "normal" day of learning, growing, and experiencing life in the Petrie household and in Belgium! I attempted spaghetti and sausage meatballs with garlice bread for dinner.
Vrijdag - 24 Augustus, 2007 - Went for very long walk in the evening. It was a lovely day, and so nice to walk, although when I realized how far I'd walked, I realized I still had to turn around and go back too. Oops! My legs are a little sore, but oh well... it feels good. :-) I took my camera with me to take some more pictures of the area or anything I might find. I always seem to find things worthy of pictures when I don't have my camera, but when I have my camera, I see little of interest. Oh well! Anyhow, I did take a few pictures of various parts of the town and neighborhood though. Shortly after I had taken a picture in one area, a lady came off her porch and rattled off a question French about photographing. (She was asking me about what and why I was taking pictures, I found out later :-) I told her I didn't speak French (in French) and asked if she spoke English. She was rather excited at this and used her English the rest of our chat. We visited for several minutes, discussing my impressions of Belgium, where I was from, etc. She told me about her visit to the U.S. and a bit about her house (considerably "young" by Belgian standards, it was built in the early 1900's). It was a pleasant chat, and funny, because she spoke quite good English (although she said she hadn't used it since school, years and years ago!), and I kept finding myself sticking French words into my Frenglais as I talked. It's probably more confusing that way for her, but we were able to carry on a nice conversation just the same. As I walked home, I saw several hot air balloons in the sky, two that looked like they were right beside a very large, rising moon! Unfortunately I could not get a good picture of it because of my location and height, but it was a really neat sight, and the sunset was gorgous too! Have I ever told you how beautiful I think Belgium is? :-)
Zaterdag - 25 Augustus, 2007 - I went to Champion again to make some purchases today. It was my third time there, and I realized that I'm more comfortable each time I go... mostly because I know a bit more French each time I go, and I understand the "order of operations" a bit better. I also try to make it pretty clear right away that "Je ne parle pas Francais!" I still walk out of there with an amazing feeling of wonder and accomplishment, and each time I'm there I use a bit more French, understand a bit more, and am more excited about going back!
Zondag - 26 Augustus, 2007 - Sundays are "movie days". I watched "One Night With The King" with Paul and Rebecca and Annie (about Queen Esther)... one day after I finished reading the book of Esther in the Bible! That was kind of neat, especially since I didn't pick the movie... they did!
... The moon is bright tonight. The night is clear, crisp, and cool. It's 10:40 p.m., 59 degrees Fahrenheit. I stick my head out my open skylight and smell the clear air. It smells of almost nothing... but maybe a bit of fall, something burning, and leaves in the air. I'm not a good sniffer, but whatever it smells or doesn't smell like is pleasant. I hear one cricket chirping and a couple cars driving. It's very quiet. I'm easily impressed, but I think it's a gorgous night. :-) I'm very tired. I think about you as I look at the moon. It's comforting somehow, even though I know you won't be seeing that moon for another several hours. Thank you God for the "lesser light to govern the night"...
Maandag - 27 Augustus, 2007 - Happy Wedding Anniversary Paul & Rebecca! Happy Wedding Engagement Jonathan & Pam!!!! We didn't do anything terribly special today to celebrate, but we did enjoy an immensely interesting dinner time discussion about how Paul and Rebecca met, their courtship, wedding, and life after that. Wow, what amazing lives they have lived! I also made an experimental berry meringue pie with frozen, pre-made crust and frozen berries. I didn't really follow a recipe and just followed the advice of Rebecca and another meringue pie recipe. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, quite honestly, but it seemed to be quite edible, since the four of us managed to eat about 2/3 of it for dessert! That was encouraging and has me motivated to perhaps try it again sometime?!
I went for a walk this morning, which is nothing new, but as I walked I realized how amazingly much there is to "take in", and how I wish I could share it with you! The pictures show you what I see, but there is SO much more that my senses experience on my walks through this little Belgian town! This morning was simply gorgous! It was 9:20 a.m., 3:20 a.m. Ohio time. :-) The sun was warm on my face as I walked downhill (and then back up!) around the block in the cool, brisk air. It felt like September in Ohio. I could hear birds chirping, the prevalent sad but beautiful coo of doves (sometimes they sound like owls!), and cars and trucks driving to and from their business on this Monday morning. Flowers lined various houses and the sidewalk beside me, filling the air with some delicious and ever-changing scents... mint... morning glory... roses... leaves...over-ripe apples...somebody's breakfast... I can hear various people talking here and there on phones, to eachother, to nobody in particular... all in French. I see a petite, elderly lady whiz by on a little motorcycle. The sight made me smile. :-) I do a lot of thinking while I walk... hum or sing some songs, and pray. I also enjoy just looking around me and delighting in all there is to absorb! I understand that it's important for a youngish lady walking alone to be alert and aware of her surroundings and what's going on around her, so as you can see, I "work" hard at taking everything in! :-) Seriously, I love it! There's so much going on and so much available to love, admire, and "soak". I think it sometimes takes being in a new environment to recognize and realize the beauty of some of the simple, everyday things. It reminds me of a song by a group called Telecast... "It's the Beauty of Simplicity"... i sang it on my walk today :-)
"It's the beauty of simplicity / that brings me down to my knees / I'll praise You for eternity / and Lord I love You / Because You / You first loved me. / It's the beauty of simplicity / that fills me with eternity / I've tasted Your divinity / and Lord I love you / Because You / You first loved me..."
I stopped by the bank to exchange some money. For those wondering, the return for a USD 20 is 14.21 Euros... ugh. :-/ On the good side, I completed the entire transaction in French without having to say "Parle vous Frencais?" :-) I should mention that that "transaction" did only consist of a few verbal exchanges, but I was still excited to be able to do it all in French, and also excited because now that I know the days of the week, I can tell the hours of operation for various businesses! :-) The hours of service here are not like in the states with a standard 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 or whatever. Here they vary greatly by day and are unpredictable hours. One bank is open today from 9 until 12 and then 2 until 4... and that's it. Tomorrow could be completely different, as could Wednesday. I guess people in the town just get used to it and know the hours!
Dinsdag - 28 Augustus, 2007 - I made ratatouille for dinner today. I'd never had ratatouille, let alone made it! Thanks Mom and brothers for the suggestion and recipe! It turns out it is a favorite of the Petries, and they said my little "creation" tasted like ratatouille should, so that was an encouragement! I woke up at about 5:00 a.m. this morning to find the full moon shining in on my face! That doesn't happen back home in my downstairs bedroom ever, so it was rather cool through my skylight! I could/should close the blinds on my skylight so I sleep a bit longer since the light often wakes me up early, but I so enjoy being able to look up at the stars, blue sky, or clouds in the morning that I haven't been able to close it yet! It's an awesome way to wake up! :-)
Woensdag - 29 Augustus, 2007 -
Today was my day off. I got up earlier than usual and joined a friend of the Petries and her neighbor for a day of "kringwinkel"ing! (Thrift store shopping!). We traveled all over a large portion of Northern and Western Belgium stopping at various thrift stores that the Petrie's friend knows. As I mentioned previously, this was mostly Flemish territory, so I heard a LOT of Dutch today! It was exhausting traveling and shopping from store to store while trying to decipher some language and communicate. It was also a BLAST! :-) I was able to find several items I was interested in finding as well as a couple others, one which includes a waffle iron! I don't know that I will have the time to actually make a Belgian waffle while I'm in Belgium, but if not, perhaps I shall try when I get home. I do have a recipe now, (thanks Andria! :-)! Throughout the day's travels I got to see a windmill, another castle ruins, acres and acres of Belgian countryside, lots of delightful livestock (mostly horses, cattle, sheep, and chickens in people's back and front yards! That's familiar!). Also saw many "Belgian Blue" cattle (a unique breed I had heard about in my animal science studies, but never seen in such abundance! I wonder why here? ;-), and savored a chocolate filled croissant. Mmmmm! We also had the great privilige and shock of driving down Ohiostraat, which when translated from Dutch to English is OHIO STREET!!! :-) How crazy is that? Our friend, who did the driving, has a GPS system in the car (her name is "Liz" :-), and that was a new and fascinating experience as well, as she navigated us all over central Belgium! :-) All in all, a lovely, tiring, wonderful day with many more memories and new experiences and some small items and pictures to bring home to prove it! :-)
Oh dear, are my week reports getting longer and longer?! :-O I'm sorry! This week's Bits might actually take you until next week to finish! As Rebecca would jokingly say, "My, my, dear, dear..."
I am sorry!
Save the best for last though...
Blessings in Belgium:
* The time and ability to see the "beauty of simplicity" all around me!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The uniqueness and intrigue of the cultures here and throughout the world that season our lives!
* Good health and physical, spiritual, and mental strength to get through each day!
Prayer Requests:
* Good nights' sleep and energy for each day
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Heb een grote week!
~ MB
P.s. To all my LDFC'er Friends! Have a posilutely, absitively fantabulous time this weekend!!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
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"But I have learned... that service also opens up levels of fulfillment far exceeding any others I have encountered. We are called to self-denial, not for its own sake, but for a compensation we can obtain in no other way." - Dr. Paul Brand "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Week 6 Pictures - Finale
Week 6 Pictures - Continued
Week 6 Pictures
Bits From Belgium - Week 6
~ Psalm 40:5 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Week 6 is here already (or at last?)!!! I have now been in this beautiful, amazing country for 6 weeks, and have only 6 1/2 weeks left until I pack up everything from my new and different life here and climb back on a plane headed for the United States and family, friends, Englais, and home! I honestly find it hard to believe I have been here 6 weeks! That sounds like such a long time, and yet it has flown right by! I continue to be enthralled by the many new things I see and learn every day here! I have a feeling the next 6 1/2 weeks will be gone before I know it as well! Oh dear... so much more to see, learn, and experience before then!! :-)
So how are you and how has this week been for you?! I continue to be greatly encouraged by your e-mails, pictures, letters, postcards, etc.! Merci beacoup et vous êtes merveilleux!
It has been a very busy, exciting week for me here, so I'll get right on to the bits about it! :-)
Mercredi - 15 Août, 2007 - My day off. Nothing much exciting. It was another national holiday, so all the stores and all were closed. I had a quiet day of sleeping in, reading, writing, etc. Nothing thrilling to report other than the fact that my "batteries" were recharged for the week!
Jeudi - 16 Août , 2007 - Happy birthday Paul! Rebecca had a doctor's appointment, so she and Paul left shortly after lunch, leaving Annie and I to put into effect some "scheming" she, Rebecca, and I had done to surprise Paul on his birthday. While they were out we set up a formal dinner table in Rebecca's room, complete with multiple sets of silver silverware, crystal wine glasses, background classical music, candles, and flowers. (Thank goodness Annie knew how to set them up! ;-) After that was complete we set about making the 4 course dinner which consisted of salmon toast, asparagus, a delicious seasoned chicken, baked potatoes slices, stir-fried green beans and tomatoes, and a fruit salad and meringue "forgotten cookies" for dessert. Annie and I had a wonderful and rather hilarious time of preparing and serving the meal, not without a few "adventures" along the way! :-) Annie knew a whole lot more about how to do the whole thing than I, but we were both somewhat of novices and just laughed and kept trying through our little blunders! I think Paul and Rebecca enjoyed their dinner and evening, especially after the long day they had at the doctor's. We were all exhausted by the end of the day, and it seemed that everyone slept hard and well.
Vendredi - 17 Août, 2007 - Not much to report on this day either. Fridays are usually Annie's day off, which means I spend a lot of the day working with Rebecca. It's usually fine though, because being with and working with Rebecca is almost always a joy, and I enjoy the things I learn from her (about ALL kinds of things!), the fun we have, or just the chatting we get to do during our times together.
Samedi - 18 Août, 2007 - A long, difficult day for me. Today in Ohio, Steed, one of the previous CCI dogs I raised, graduated as a successor service dog, and Jen II, the most recent CCI pup, was returned to CCI for her advanced training. This is normally an emotional, exciting, magnificent, and exhausting day for me at home, but was even more difficult experiencing it from so far away. I watched the clock all day, knowing what was going on, but not knowing how it was going or exactly what was going on. Things were a little hectic around the house as well, which didn't help. We all got through the day though... funny how that happens, isn't it?! :-)
I felt much better after I got to talk to my family and hear about their day and the CCI graduation, and when the pictures started rolling in by e-mail, I felt much, much better! I had a hard time getting to sleep as I thought about the day and all the changes that had taken place back in Ohio and the people that were involved with them. Steed is now headed to Tennessee with his new partner and Jen II is at CCI in Delaware, Ohio for 6-9 months (if she doesn't get released from the program before then!) My family now knows what it's like to truly experience a CCI graduation with a dog graduating, and my CCI friends all know what it's like at a graduation without me [again]. So life rolls on, and we all continue down the paths God has set us on for this moment, of this day, this week, this month...
Dimanche - 19 Août, 2007 - A typical day. Helped clear out a BUNCH of shrubbery from the gardens. It was great exercise carrying greenery up and down the hill in the garden and it felt good to work up a bit of a sweat. :-) I was tired after not sleeping well the night before, but got a nice hour and a half of quiet time to rest, and that helped. Susannah and her Dad arrived back from Paris late in the evening. They return to the states on Wednesday morning. It will be nice to have some time with them again!
Lundi - 20 Août, 2007 - My day off this week was on Monday so that Melissa and I could go into Brussels together for lunch and to see the city! I slept in in the morning and called Melissa mid-morning. We arranged that I would meet her at the main train station (Bruxelles Central) a little after 1:00. I grabbed a pen and several sheets of paper and talked to Rebecca and Annie about the whole process of getting a train ticket, getting on the right train (it's a small station here, thankfully!), and saying all the right French phrases. I was a little nervous about the whole thing of getting there by myself, but everybody said it was easy, and I really did want to get to Brussels to meet with Melissa. Well, in His wonderful way of taking care of us and showing us His love, God arranged it so Susannah and her Dad also happened to be going to Brussels that day... at the very same time I was! So... we headed to the train station together, got our tickets, and hopped on a train! It was WONDERFUL to be able to do it all with two other people who had done it before, and I enjoyed the ride to Brussels (~ 1/2 hour) as we talked and I observed the Belgian scenery. Once we arrived in Brussels we found Melissa, who led Susannah and her Dad in the direction they wanted to go and then took me to the Grand Place (Pronounced like "Grond Plawce" in English). AMAZING! I have never seen anything like the Grand Place in my life! Everybody always said to make sure I saw that while I was in Belgium, and now I know why!!!! C'est Incredible!!!! I took a few pictures and we headed down "Greek Street" (a particular street full of Greek restaurants :-), where we had lunch. Greek gyros served by a French speaking Belgian... that's new! :-) Lunch was delightful and I had a really nice time talking with Melissa! After lunch we headed out to walk through the city, with Melissa showing me some of the most well known sights of the city. We stopped in a few stores, got to see the most famous statue in Brussels ( Manneken Pis) (hmmmm... not impressed), and much, much more! We also, of course, got a Belgian waffle, which we shared together. It was YUMMY! Quite rich and heavy though, so I was glad we shared it! Doesn't taste like your typical breakfast waffle, which is good, since I'm not a big fan of them! :-) We saw the king's palace, walked by several museums, a few churches, and lots and lots of little stores. Stopped and walked through a few, including a "honey store", which was interesting, and a toy store, where we felt like little kids as well ooohed and ahhhed at the toys and games. :-) I found one of my brother's latest favorite games, Settlers of Catan... only it was in French and Dutch! Towards the end of the day we went to Neuhaus, one of Belgian's finer chocolatiers (since 1857!). We got several truffles and chocolates and took them out into the Grand Place to share. Mmmmmm MMMMMMMM! Coffee, champagne, terra misu, praline... the list goes on... :-) We ended the amazing afternoon back at the train station, where Melissa helped me find my train back to Genval. She waited with me at the platform and we said goodbye as the train pulled up. She leaves for the US on Friday and won't be back until 4 days before I leave! I shall miss her! I boarded the train by myself with no problems and found an empty seat and sat down, all set to ride back alone. Suddenly, just before the train began to move, the door opened and in walked Susannah and her Dad! They happened to finish their shopping at the same time and found the same train and happened to come into the same car as me! How's that for WONDERFUL?!!! :-) So we got to enjoy another ride back to Genval together, talking and sharing some more. We were pretty exhuasted after all our "adventuring", but very, very happy. I couldn't believe I'd ridden a train... been to Brussels... seen the Grand Place... eaten a Belgian waffle... and done and see so many amazing new things in just a few hours! 'Twas a LOVELY day! :-) Oh, I forgot to mention that it was cloudy and a bit damp and drizzly (but not bad at all!). Nothing like experiencing Brussels for the first time in true Belgian weather! :-)
(Check out my blog for pictures from my first real trip in Brussels!)
Mardi - 21 Août, 2007 - Today was a pretty typical day until after lunch, when Annie and I were able to get out for a few hours to visit a real live, (was it ever alive?) Medieval castle! According to our interestingly translated English version of the "Guide of the Castle of Beersel": "Beersel is the only intact example of medieval, military architecture to be found in Belgium today... The wall and battlements are pierced with loopholes and machicolations - openings through which the defenders dropped stones or hot oil on marauders. The rooms are ark, [sic] for the only "windows" were mere arrow alits [sic] in those days; the caults are blackened with age, the dungeons and torture chambers sombre, and appropriately sinister... Beersel was built in the 13th century by Godefroid de Hellebeke, Seneschal (Steward) of Brabant, to defend Brussels and Brabant." The castle has been rebuilt and restored several times since then. At any rate, it was pretty amazing to be standing inside a place where people lived and died some 700-800 years ago! To think about how they lived and who they were just blew me away! Though the castle itself was pretty bare and run down (can't imagine why?! :-), the experience of seeing and being inside it was really neat! The walls were brick and stone and sometimes as thick as 1 1/2 meters! The stairs were stone and very narrow, winding up several stories. What an experience! I took lots of pictures to share with my siblings, who would have LOVED it there! There was a Dad and 4 kids visiting the castle, and the two boys carried toy plastic swords and had a fun time playing/fighting throughout the castle. I could almost see my brothers there doing the same thing! Only they probably wouldn't have been yelling in French... :-) I enjoyed my time with Annie, as well as seeing and learning about more of Belgium on the drive there and back. When we got home, I began making dinner, which we had decided would be a Mexican meal, with fajitas, tortilla chips and salsa, some stir fried vegies... and margaritas! Susannah made the margaritas (with help from her Dad), complete with lime zested sugar to dip our glasses in before filling. I've never had a "real" margarita before, and the general concensus was that these were very sweet margaritas compared to "real". I tried a sip and actually liked it... surprising even myself! :-) It was probably because it was so sweet! Hee-hee! I had a small glass with my dinner, and congratulated Susannah on making the first beverage with alcohol that I could actually say I liked. :-)
Mercredi - 22 Août, 2007 -
A very rainy, cool day. Susannah and her Dad left for the U.S. It has sometimes been hard for me to see or hear about people coming and going to and from the states from here, knowing you all are there and I won't be for several weeks... but today was better. I guess I know my day will come soon enough! :-) Otherwise a v ery typical day here. (Typical is not bad though. :-) It was a good day. Enjoyed the quietness of the day after several very busy days. I also started watching "The End of the Spear" for the first time. Wow! Can't wait to watch more of it! (In case I haven't mentioned, getting several uninterrupted hours in one sitting is very unusual here unless it's a day off, so watching a whole movie in one sitting rarely happens! :-)
I finally had a chance to request a copy of a French Bible to borrow for the rest of my time here. I still know very little French, but have heard that reading a book, especially one like the Bible, is helpful in learning more of a language. I enjoyed reading some chapters today, although it's a LOT of work since I'm reading, translating, and trying to remember what the verse or chapter is in English! I think it is already helping my vocabulary and grammar a little, although it doesn't help much with pronunciation! ;-)
So that was my week this past week... quite a book, huh? Sorry! You probably didn't realize what you were signed up for when you innocently agreed or asked to be added to my blog?! Oh dear! :-)
My congrats if you've made it this far... just a tiny bit more to go! :-)
Blessings in Belgium:
* The opportunity to sight-see a little!!!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
Prayer Requests:
* Continued good sleep. For some reason I often wake up at 6:00 a.m. just about every day here. I don't mind it, but it seems to be helpful if I sleep hard the rest of the night to make up for the lost hour or two! :-)
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Thank you for your prayers and support! They mean and are helping more than you will ever know!
~ MB
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"True faith requires obedience. It requires being willing to stake everything on God's love and faithfulness - and then doing what He asks. Even when we don't understand. Even when He demands that we give up the things we love the most." - Joanna Weaver "Having a Mary Spirit"
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Week 6 is here already (or at last?)!!! I have now been in this beautiful, amazing country for 6 weeks, and have only 6 1/2 weeks left until I pack up everything from my new and different life here and climb back on a plane headed for the United States and family, friends, Englais, and home! I honestly find it hard to believe I have been here 6 weeks! That sounds like such a long time, and yet it has flown right by! I continue to be enthralled by the many new things I see and learn every day here! I have a feeling the next 6 1/2 weeks will be gone before I know it as well! Oh dear... so much more to see, learn, and experience before then!! :-)
So how are you and how has this week been for you?! I continue to be greatly encouraged by your e-mails, pictures, letters, postcards, etc.! Merci beacoup et vous êtes merveilleux!
It has been a very busy, exciting week for me here, so I'll get right on to the bits about it! :-)
Mercredi - 15 Août, 2007 - My day off. Nothing much exciting. It was another national holiday, so all the stores and all were closed. I had a quiet day of sleeping in, reading, writing, etc. Nothing thrilling to report other than the fact that my "batteries" were recharged for the week!
Jeudi - 16 Août , 2007 - Happy birthday Paul! Rebecca had a doctor's appointment, so she and Paul left shortly after lunch, leaving Annie and I to put into effect some "scheming" she, Rebecca, and I had done to surprise Paul on his birthday. While they were out we set up a formal dinner table in Rebecca's room, complete with multiple sets of silver silverware, crystal wine glasses, background classical music, candles, and flowers. (Thank goodness Annie knew how to set them up! ;-) After that was complete we set about making the 4 course dinner which consisted of salmon toast, asparagus, a delicious seasoned chicken, baked potatoes slices, stir-fried green beans and tomatoes, and a fruit salad and meringue "forgotten cookies" for dessert. Annie and I had a wonderful and rather hilarious time of preparing and serving the meal, not without a few "adventures" along the way! :-) Annie knew a whole lot more about how to do the whole thing than I, but we were both somewhat of novices and just laughed and kept trying through our little blunders! I think Paul and Rebecca enjoyed their dinner and evening, especially after the long day they had at the doctor's. We were all exhausted by the end of the day, and it seemed that everyone slept hard and well.
Vendredi - 17 Août, 2007 - Not much to report on this day either. Fridays are usually Annie's day off, which means I spend a lot of the day working with Rebecca. It's usually fine though, because being with and working with Rebecca is almost always a joy, and I enjoy the things I learn from her (about ALL kinds of things!), the fun we have, or just the chatting we get to do during our times together.
Samedi - 18 Août, 2007 - A long, difficult day for me. Today in Ohio, Steed, one of the previous CCI dogs I raised, graduated as a successor service dog, and Jen II, the most recent CCI pup, was returned to CCI for her advanced training. This is normally an emotional, exciting, magnificent, and exhausting day for me at home, but was even more difficult experiencing it from so far away. I watched the clock all day, knowing what was going on, but not knowing how it was going or exactly what was going on. Things were a little hectic around the house as well, which didn't help. We all got through the day though... funny how that happens, isn't it?! :-)
I felt much better after I got to talk to my family and hear about their day and the CCI graduation, and when the pictures started rolling in by e-mail, I felt much, much better! I had a hard time getting to sleep as I thought about the day and all the changes that had taken place back in Ohio and the people that were involved with them. Steed is now headed to Tennessee with his new partner and Jen II is at CCI in Delaware, Ohio for 6-9 months (if she doesn't get released from the program before then!) My family now knows what it's like to truly experience a CCI graduation with a dog graduating, and my CCI friends all know what it's like at a graduation without me [again]. So life rolls on, and we all continue down the paths God has set us on for this moment, of this day, this week, this month...
Dimanche - 19 Août, 2007 - A typical day. Helped clear out a BUNCH of shrubbery from the gardens. It was great exercise carrying greenery up and down the hill in the garden and it felt good to work up a bit of a sweat. :-) I was tired after not sleeping well the night before, but got a nice hour and a half of quiet time to rest, and that helped. Susannah and her Dad arrived back from Paris late in the evening. They return to the states on Wednesday morning. It will be nice to have some time with them again!
Lundi - 20 Août, 2007 - My day off this week was on Monday so that Melissa and I could go into Brussels together for lunch and to see the city! I slept in in the morning and called Melissa mid-morning. We arranged that I would meet her at the main train station (Bruxelles Central) a little after 1:00. I grabbed a pen and several sheets of paper and talked to Rebecca and Annie about the whole process of getting a train ticket, getting on the right train (it's a small station here, thankfully!), and saying all the right French phrases. I was a little nervous about the whole thing of getting there by myself, but everybody said it was easy, and I really did want to get to Brussels to meet with Melissa. Well, in His wonderful way of taking care of us and showing us His love, God arranged it so Susannah and her Dad also happened to be going to Brussels that day... at the very same time I was! So... we headed to the train station together, got our tickets, and hopped on a train! It was WONDERFUL to be able to do it all with two other people who had done it before, and I enjoyed the ride to Brussels (~ 1/2 hour) as we talked and I observed the Belgian scenery. Once we arrived in Brussels we found Melissa, who led Susannah and her Dad in the direction they wanted to go and then took me to the Grand Place (Pronounced like "Grond Plawce" in English). AMAZING! I have never seen anything like the Grand Place in my life! Everybody always said to make sure I saw that while I was in Belgium, and now I know why!!!! C'est Incredible!!!! I took a few pictures and we headed down "Greek Street" (a particular street full of Greek restaurants :-), where we had lunch. Greek gyros served by a French speaking Belgian... that's new! :-) Lunch was delightful and I had a really nice time talking with Melissa! After lunch we headed out to walk through the city, with Melissa showing me some of the most well known sights of the city. We stopped in a few stores, got to see the most famous statue in Brussels ( Manneken Pis) (hmmmm... not impressed), and much, much more! We also, of course, got a Belgian waffle, which we shared together. It was YUMMY! Quite rich and heavy though, so I was glad we shared it! Doesn't taste like your typical breakfast waffle, which is good, since I'm not a big fan of them! :-) We saw the king's palace, walked by several museums, a few churches, and lots and lots of little stores. Stopped and walked through a few, including a "honey store", which was interesting, and a toy store, where we felt like little kids as well ooohed and ahhhed at the toys and games. :-) I found one of my brother's latest favorite games, Settlers of Catan... only it was in French and Dutch! Towards the end of the day we went to Neuhaus, one of Belgian's finer chocolatiers (since 1857!). We got several truffles and chocolates and took them out into the Grand Place to share. Mmmmmm MMMMMMMM! Coffee, champagne, terra misu, praline... the list goes on... :-) We ended the amazing afternoon back at the train station, where Melissa helped me find my train back to Genval. She waited with me at the platform and we said goodbye as the train pulled up. She leaves for the US on Friday and won't be back until 4 days before I leave! I shall miss her! I boarded the train by myself with no problems and found an empty seat and sat down, all set to ride back alone. Suddenly, just before the train began to move, the door opened and in walked Susannah and her Dad! They happened to finish their shopping at the same time and found the same train and happened to come into the same car as me! How's that for WONDERFUL?!!! :-) So we got to enjoy another ride back to Genval together, talking and sharing some more. We were pretty exhuasted after all our "adventuring", but very, very happy. I couldn't believe I'd ridden a train... been to Brussels... seen the Grand Place... eaten a Belgian waffle... and done and see so many amazing new things in just a few hours! 'Twas a LOVELY day! :-) Oh, I forgot to mention that it was cloudy and a bit damp and drizzly (but not bad at all!). Nothing like experiencing Brussels for the first time in true Belgian weather! :-)
(Check out my blog for pictures from my first real trip in Brussels!)
Mardi - 21 Août, 2007 - Today was a pretty typical day until after lunch, when Annie and I were able to get out for a few hours to visit a real live, (was it ever alive?) Medieval castle! According to our interestingly translated English version of the "Guide of the Castle of Beersel": "Beersel is the only intact example of medieval, military architecture to be found in Belgium today... The wall and battlements are pierced with loopholes and machicolations - openings through which the defenders dropped stones or hot oil on marauders. The rooms are ark, [sic] for the only "windows" were mere arrow alits [sic] in those days; the caults are blackened with age, the dungeons and torture chambers sombre, and appropriately sinister... Beersel was built in the 13th century by Godefroid de Hellebeke, Seneschal (Steward) of Brabant, to defend Brussels and Brabant." The castle has been rebuilt and restored several times since then. At any rate, it was pretty amazing to be standing inside a place where people lived and died some 700-800 years ago! To think about how they lived and who they were just blew me away! Though the castle itself was pretty bare and run down (can't imagine why?! :-), the experience of seeing and being inside it was really neat! The walls were brick and stone and sometimes as thick as 1 1/2 meters! The stairs were stone and very narrow, winding up several stories. What an experience! I took lots of pictures to share with my siblings, who would have LOVED it there! There was a Dad and 4 kids visiting the castle, and the two boys carried toy plastic swords and had a fun time playing/fighting throughout the castle. I could almost see my brothers there doing the same thing! Only they probably wouldn't have been yelling in French... :-) I enjoyed my time with Annie, as well as seeing and learning about more of Belgium on the drive there and back. When we got home, I began making dinner, which we had decided would be a Mexican meal, with fajitas, tortilla chips and salsa, some stir fried vegies... and margaritas! Susannah made the margaritas (with help from her Dad), complete with lime zested sugar to dip our glasses in before filling. I've never had a "real" margarita before, and the general concensus was that these were very sweet margaritas compared to "real". I tried a sip and actually liked it... surprising even myself! :-) It was probably because it was so sweet! Hee-hee! I had a small glass with my dinner, and congratulated Susannah on making the first beverage with alcohol that I could actually say I liked. :-)
Mercredi - 22 Août, 2007 -
A very rainy, cool day. Susannah and her Dad left for the U.S. It has sometimes been hard for me to see or hear about people coming and going to and from the states from here, knowing you all are there and I won't be for several weeks... but today was better. I guess I know my day will come soon enough! :-) Otherwise a v ery typical day here. (Typical is not bad though. :-) It was a good day. Enjoyed the quietness of the day after several very busy days. I also started watching "The End of the Spear" for the first time. Wow! Can't wait to watch more of it! (In case I haven't mentioned, getting several uninterrupted hours in one sitting is very unusual here unless it's a day off, so watching a whole movie in one sitting rarely happens! :-)
I finally had a chance to request a copy of a French Bible to borrow for the rest of my time here. I still know very little French, but have heard that reading a book, especially one like the Bible, is helpful in learning more of a language. I enjoyed reading some chapters today, although it's a LOT of work since I'm reading, translating, and trying to remember what the verse or chapter is in English! I think it is already helping my vocabulary and grammar a little, although it doesn't help much with pronunciation! ;-)
So that was my week this past week... quite a book, huh? Sorry! You probably didn't realize what you were signed up for when you innocently agreed or asked to be added to my blog?! Oh dear! :-)
My congrats if you've made it this far... just a tiny bit more to go! :-)
Blessings in Belgium:
* The opportunity to sight-see a little!!!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
Prayer Requests:
* Continued good sleep. For some reason I often wake up at 6:00 a.m. just about every day here. I don't mind it, but it seems to be helpful if I sleep hard the rest of the night to make up for the lost hour or two! :-)
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Thank you for your prayers and support! They mean and are helping more than you will ever know!
~ MB
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"True faith requires obedience. It requires being willing to stake everything on God's love and faithfulness - and then doing what He asks. Even when we don't understand. Even when He demands that we give up the things we love the most." - Joanna Weaver "Having a Mary Spirit"
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Week 5 Pictures - Continued
Week 5 Pictures
Bits from Belgium - Week 5
~ Psalm 36:6-10 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Yet another week has gone by... my 5th week in Genval, Belgium!!!
How are you? How has your week been?
All continues to be fine here.
The weather this week has continued to be nice. Nights get down in the low 50's, days are in the 60's and 70's (Fahrenheit). We have rain, sun, clouds, wind... sometimes all in one day! I enjoy being able to comfortably wear jeans and t-shirts just about every day, plus or minus a jacket in the mornings!
Physically, I continue to be fine. My wrist is healing very well and I otherwise feel wonderful! Have been a little tired this week, but so far have been able to "find" any sleep I've "lost". :-) My good health has been a huge blessing for which I am very grateful!
Mentally, I continue to mostly enjoy the challenges of learning a new language and culture. Interestingly, through my lack of ability to verbally communicate with people around me, I am realizing how much I personally, internally desire and enjoy communicating with those around or with me! I am learning (in many ways!) that sometimes you don't realize the value or privilige of something (or someone!) until it's gone or changed! Such good lessons for me, and quite humbling sometimes too!
Emotionally, I am well as well. This is definitely the area where I feel the most grace and am most in awe of the strength of God to carry me through this. Before this trip I had never been away from my family for more than a week, and certainly not out of the country without them! Emotionally, I wasn't sure how I would handle it all. I realize I'm not even half-way through my time here yet, but moment by moment, day by day, week by week, and through the first month here, I have felt so covered and filled with God's peace, joy, love, and strength. There have been moments and days when I have felt alone or have craved for the strong hugs and gentle kisses from my Dad, soft hugs and sweet kisses from my Mom, messy chapstick-covered kisses from Keri, and smiles, laughter, singing of silly songs, poking, wrestling, pranking, and goofing off with my brothers and Anna... etc. There's a LOT to miss from home, but God is carrying me through this time and helping me see and soak the multitude of things He's bringing and showing me here, as I've desired and ask for! And you can bet that the activities mentioned above will sure be a whole lot more precious when I get home now that I have missed them (and especially the people they come from!) for awhile !
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped..." (Psalm 28:7)
Spiritually, I am hungry and being fed. I am being fed from a Source that is always full to overflowing; feeding into a me who is always needing more and prays that I will never stop craving for and from that Source. I'm enjoying the opportunity to read some really interesting books and spend more time in the Bible, thought, and prayer as well. I have also enjoyed some very interesting conversations with the Petries and some of their guests.
Next week I will be pretty much half way through my stay here. I can already tell you that this trip has been so worth everything I've had to give up or deal with to get and be here! I am so grateful for all the support, encouragement, advice, and love I've been given as I prepared to leave, left, and have been here. I often can't describe or put into words some of my thoughts, emotions, and experiences here, but suffice to say... it is good.
To the Belgium Bits! ...
Mercredi - 8 Août, 2007 - My day off. Nothing incredibly out of the ordinary... just a nice, restful day involving a walk around Lake Genval, a phone call home, and lots of resting, reading, and catching up on e-mails! :-)
Jeudi - 9 Août , 2007 - A little rough of a day, but it's almost over, and tomorrow's a new day. :-) It was gray and rainy all day, and a little chilly. Rough days aren't fun, but they're real life, and we all live through days of "testing" like today. I think days like this are good for us, but it's usually only after it's all over that we realize that!
I'm on for the "midnight turn" tonight, but I really don't mind midnights at all. The only hard part is being "on-call" throughout the night if Rebecca needs me, but I realize that it's not that big a deal if I have to get up during the night because that's really why I'm here! It's not like it's disrupting me from a midterm or early morning work or anything! :-) I enjoy reading, praying, catching up on e-mails, or listening to music while I wait until midnight.
We set up a date (Aug. 20) for me to go into Brussels with Melissa (the girl who stayed her for awhile) for the day. That will be my day off for the week, and I'll probably take the train into Brussels and meet her at the station and then she'll take me around to see some of the big sights in Brussels and maybe do some shopping. It will be nice though because I really would like to go into Brussels with somebody whenever possible, but especially the first few times. Melissa is really sweet and fun and knows French fluently, so it should be a fun day! :-)
The second exciting-ish news is that I tried to make an imitation of Mom's fabulous Indian curry chicken and rice today for dinner! It wasn't exactly like Mom's, but I was satisfied with how it turned out and enjoyed eating it afterwards! :-) I also made a fruit salad with peeled apples, nectarines, plums, pecans (not a fruit, I know!), and get this... fresh FIGS, with a little lemon and orange juice thrown in as well. I think I've realized the real reason I'm enjoying cooking here as well. It's true that the quantities are less and I don't have as many other "distractions", but in addition, I think I enjoy it because it makes me think and feel a bit like and closer to Mom. :-) It's fun to cook "like Mom", or at least try! The closer it gets to tasting "like Mom's", the more satisfied I am with how it turned out. I do get a little... uh... "creative" sometimes, but so far it's been a fun, very rewarding activity! :-) Still haven't learned how to do Belgian waffles... sorry! I'm very happy that I'm actually happy cooking. It makes me feel a little better about possibly having to cook for others in my future! Hee-hee-hee! I was beginning to worry that I might have to marry or hire a full-time chef or something!
Vendredi - 10 Août, 2007 and Samedi - 11 Août, 2007 - Happy Birthday Bethany N! The days are starting to run together if I don't write about them separately! Oh dear! :-) Well, one of these days I tried fennel/celery root for the first time. It was actually rather yummy cooked the way it was! In addition to "the usual", I helped clean out a bunch of bush trimmings. The weather was simply lovely! On Samedi (Saturday), I cooked teryaki chicken and made a sesame cabbage stir fry that my Mom makes. Thanks Mom for the help and directions!
Dimanche - 12 Août, 2007 - A quiet day until evening. We prepared for the arrival of Susannah C. and her dad and again, as well as a couple Israeli friends. Spent the afternoon watching a movie (A Good Year) together. The guests all arrived in evening, and we spent some time visiting with them before bed. Such neat people with such fascinating backgrounds, experiences, and lives!
Lundi - 13 Août, 2007 - Happy 8th Birthday Michael! Happy Birthday Andria D.! Most of the day was spent visiting with the guests. The weather was lovely again, the food was delicious, and human company was better still! I am so enjoying the opportunity to be here and meet so many most wonderful, interesting people! The friends from Israel left in the evening to return home. Wish we had more time with them...
Mardi - 14 Août, 2007 - Susannah and her Dad left for Paris, France early this morning. They should have a lovely time together!
Sometime in the next few days or weeks, there is a good possibility that my next CCI puppy will be born... I've been thinking about that every so often, (it's such an exciting though! :-) and actually dreamed about very young CCI puppies last night. (It was a strange dream... but had newborn CCI puppies in it nonetheless! :-) This morning when I got up, I found a package downstairs from home. I opened it to find an adorable, soft, black stuffed puppy with a yellow and blue CCI-like vest on. It almost made me cry, and I couldn't tell if it was a happy or a sad cry! I told my Mom that I hadn't thought I needed anything like that until I got it... then I realized how much I needed it. THANK YOU MOM!!!! I think it cost more to mail the stuffed dog than it did to buy it! :-O At any rate, it was a lovely surprise and is very special to me as I am missing Steed's graduation with his new partner and Jen's turn-in to advanced training this weekend.
We had Paul's secretary and two of her friends here for dinner tonight. The friends are a mother and daughter from Texas. I enjoyed visiting with both of them and again learning more about people and things I didn't know!
Mercredi - 15 Août, 2007 -
I had the afternoon off today, and will have part of tomorrow off as well. Annie drove me to a Chateau de la Hulpe ( ) which is about 10 minutes from the Petries home. It's amazing to walk into there... all of a sudden you feel like you've stepped into history and are in the middle of nowhere! It was absolutely gorgous too! They have actually done several movie recordings there, including one "Maitre de Musique", which the Petries own and I hope to watch! I'm pathetic... but one of the best parts for me was the fact that there were fields full of horses and ponies on the chateau grounds! It was nice to see and smell horses again. :-) There are paths all over the grounds that lead to lakes, barns, houses, etc. Quite the place! I hope to go back to walk and look some more.
I spent two hours walking around admiring the scenery and view, taking pictures, and just thinking a lot about a lot of things. It was lovely, but also very strange for me because I was there alone, despite the fact that there were adults, children, and dogs all around. I learned a little bit more about myself as I realized how sad and lonely it can be to be somewhere so beautiful and have nobody to share it with. Nobody to talk about the stories various sights remind you of... nobody to discuss and praise the beauty of God's creation with. It was still good to have that experience (and I'm sure I will have more while I'm here!). Growing up in my family, this may very likely have been the first time I've gone somewhere like that alone, so now I know what it might be like for others...
It was a good experience for me though, and I knew I wasn't truly alone. I found peace in the fact that I could at least share my thoughts and admiration of the scenery with Someone who was always there with me, even if He didn't verbally speak back to me. I also realized that had I been there with another person, I would have missed out on all the thinking and quiet time I had just with Him. C'est bon.
I will have pictures posted on my blog from the visit to the Chateau de la Hulpe if you're interested in seeing it. I'm afraid it's nothing in pictures like it is in real life...
....Enough of a novel for one week! Sorry so LONG!
Blessings in Belgium:
* A healing wrist and good health!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The example Rebecca is to all of us!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
Prayer Requests:
* Good sleep during these busy days!
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Merci beacoup!
Au Revoir,
~ MB
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"The Presence and the manifestation of the Presence are not the same. There can be the one without the other. God is here when we are wholly unaware of it. He is manifest only when and as we are aware of His presence. On our part, there must be surrender to the Spirit of God, for His work is to show the Father and Son. If we cooperate with Him in loving obedience, God will manifest Himself to us..." - A. W. Tozer "The Pursuit of God"
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Yet another week has gone by... my 5th week in Genval, Belgium!!!
How are you? How has your week been?
All continues to be fine here.
The weather this week has continued to be nice. Nights get down in the low 50's, days are in the 60's and 70's (Fahrenheit). We have rain, sun, clouds, wind... sometimes all in one day! I enjoy being able to comfortably wear jeans and t-shirts just about every day, plus or minus a jacket in the mornings!
Physically, I continue to be fine. My wrist is healing very well and I otherwise feel wonderful! Have been a little tired this week, but so far have been able to "find" any sleep I've "lost". :-) My good health has been a huge blessing for which I am very grateful!
Mentally, I continue to mostly enjoy the challenges of learning a new language and culture. Interestingly, through my lack of ability to verbally communicate with people around me, I am realizing how much I personally, internally desire and enjoy communicating with those around or with me! I am learning (in many ways!) that sometimes you don't realize the value or privilige of something (or someone!) until it's gone or changed! Such good lessons for me, and quite humbling sometimes too!
Emotionally, I am well as well. This is definitely the area where I feel the most grace and am most in awe of the strength of God to carry me through this. Before this trip I had never been away from my family for more than a week, and certainly not out of the country without them! Emotionally, I wasn't sure how I would handle it all. I realize I'm not even half-way through my time here yet, but moment by moment, day by day, week by week, and through the first month here, I have felt so covered and filled with God's peace, joy, love, and strength. There have been moments and days when I have felt alone or have craved for the strong hugs and gentle kisses from my Dad, soft hugs and sweet kisses from my Mom, messy chapstick-covered kisses from Keri, and smiles, laughter, singing of silly songs, poking, wrestling, pranking, and goofing off with my brothers and Anna... etc. There's a LOT to miss from home, but God is carrying me through this time and helping me see and soak the multitude of things He's bringing and showing me here, as I've desired and ask for! And you can bet that the activities mentioned above will sure be a whole lot more precious when I get home now that I have missed them (and especially the people they come from!) for awhile !
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped..." (Psalm 28:7)
Spiritually, I am hungry and being fed. I am being fed from a Source that is always full to overflowing; feeding into a me who is always needing more and prays that I will never stop craving for and from that Source. I'm enjoying the opportunity to read some really interesting books and spend more time in the Bible, thought, and prayer as well. I have also enjoyed some very interesting conversations with the Petries and some of their guests.
Next week I will be pretty much half way through my stay here. I can already tell you that this trip has been so worth everything I've had to give up or deal with to get and be here! I am so grateful for all the support, encouragement, advice, and love I've been given as I prepared to leave, left, and have been here. I often can't describe or put into words some of my thoughts, emotions, and experiences here, but suffice to say... it is good.
To the Belgium Bits! ...
Mercredi - 8 Août, 2007 - My day off. Nothing incredibly out of the ordinary... just a nice, restful day involving a walk around Lake Genval, a phone call home, and lots of resting, reading, and catching up on e-mails! :-)
Jeudi - 9 Août , 2007 - A little rough of a day, but it's almost over, and tomorrow's a new day. :-) It was gray and rainy all day, and a little chilly. Rough days aren't fun, but they're real life, and we all live through days of "testing" like today. I think days like this are good for us, but it's usually only after it's all over that we realize that!
I'm on for the "midnight turn" tonight, but I really don't mind midnights at all. The only hard part is being "on-call" throughout the night if Rebecca needs me, but I realize that it's not that big a deal if I have to get up during the night because that's really why I'm here! It's not like it's disrupting me from a midterm or early morning work or anything! :-) I enjoy reading, praying, catching up on e-mails, or listening to music while I wait until midnight.
We set up a date (Aug. 20) for me to go into Brussels with Melissa (the girl who stayed her for awhile) for the day. That will be my day off for the week, and I'll probably take the train into Brussels and meet her at the station and then she'll take me around to see some of the big sights in Brussels and maybe do some shopping. It will be nice though because I really would like to go into Brussels with somebody whenever possible, but especially the first few times. Melissa is really sweet and fun and knows French fluently, so it should be a fun day! :-)
The second exciting-ish news is that I tried to make an imitation of Mom's fabulous Indian curry chicken and rice today for dinner! It wasn't exactly like Mom's, but I was satisfied with how it turned out and enjoyed eating it afterwards! :-) I also made a fruit salad with peeled apples, nectarines, plums, pecans (not a fruit, I know!), and get this... fresh FIGS, with a little lemon and orange juice thrown in as well. I think I've realized the real reason I'm enjoying cooking here as well. It's true that the quantities are less and I don't have as many other "distractions", but in addition, I think I enjoy it because it makes me think and feel a bit like and closer to Mom. :-) It's fun to cook "like Mom", or at least try! The closer it gets to tasting "like Mom's", the more satisfied I am with how it turned out. I do get a little... uh... "creative" sometimes, but so far it's been a fun, very rewarding activity! :-) Still haven't learned how to do Belgian waffles... sorry! I'm very happy that I'm actually happy cooking. It makes me feel a little better about possibly having to cook for others in my future! Hee-hee-hee! I was beginning to worry that I might have to marry or hire a full-time chef or something!
Vendredi - 10 Août, 2007 and Samedi - 11 Août, 2007 - Happy Birthday Bethany N! The days are starting to run together if I don't write about them separately! Oh dear! :-) Well, one of these days I tried fennel/celery root for the first time. It was actually rather yummy cooked the way it was! In addition to "the usual", I helped clean out a bunch of bush trimmings. The weather was simply lovely! On Samedi (Saturday), I cooked teryaki chicken and made a sesame cabbage stir fry that my Mom makes. Thanks Mom for the help and directions!
Dimanche - 12 Août, 2007 - A quiet day until evening. We prepared for the arrival of Susannah C. and her dad and again, as well as a couple Israeli friends. Spent the afternoon watching a movie (A Good Year) together. The guests all arrived in evening, and we spent some time visiting with them before bed. Such neat people with such fascinating backgrounds, experiences, and lives!
Lundi - 13 Août, 2007 - Happy 8th Birthday Michael! Happy Birthday Andria D.! Most of the day was spent visiting with the guests. The weather was lovely again, the food was delicious, and human company was better still! I am so enjoying the opportunity to be here and meet so many most wonderful, interesting people! The friends from Israel left in the evening to return home. Wish we had more time with them...
Mardi - 14 Août, 2007 - Susannah and her Dad left for Paris, France early this morning. They should have a lovely time together!
Sometime in the next few days or weeks, there is a good possibility that my next CCI puppy will be born... I've been thinking about that every so often, (it's such an exciting though! :-) and actually dreamed about very young CCI puppies last night. (It was a strange dream... but had newborn CCI puppies in it nonetheless! :-) This morning when I got up, I found a package downstairs from home. I opened it to find an adorable, soft, black stuffed puppy with a yellow and blue CCI-like vest on. It almost made me cry, and I couldn't tell if it was a happy or a sad cry! I told my Mom that I hadn't thought I needed anything like that until I got it... then I realized how much I needed it. THANK YOU MOM!!!! I think it cost more to mail the stuffed dog than it did to buy it! :-O At any rate, it was a lovely surprise and is very special to me as I am missing Steed's graduation with his new partner and Jen's turn-in to advanced training this weekend.
We had Paul's secretary and two of her friends here for dinner tonight. The friends are a mother and daughter from Texas. I enjoyed visiting with both of them and again learning more about people and things I didn't know!
Mercredi - 15 Août, 2007 -
I had the afternoon off today, and will have part of tomorrow off as well. Annie drove me to a Chateau de la Hulpe ( ) which is about 10 minutes from the Petries home. It's amazing to walk into there... all of a sudden you feel like you've stepped into history and are in the middle of nowhere! It was absolutely gorgous too! They have actually done several movie recordings there, including one "Maitre de Musique", which the Petries own and I hope to watch! I'm pathetic... but one of the best parts for me was the fact that there were fields full of horses and ponies on the chateau grounds! It was nice to see and smell horses again. :-) There are paths all over the grounds that lead to lakes, barns, houses, etc. Quite the place! I hope to go back to walk and look some more.
I spent two hours walking around admiring the scenery and view, taking pictures, and just thinking a lot about a lot of things. It was lovely, but also very strange for me because I was there alone, despite the fact that there were adults, children, and dogs all around. I learned a little bit more about myself as I realized how sad and lonely it can be to be somewhere so beautiful and have nobody to share it with. Nobody to talk about the stories various sights remind you of... nobody to discuss and praise the beauty of God's creation with. It was still good to have that experience (and I'm sure I will have more while I'm here!). Growing up in my family, this may very likely have been the first time I've gone somewhere like that alone, so now I know what it might be like for others...
It was a good experience for me though, and I knew I wasn't truly alone. I found peace in the fact that I could at least share my thoughts and admiration of the scenery with Someone who was always there with me, even if He didn't verbally speak back to me. I also realized that had I been there with another person, I would have missed out on all the thinking and quiet time I had just with Him. C'est bon.
I will have pictures posted on my blog from the visit to the Chateau de la Hulpe if you're interested in seeing it. I'm afraid it's nothing in pictures like it is in real life...
....Enough of a novel for one week! Sorry so LONG!
Blessings in Belgium:
* A healing wrist and good health!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The example Rebecca is to all of us!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
Prayer Requests:
* Good sleep during these busy days!
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Merci beacoup!
Au Revoir,
~ MB
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"The Presence and the manifestation of the Presence are not the same. There can be the one without the other. God is here when we are wholly unaware of it. He is manifest only when and as we are aware of His presence. On our part, there must be surrender to the Spirit of God, for His work is to show the Father and Son. If we cooperate with Him in loving obedience, God will manifest Himself to us..." - A. W. Tozer "The Pursuit of God"
Saturday, August 11, 2007
1 Month
Wow!!!! I was just looking at today's date and suddenly realized that it has been exactly one month since I left Ohio. That was July 11, 2007 . My flight was delayed a few hours and didn't leave until... hmmm... about now, Ohio time! (5:30 p.m). It's pretty amazing to think that one month ago I was naiively leaving almost everything and everybody I'd known and stepping into this beautiful, fascinating, exciting new world of Genval, Belgium, Europe!


Thanks to Alison Simmons, I have a few pictures from that day, one month not so long ago!
Hope you are well and having a lovely weekend!
~ MB



Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Week 4 Pictures
Addendum - Bits From Belgium - Week 4
Oh dear, there are two almost important things I meant to mention in my last update that I forgot to include!
The first was from SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 2007. This was the day of the annual Kopechek Family Reunion in Cleveland, Ohio. It was the first one I've missed, and it was hard. :-( I thought about my family and what they were doing at various times throughout the day. The neat part was that I was able to call them and get passed around from sibling to aunt to uncle to grandparent to parent and back around. :-) It was so nice to hear everybody's voices and hear about what was going on. I am so blessed with my wonderful direct and extended family! Sorry I missed the fun guys! :-(
Secondly, I mentioned a bit about the slugs and slug war on SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2007, but I totally forgot to mention that European slugs are not like American slugs (really!). These slugs are usually at least 3 inches in size, fat, juicy, and very slimy. They can be dark brown, reddish brown, or other colors, and leave quite a slime behind them! Thankfully, slug war generals do not need to actually kill the slugs on the battle field. Our job is to just bag them and take them back to headquarters. :-)
The first was from SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 2007. This was the day of the annual Kopechek Family Reunion in Cleveland, Ohio. It was the first one I've missed, and it was hard. :-( I thought about my family and what they were doing at various times throughout the day. The neat part was that I was able to call them and get passed around from sibling to aunt to uncle to grandparent to parent and back around. :-) It was so nice to hear everybody's voices and hear about what was going on. I am so blessed with my wonderful direct and extended family! Sorry I missed the fun guys! :-(
Secondly, I mentioned a bit about the slugs and slug war on SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2007, but I totally forgot to mention that European slugs are not like American slugs (really!). These slugs are usually at least 3 inches in size, fat, juicy, and very slimy. They can be dark brown, reddish brown, or other colors, and leave quite a slime behind them! Thankfully, slug war generals do not need to actually kill the slugs on the battle field. Our job is to just bag them and take them back to headquarters. :-)
A Bit From Belgium - Week 4
~ Psalm 18:28-33 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Ca va? Je suis tres bien! Parlez-vous le français? Je ne parle pas le français!
Seriously, I still do not speak French, but I do enjoy using the few phrases I am learning, in case you can't tell! I have started keeping a notebook and am trying to keep a list of the new phrases and words I learn each day. It's amazing how much more fun it is to learn a language when you can use it all around you and not just in a classroom! :-)
I can't believe this is Week 4, which means I've been here 1/3 of my time already! In some ways it feels like I've lived here all my life and never had a different one, but in most ways it feels as if I've just arrived, and there's still so much to see and do and learn! Every day goes by so quickly and brings a new lesson, experience, or memory; some big, some small.
It's been a good week. Busy, tiring, and good. I continue to miss you and look forward to seeing you again upon my return. I occasionally see someone or hear something that makes me think of you, and that makes me both miss you more and be all the more thankful that I have you to miss! Thankfully, there are so many new things to experience and take in here that I thankfully do not have much time or interest to dwell on what I'm missing or don't have. I prefer to focus on the new things here that I've never seen or done or heard before and make the most out of learning from and enjoying them while I can! :-)
I hope you are all well, not TOO hot, and having a good week! I continue to THOROUGHLY enjoy and appreciate your e-mails and updates! Merci beacoup!
On to my Belgium Bits! ...
Wednesday - August 1, 2007 - You heard some about my August 1 day last week, but I thought I should fill you in on the "later day" excitement! :-) The weather was just LOVELY! (70's, sunny, clear, dry...) I went to Lake Genval again for several hours and walked around it two times. It's so neat there! The weather was incredible and there were a lot of people (and dogs) walking around the lake, as well as people out in their sailboats. It's a funny thing now, because I have heard one or two people actually speaking English there, and when I hear it I stop and do a double take because it is so strange to actually hear English somewhere other than the house I'm in! :-) To me it's almost weird to hear somebody speaking my language now! That's just crazy! :-)
I also found it interesting that most of the people out in the little sailboats on the lake were children... by themelves! There were no parents in immediate view, but the kids were having a blast. Several of them appeared to be playing make-believe games with eachother on the lake with their sailboats... like my brothers and their friends would play cowboys and indians or something! Pretty cute! It's fun to hear the voices and see young children playing... I miss it. The little babies being pushed in strollers and carriages around the lake are adorable too and make me smile. :-) Another new thing on this visit to the lake were the artists that were lined up along the lake's edge painting, sketching, etc. It was SO "European" and very cool! I hope to get pictures of them if they're there on another visit. They were very good artists too!
The final excitement of the day came on my way home when I stopped by Champion (pronounced "Shomp-ee-on") to pick up some chocolates. This was the first time I had gone into a store to make a purchase on my own... and with Euros no less. :-) The store was nice and it was easy to find what I was looking for... except that the chocolate selection consisted of an entire aisle, and made it hard to decide! :-) I went to the check out with no problems and got checked out fine. Only glitch came when the cashier asked if I had a Champion card and I of course had no idea what he said! I meant to say "Como" (which means "what/excuse me?), but accidentally said the Spanish word for it, "Que?" He took one look at me and realized I had no clue and just brushed it aside and rang up my order. :-) Phew! As I walked out of there I felt like a little kid after her first purchase in a toy or candy store! I couldn't believe I'd done it! Hee-hee! 'Twas an adventure alright, but definitely made me more comfortable for future shopping excursions or transactions! I love how even the small and "simple" things here are such big, exciting events for me! :-) It's like growing up all over again! :-)
p.s. Rebecca's husband left for a week long trip today. We shall all miss him, and for most of the week it will be down to just the three of us plus a sweet girl from a neighboring town who is able to help out as well.
Thursday - August 2, 2007 - Rainy, cool day. Didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Watched a movie together in the evening.
--- For future reference, when there are days like this with nothing extraordinary to report, I'll probably just skip them and not even put the date down. Don't worry though, the day did still exist for me! :-) Just nothing of your interest for me to report. :-) (not that the above and below info is necesarily of your interest either...hmmmm...)
Friday - August 3, 2007 - Susannah's (another caregiver who was here before me) Dad arrived today. He will be taking her to visit some other European countries before heading home to Ohio later in August. We know this family through our church (they go to a "sister" church of ours). It has been fun getting to know Susannah better and spend time with her. She really helped me settle in here and get to know the routine and all. I'm so grateful for her presence and help! Susannah's dad brought with him my wrist brace from home and a few other thoughtful things from the family! Pretty amazing how you can talk to someone 4,000 miles away about something and have it in your hands a day later! Thanks guys! :-) We got Chinoise (Chinese) take out for dinner... DELICIOUS! Kind of funny to have Chinese take-out in Belgium... but why not?!
Saturday - August 4, 2007 - Just Rebecca, Annie, and I left at the house today. Pretty quiet. Biggest accomplishments of the day were getting Rebecca into her wheelchair from her bed with just the two of us (and the use of the sling and lift system). Up until now I had always needed another person to help me get Rebecca up and in, but today we did it ourselves and were so tickled and excited. :-) Rebecca's a great coach and help! Another big accomplishment came in the redeeming of a berry pie that had been off to a rough start. I've never actually made a pie before, but Susannah C. started it for us, but didn't have the ingredients to make it "normally". Annie and I were able to "get creative" and modify the berries and crust a bit and come out with an interesting, but delicious pie-ish thing! (check out the blog website for pictures :-) The crust ended up rather "heavy" for a pie, but we all decided it was well worth the effort and still edible. 'Twas beautiful weather as well!
Sunday - August 5, 2007 - Another absolutely gorgous day! Much warmer... almost like Ohio when I left, but not quite as hot or humid. Had a busy, but quiet day... if that makes sense? Nothing really out of the ordinary, but enough stuff to keep me busy throughout the day! I joined the "slug war" going on in the garden and learned how to feed the slugs their delicious poison food and pick up any visible slugs and bag them for the trash. Fun stuff! :-) The garden is gorgous, but it apparently doesn't just "get" that way... it requires some TLC! :-) I'm not much of one with plants, but as long as I'm told what to do and how to do it, the plants don't seem to mind too much! Melissa C. arrived today to help out until Paul gets back. She has grown up in Belgium and is a very fun, sweet girl and a big help! She'll be 18 years old the day after my birthday. I'm enjoying getting to know her and spend some time with her. A substitute little sis... yeah! :-)
Monday - August 6, 2007 - Pretty typical day. Quite warm (upper 70's) and sunny in the morning. I took a nice walk around the neighborhood in the morning. I have a few routes that I usually take, but try to modify my route every so often for variety and to see a bit more of Genval. It's such a pretty town with a bit of country on the outskirts. By afternoon the sun had left and it was cloudy and raining. Another good evening for a movie. We watched "Monk", a funny detective TV series on DVD. Rebecca was going to talk me through grilling some chicken sausages for dinner, but with the rain, I got lucky enough to just cook them on the stove! We had been joking that I'd been praying for rain so I wouldn't have to grill, and when it actually happened it was pretty funny! That was an adventure in itself, but we survived and ended up with the sausages on buns and fried zuchinni (like my Mommy does it!) for dinner! :-)
Tuesday - August 7, 2007 - I got to meet, hold, and give a bottle to a 2 month old baby of one of Rebecca's "kine"s (kee-nay) (physical therapists). SO adorable, even after she spit up all over me after drinking her bottle! :-) Also played a bith with the 4 year old twins and their 2 year old little brother. Imagine 4 kids in 4 years! Wow! The language barrier made my playing with them rather interesting, but it was still fun and the kids were adorable! Lots of energy! Miss my little sibs, but so glad there are opportunities to interact with some here! Their little kid French was SO cute! :-)
I also made a call to CCI, (the dog training organization I raise for in Ohio), to find out the news on one of the CCI pups I'd raised. This week is Team Training, when the dogs that have completed their advanced training meet the human candidates and work with them before getting placed and going home with them. This is the 7th time I've had a dog go through team training (2 dogs went through 2 team trainings before getting placed), but this was by far the "strangest" place and circumstance to be in with that going on! Naturally, my mind was on what was going on at CCI these past few days, but my time was always so confused since we're 6 hours ahead! It was finally the right time to call at 10:30 p.m. my time, and I got to talk to Steed's trainer and find out that he's made a preliminary placement and may graduate on August 18. I'm so excited for him and happy that he might graduate, but also a little sad that I won't be there to see him on his big day. Oh well, I did my little part to get him there, and that's what matters more than anything else. My being there wouldn't really change anything anyhow! :-) I am thankful that Steed's first puppy raiser (who started raising him) and some of my family may get to be there to see him and his new graduate... and get some pictures. :-) What a blessing!
Wednesday - August 8, 2007 -
That's today. Wow, it's August 8 already! Today is my day off again. Ahhhh.. It's currently cool and cloudy and just stopped drizzling. If it clears up in a bit you can imagine what I'll do and where I'll go... yeah, the lake. :-) If not, I'll probably stick around here catching up on e-mails and reading. Or maybe I'll do all of the above. We'll see! This day of rest is really nice and is such a great idea by the Petries. It's like re-charging my batteries. :-) I guess I'll update you next week on this day if I end up doing anything exciting or interesting! :-)
Blessings in Belgium:
* The beautiful weather
* The smoothness and peace of this week, even with a change in "typical" schedule and all the people coming and going
* The wonderful people I'm getting to meet
* The example of love, life, joy, and living the journey with Rebecca
* The knowledge I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
Prayer Requests:
* My wrist would continue to heal so I can serve to the best of my capabilities (the pain has lessened over the last day or two... please pray that it would continue to do so)
* That I would be open and willing to submit to the molding, shaping, and stretching that the Lord is and will have in store for me
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless by the Lord those I meet and interact with
Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for your friendship! Thank you for your notes and e-mails! Thank you for at least attempting to read my e-mails! :-)
Au Revoir,
~ MB
------------------------------ ----------------------------------
"As long as you think you are of value to Him, He cannot choose you, because you have purposes of your own to serve. But if you will allow Him to take you to the end of your own self-sufficiency, then He will choose you to go with Him "to Jerusalem". And that will mean the fulfillment of purposes which He does not discuss with you." - Oswald Chambers - "My Utmost for His Highest" (August 4)
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Ca va? Je suis tres bien! Parlez-vous le français? Je ne parle pas le français!
Seriously, I still do not speak French, but I do enjoy using the few phrases I am learning, in case you can't tell! I have started keeping a notebook and am trying to keep a list of the new phrases and words I learn each day. It's amazing how much more fun it is to learn a language when you can use it all around you and not just in a classroom! :-)
I can't believe this is Week 4, which means I've been here 1/3 of my time already! In some ways it feels like I've lived here all my life and never had a different one, but in most ways it feels as if I've just arrived, and there's still so much to see and do and learn! Every day goes by so quickly and brings a new lesson, experience, or memory; some big, some small.
It's been a good week. Busy, tiring, and good. I continue to miss you and look forward to seeing you again upon my return. I occasionally see someone or hear something that makes me think of you, and that makes me both miss you more and be all the more thankful that I have you to miss! Thankfully, there are so many new things to experience and take in here that I thankfully do not have much time or interest to dwell on what I'm missing or don't have. I prefer to focus on the new things here that I've never seen or done or heard before and make the most out of learning from and enjoying them while I can! :-)
I hope you are all well, not TOO hot, and having a good week! I continue to THOROUGHLY enjoy and appreciate your e-mails and updates! Merci beacoup!
On to my Belgium Bits! ...
Wednesday - August 1, 2007 - You heard some about my August 1 day last week, but I thought I should fill you in on the "later day" excitement! :-) The weather was just LOVELY! (70's, sunny, clear, dry...) I went to Lake Genval again for several hours and walked around it two times. It's so neat there! The weather was incredible and there were a lot of people (and dogs) walking around the lake, as well as people out in their sailboats. It's a funny thing now, because I have heard one or two people actually speaking English there, and when I hear it I stop and do a double take because it is so strange to actually hear English somewhere other than the house I'm in! :-) To me it's almost weird to hear somebody speaking my language now! That's just crazy! :-)
I also found it interesting that most of the people out in the little sailboats on the lake were children... by themelves! There were no parents in immediate view, but the kids were having a blast. Several of them appeared to be playing make-believe games with eachother on the lake with their sailboats... like my brothers and their friends would play cowboys and indians or something! Pretty cute! It's fun to hear the voices and see young children playing... I miss it. The little babies being pushed in strollers and carriages around the lake are adorable too and make me smile. :-) Another new thing on this visit to the lake were the artists that were lined up along the lake's edge painting, sketching, etc. It was SO "European" and very cool! I hope to get pictures of them if they're there on another visit. They were very good artists too!
The final excitement of the day came on my way home when I stopped by Champion (pronounced "Shomp-ee-on") to pick up some chocolates. This was the first time I had gone into a store to make a purchase on my own... and with Euros no less. :-) The store was nice and it was easy to find what I was looking for... except that the chocolate selection consisted of an entire aisle, and made it hard to decide! :-) I went to the check out with no problems and got checked out fine. Only glitch came when the cashier asked if I had a Champion card and I of course had no idea what he said! I meant to say "Como" (which means "what/excuse me?), but accidentally said the Spanish word for it, "Que?" He took one look at me and realized I had no clue and just brushed it aside and rang up my order. :-) Phew! As I walked out of there I felt like a little kid after her first purchase in a toy or candy store! I couldn't believe I'd done it! Hee-hee! 'Twas an adventure alright, but definitely made me more comfortable for future shopping excursions or transactions! I love how even the small and "simple" things here are such big, exciting events for me! :-) It's like growing up all over again! :-)
p.s. Rebecca's husband left for a week long trip today. We shall all miss him, and for most of the week it will be down to just the three of us plus a sweet girl from a neighboring town who is able to help out as well.
Thursday - August 2, 2007 - Rainy, cool day. Didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Watched a movie together in the evening.
--- For future reference, when there are days like this with nothing extraordinary to report, I'll probably just skip them and not even put the date down. Don't worry though, the day did still exist for me! :-) Just nothing of your interest for me to report. :-) (not that the above and below info is necesarily of your interest either...hmmmm...)
Friday - August 3, 2007 - Susannah's (another caregiver who was here before me) Dad arrived today. He will be taking her to visit some other European countries before heading home to Ohio later in August. We know this family through our church (they go to a "sister" church of ours). It has been fun getting to know Susannah better and spend time with her. She really helped me settle in here and get to know the routine and all. I'm so grateful for her presence and help! Susannah's dad brought with him my wrist brace from home and a few other thoughtful things from the family! Pretty amazing how you can talk to someone 4,000 miles away about something and have it in your hands a day later! Thanks guys! :-) We got Chinoise (Chinese) take out for dinner... DELICIOUS! Kind of funny to have Chinese take-out in Belgium... but why not?!
Saturday - August 4, 2007 - Just Rebecca, Annie, and I left at the house today. Pretty quiet. Biggest accomplishments of the day were getting Rebecca into her wheelchair from her bed with just the two of us (and the use of the sling and lift system). Up until now I had always needed another person to help me get Rebecca up and in, but today we did it ourselves and were so tickled and excited. :-) Rebecca's a great coach and help! Another big accomplishment came in the redeeming of a berry pie that had been off to a rough start. I've never actually made a pie before, but Susannah C. started it for us, but didn't have the ingredients to make it "normally". Annie and I were able to "get creative" and modify the berries and crust a bit and come out with an interesting, but delicious pie-ish thing! (check out the blog website for pictures :-) The crust ended up rather "heavy" for a pie, but we all decided it was well worth the effort and still edible. 'Twas beautiful weather as well!
Sunday - August 5, 2007 - Another absolutely gorgous day! Much warmer... almost like Ohio when I left, but not quite as hot or humid. Had a busy, but quiet day... if that makes sense? Nothing really out of the ordinary, but enough stuff to keep me busy throughout the day! I joined the "slug war" going on in the garden and learned how to feed the slugs their delicious poison food and pick up any visible slugs and bag them for the trash. Fun stuff! :-) The garden is gorgous, but it apparently doesn't just "get" that way... it requires some TLC! :-) I'm not much of one with plants, but as long as I'm told what to do and how to do it, the plants don't seem to mind too much! Melissa C. arrived today to help out until Paul gets back. She has grown up in Belgium and is a very fun, sweet girl and a big help! She'll be 18 years old the day after my birthday. I'm enjoying getting to know her and spend some time with her. A substitute little sis... yeah! :-)
Monday - August 6, 2007 - Pretty typical day. Quite warm (upper 70's) and sunny in the morning. I took a nice walk around the neighborhood in the morning. I have a few routes that I usually take, but try to modify my route every so often for variety and to see a bit more of Genval. It's such a pretty town with a bit of country on the outskirts. By afternoon the sun had left and it was cloudy and raining. Another good evening for a movie. We watched "Monk", a funny detective TV series on DVD. Rebecca was going to talk me through grilling some chicken sausages for dinner, but with the rain, I got lucky enough to just cook them on the stove! We had been joking that I'd been praying for rain so I wouldn't have to grill, and when it actually happened it was pretty funny! That was an adventure in itself, but we survived and ended up with the sausages on buns and fried zuchinni (like my Mommy does it!) for dinner! :-)
Tuesday - August 7, 2007 - I got to meet, hold, and give a bottle to a 2 month old baby of one of Rebecca's "kine"s (kee-nay) (physical therapists). SO adorable, even after she spit up all over me after drinking her bottle! :-) Also played a bith with the 4 year old twins and their 2 year old little brother. Imagine 4 kids in 4 years! Wow! The language barrier made my playing with them rather interesting, but it was still fun and the kids were adorable! Lots of energy! Miss my little sibs, but so glad there are opportunities to interact with some here! Their little kid French was SO cute! :-)
I also made a call to CCI, (the dog training organization I raise for in Ohio), to find out the news on one of the CCI pups I'd raised. This week is Team Training, when the dogs that have completed their advanced training meet the human candidates and work with them before getting placed and going home with them. This is the 7th time I've had a dog go through team training (2 dogs went through 2 team trainings before getting placed), but this was by far the "strangest" place and circumstance to be in with that going on! Naturally, my mind was on what was going on at CCI these past few days, but my time was always so confused since we're 6 hours ahead! It was finally the right time to call at 10:30 p.m. my time, and I got to talk to Steed's trainer and find out that he's made a preliminary placement and may graduate on August 18. I'm so excited for him and happy that he might graduate, but also a little sad that I won't be there to see him on his big day. Oh well, I did my little part to get him there, and that's what matters more than anything else. My being there wouldn't really change anything anyhow! :-) I am thankful that Steed's first puppy raiser (who started raising him) and some of my family may get to be there to see him and his new graduate... and get some pictures. :-) What a blessing!
Wednesday - August 8, 2007 -
That's today. Wow, it's August 8 already! Today is my day off again. Ahhhh.. It's currently cool and cloudy and just stopped drizzling. If it clears up in a bit you can imagine what I'll do and where I'll go... yeah, the lake. :-) If not, I'll probably stick around here catching up on e-mails and reading. Or maybe I'll do all of the above. We'll see! This day of rest is really nice and is such a great idea by the Petries. It's like re-charging my batteries. :-) I guess I'll update you next week on this day if I end up doing anything exciting or interesting! :-)
Blessings in Belgium:
* The beautiful weather
* The smoothness and peace of this week, even with a change in "typical" schedule and all the people coming and going
* The wonderful people I'm getting to meet
* The example of love, life, joy, and living the journey with Rebecca
* The knowledge I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
Prayer Requests:
* My wrist would continue to heal so I can serve to the best of my capabilities (the pain has lessened over the last day or two... please pray that it would continue to do so)
* That I would be open and willing to submit to the molding, shaping, and stretching that the Lord is and will have in store for me
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless by the Lord those I meet and interact with
Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for your friendship! Thank you for your notes and e-mails! Thank you for at least attempting to read my e-mails! :-)
Au Revoir,
~ MB
------------------------------ ----------------------------------
"As long as you think you are of value to Him, He cannot choose you, because you have purposes of your own to serve. But if you will allow Him to take you to the end of your own self-sufficiency, then He will choose you to go with Him "to Jerusalem". And that will mean the fulfillment of purposes which He does not discuss with you." - Oswald Chambers - "My Utmost for His Highest" (August 4)
Lessons from Belgium - Week 3 and 4
*** Did you know that January and July are the ONLY months stores are allowed to have sales for things like shoes, shirts, etc.? Apparently the government has decided it is unfair for stores to be allowed to have sales whenever they want, so they are restricted to having sales only two months of the year.
*** A noise restriction is in place in Belgium on Sundays. Noisy activies such as mowing the lawn are prohibited and can be prosecuted.
*** Nearly all clocks and measure of time here are in Navy time. Therefore, it is currently 15:50 my time. All stores signs, schedules, etc. use this method of time measurement. It's not a hard adjustment, but requires me to do more math than I'm already doing as I subtract six hours and convert Navy time! :-)
*** Throughout the Brussels, Belgium metropolitan area are a bunch of small wooded areas that were staked out by the original designer of Brussels. These little forests (and they are acres and acres... not just a little park!) were created years and years ago with a law against builing on them. So therefore, as you travel into Brussels from the outlying cities, you pass through several "jungle-like" areas between city streets, houses, stores, etc. It's unique, but kind of cool!
*** When train station drivers here go on strike, they don't not show up for work. Instead, they show up and drive their trains through the usual train routes, but don't stop at the stations to pick up or drop off passengers.
*** A noise restriction is in place in Belgium on Sundays. Noisy activies such as mowing the lawn are prohibited and can be prosecuted.
*** Nearly all clocks and measure of time here are in Navy time. Therefore, it is currently 15:50 my time. All stores signs, schedules, etc. use this method of time measurement. It's not a hard adjustment, but requires me to do more math than I'm already doing as I subtract six hours and convert Navy time! :-)
*** Throughout the Brussels, Belgium metropolitan area are a bunch of small wooded areas that were staked out by the original designer of Brussels. These little forests (and they are acres and acres... not just a little park!) were created years and years ago with a law against builing on them. So therefore, as you travel into Brussels from the outlying cities, you pass through several "jungle-like" areas between city streets, houses, stores, etc. It's unique, but kind of cool!
*** When train station drivers here go on strike, they don't not show up for work. Instead, they show up and drive their trains through the usual train routes, but don't stop at the stations to pick up or drop off passengers.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Comments :-)
Howdy Blog-Readers!
I just realized (thanks Alison S.!) that I had somehow changed a setting on my blog and made it so you had to be "registered" to make any comments on my posts and pictures. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to have it that way! (Kind of wondered why there were no longer any comments! ;-) Anyhow, you should now be free to comment on my posts as you like or would not like!
Have a lovely weekend!
~ MB
I just realized (thanks Alison S.!) that I had somehow changed a setting on my blog and made it so you had to be "registered" to make any comments on my posts and pictures. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to have it that way! (Kind of wondered why there were no longer any comments! ;-) Anyhow, you should now be free to comment on my posts as you like or would not like!
Have a lovely weekend!
~ MB
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Week 3 Pictures
These are some roses in my room. They were from some guests, but didn't match the flowers in Rebecca's room, so we all got some for our rooms.
The cheese plate. This just gives you an idea of some the cheeses I have been enjoying. This plate includes goat, brie (sp.?), Belgian, and a few other cheeses that I cannot pronounce or spell very well! :-)
This is the lunch table all set up for the guests. Isn't it lovely? I actually ate inside with the other caregiver and Annie, but we did get to admire the table and enjoy the delicious food! :-)
A Bit From Belgium - Week 3
~ Psalm 51:10-12 ~
Bonjour les Amis et la Famille!
Wow... Week 3 passed already?! So how was your week? How are you doing? What's new and exciting where you are? Thank you so very much for your e-mail updates. I love hearing about what's going on in your lives; how your dogs are doing, how your kids, dances, work, fall preparations, or summer fun is going, etc. I just love hearing from you all! :-)
Life here continues to be "bon", and I am "tres bien". :-) As I was telling my Grandma this week, I feel like... well... me! In a way, I also feel a bit like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz; like I've been swept up, flown to some interesting, far away world and dropped down to continue on living. The funny thing is, that's exactly (almost) what happened! :-) I continue to enjoy learning bits and pieces about Belgium and Europe every day, and also enjoy using the teeny bit of French that I've picked up here. (I'm trying to write some phrases and words in a notebook to remember them :-) The days are going quickly and the "caretaking" and work around the house keeps me plenty busy! It's hard to get more than 45 minutes to an hour of uninterrupted time to myself throughout the day, but that's part of what's good for me here... :-)
While I do feel like "myself" here in a good way, I am also being stretched to live, do things, or think and act in ways I have not before. I have to take responsibility for my periods of free time and use them wisely: resting (which is a hard thing for me to do during the day!), quiet reading (selecting the type of book (since I'm reading 6) based on my time, location, and circumstances is a task in and of itself! --- light novel reading for more distracting or short-term, more devotional or educational stuff for longer, quieter times when I can have a notebook and highlighter handy :-). I am also finding/making time to write letters, take walks, stetch out some currently unused dance muscles, or just listen to some uplifting music! All of these things probably sound incredibly wonderful to have time to do, but quite honestly, I've not had time (or maybe motivation?) to do them in my life back at home, and this is something I had hoped I could work on while I was here. It's actually hard for me to not be "going places and doing things", but at the same time, it's very, very good. :-)
The majority of my time each day is spent doing things for Rebecca or around the house (cooking, dishes, some cleaning, unloading groceries, etc.), but I have been encouraged by the grace God has given me for this. Tasks that I may not have enjoyed at home I am actually enjoying here, and those which I have never done before have also proven to be very do-able and/or enjoyable. :-) You guys won't believe it, but I'm actually somehow enjoying the cooking and dish-washing I've done! It could be that I enjoy the company in the kitchen (Susannah C.!), or the new/different kitchen itself, or possibly the fact that I'm cooking or washing dishes for about half of what I cook for at home (grin), but more likely, I believe that God is just giving me the grace to find joy in even those tasks which I normally do not enjoy. Talk about an encouraging touch from God! :-) [Thank you for your prayers!]
If you would have told me last year at this time where I would be and what I would be doing, I would have told you "No Way!" and that I would have been scared, miserable, and overwhelmed. It is so not so, and I am so grateful to God for planning and calling me to this!
1 Corinthians 10:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect."
On to my Belgium Bits! ...
Thursday - July 26, 2007
My first day "off". Whenever possible, the Petries try to make sure each care-giver gets one day "off" each week or every few weeks to relax, rest, catch up on whatever they may not have time for during the week, etc. I found it to be a very nice, restful, "recharging" day, but also kind of strange. I couldn't help but help out in a few small ways... it's almost impossible to sit back and not do anything as we are "supposed" to! :-) At any rate, I got to sleep in later and began my morning slowly and quietly. I read awhile and caught up on some e-mails before heading downstairs for lunch. After lunch I took a walk to the lake and spent two hours there writing a few notes, reading, and listening to music. I also walked around the lake before heading back home. I stopped at the bank on my way home and finally exchanged some US money for euros. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I accidentally got a 50 Euro note, so now I will have to back to exchange it for "smaller" notes. :-) Spent the rest of the afternoon/evening visiting, reading, writing, and catching up on more e-mails. I also made a phone call and chatted with my family online a bit. I found a book off the Petrie shelves that is a biography about Jim Elliot. It's a nice, easy read and very interesting, as I've read a lot about and by Elisabeth Elliot, but less about Jim. Oh dear... so does that mean I'm not reading 7 books? Hmmm... :-) They're a huge variety though, and so interesting!
Friday - July 27, 2007
Back to work! A long, more typical day starting with the getting up at 6:45 in order to be ready to help Rebecca get up at 7:00. I was able to squeeze in a walk and some reading in between the rest of the day's tasks. A lot of work to do, but it continues to be relatively enjoyable and I'm still happy here. It was a lovely, partly-cloudy, windy day. It's rainy now, at 12:32 a.m. It was my night to do the "midnight turn". The guests that were here for 2 weeks to help with Rebecca's book have left, so things are a bit quieter now, which is good, so everybody can recharge and rest up!
Saturday - July 28, 2007 - Sunday - July 29, 2007 - A quiet weekend of rest... excluding all the typical day's work! :-) I did the usual, serving, walking, reading, etc. We watched a movie together on Saturday evening, and some guests stopped by Saturday evening as they were going by Genval on their way somewhere. Sunday was also a quiet day with a bit of preparation for some notable Norwegian guests coming for lunch on Monday. It was rainy and chilly most of the day. Sunday nght was also a full moon and very pretty. Made a very nice nightlight from the skylight in my room. I looked at the moon and wondered if you might have gone and looked at it some 6 hours later. Did you know we were looking at the same moon tonight?! :-) Also had a good laugh as we briefly saw a bit of Looney Toons on TV... in French! Sylvestor the cat talked with the same "lythp" he has on American Looney Toons, only he was lisping in French! :-) Tweety Bird also surprised me by his fluency in French. :-) Pretty cool and funny! Oh, and also, did you know that (at least for Genval), there is a "noise law" for Sundays? You're not allowed to mow grass (and probably participate in other noisy activities?) on Sundays because of this noise law. Interesting! I'll bet my Dad would be all for it in our city! ;-)
Monday - July 30, 2007 - Busy, tiring day! The morning was spent preparing everything and everybody for the arrival of the Norwegian guests. The lunch was prepared beautifully, deck swept, table set, etc. I actually made an egg salad, which is funny, because I don't even care for hard-boiled eggs, but I actually really enjoyed making it! I've found a funny joy I've never known that comes from preparing foods I don't even care for! One day I took the shells off of shrimp, another day I chopped mushrooms. I laugh at myself happily working with food I don't like! Everybody here is so accomadating and tries not to let/make me eat or prepare food I don't like, but I really don't mind it! :-) The lunch seemed to go very well, and was my first glimpse at a "semi-elegant" meal in the Petrie household. Apparently they get even more gorgous! This meal they only used one set of silver ware, although it really was silver, which had to be carefully hand washed and dried after the meal. Another opportunity to expand my education here! Did you know that on a tea tray the rounder pitcher is for milk and the more oval is for cream? Okay, so maybe you knew already, but now I know too! :-)
Tuesday - July 31, 2007 - Pretty typical day. Started a new book by George MacDonald called "The Maiden's Bequest". It's a novel off of the Petrie's bookshelf and is set in Europe. :-) Yes, I did finish the Jim Elliot biography before picking up this book. I also found Tozer's "The Pursuit of God" and am reading that as well. I went for a walk today and took one of the Petrie dogs with me. That was fun. :-) I think I will do that more often when I take my shorter walks. Speaking of the dogs, Maddie the puppy has learned to "Shake" and "Roll-over" now and is very anxious to learn more tricks. Anything that involves food and attention suits her fine! Molly, the 6 year old, has also learned to shake and is a very fun and adorable girl once you get her "out of her shell". These dogs are such a blessing to me! :-)
Wednesday - August 1, 2007 - Hmmm... that's today! It's my second day off and a LOVELY day indeed! Sunny, clear blue skies, temperature in the 70's. I hope to go to the lake and spent a few hours again reading, writing, listening to music possibly, and walking. I also have a few errands to run and may make my first solo trip to the store. Should be interesting and may make for a good story next week! ;-) Speaking of next week, this coming week is likely going to be a very busy week, as the other caretaker who has been here is leaving and Rebecca's husband will also be gone for a week. That leaves two of us to the caretaking and house work, although I believe another girl will be coming for a few days until Rebecca's husband returns. I anticipate more work and less rest, and also less time for calling, e-mailing, writing, etc. , so if you don't hear much or anything from me, that may be why! Today will be a nice "gearing up" day for this weekend and upcoming week!
Blessings in Belgium:
* The grace of God for me to be here, be happy, at peace, and enjoy what I am doing!
* Another full week gone by smoothly and happily!
* My wonderful friends and family who I am priviliged to miss! (Missing people is hard, but not having people to miss would be even harder!)
* The letters, notes, e-mails, pictures, and encouragement I have received from friends and family members!
* The beautiful weather, town, country, and continent to get to be in!
* The life, ability, and provision God has given for me to do and be where I am right now!
Prayer Requests:
* My right wrist has been sore for the past few days. I have had problems with strained wrists before and think that's what this is (it would make sense with the type of physical stuff I've been doing). It is really not that bad and doesn't bother me much unless I use it or stretch it certain ways, but I would appreciate prayers for its healing so that I may be more effective and so that it will not become a burden!
* That this next week of more intense work and time of just 3-4 of us together would go smoothly
* That I would continue to openly submit to the molding, shaping, and stretching that the Lord is doing and and has in store for me
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That the grace He has given me so far would continue to carry and fill me with His joy in all I am doing!
~ 2 Corinthians 13:14
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all",
~ Mary Beth
"God's training is for now, not later. His purpose is for this very minute, not for sometime in the future... If we have a further goal in mind, we are not paying enough atention to the present time. However, if we realize that moment-by-moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is a precious." ~ Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost for His Highest" (July 28)
Bonjour les Amis et la Famille!
Wow... Week 3 passed already?! So how was your week? How are you doing? What's new and exciting where you are? Thank you so very much for your e-mail updates. I love hearing about what's going on in your lives; how your dogs are doing, how your kids, dances, work, fall preparations, or summer fun is going, etc. I just love hearing from you all! :-)
Life here continues to be "bon", and I am "tres bien". :-) As I was telling my Grandma this week, I feel like... well... me! In a way, I also feel a bit like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz; like I've been swept up, flown to some interesting, far away world and dropped down to continue on living. The funny thing is, that's exactly (almost) what happened! :-) I continue to enjoy learning bits and pieces about Belgium and Europe every day, and also enjoy using the teeny bit of French that I've picked up here. (I'm trying to write some phrases and words in a notebook to remember them :-) The days are going quickly and the "caretaking" and work around the house keeps me plenty busy! It's hard to get more than 45 minutes to an hour of uninterrupted time to myself throughout the day, but that's part of what's good for me here... :-)
While I do feel like "myself" here in a good way, I am also being stretched to live, do things, or think and act in ways I have not before. I have to take responsibility for my periods of free time and use them wisely: resting (which is a hard thing for me to do during the day!), quiet reading (selecting the type of book (since I'm reading 6) based on my time, location, and circumstances is a task in and of itself! --- light novel reading for more distracting or short-term, more devotional or educational stuff for longer, quieter times when I can have a notebook and highlighter handy :-). I am also finding/making time to write letters, take walks, stetch out some currently unused dance muscles, or just listen to some uplifting music! All of these things probably sound incredibly wonderful to have time to do, but quite honestly, I've not had time (or maybe motivation?) to do them in my life back at home, and this is something I had hoped I could work on while I was here. It's actually hard for me to not be "going places and doing things", but at the same time, it's very, very good. :-)
The majority of my time each day is spent doing things for Rebecca or around the house (cooking, dishes, some cleaning, unloading groceries, etc.), but I have been encouraged by the grace God has given me for this. Tasks that I may not have enjoyed at home I am actually enjoying here, and those which I have never done before have also proven to be very do-able and/or enjoyable. :-) You guys won't believe it, but I'm actually somehow enjoying the cooking and dish-washing I've done! It could be that I enjoy the company in the kitchen (Susannah C.!), or the new/different kitchen itself, or possibly the fact that I'm cooking or washing dishes for about half of what I cook for at home (grin), but more likely, I believe that God is just giving me the grace to find joy in even those tasks which I normally do not enjoy. Talk about an encouraging touch from God! :-) [Thank you for your prayers!]
If you would have told me last year at this time where I would be and what I would be doing, I would have told you "No Way!" and that I would have been scared, miserable, and overwhelmed. It is so not so, and I am so grateful to God for planning and calling me to this!
1 Corinthians 10:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect."
On to my Belgium Bits! ...
Thursday - July 26, 2007
My first day "off". Whenever possible, the Petries try to make sure each care-giver gets one day "off" each week or every few weeks to relax, rest, catch up on whatever they may not have time for during the week, etc. I found it to be a very nice, restful, "recharging" day, but also kind of strange. I couldn't help but help out in a few small ways... it's almost impossible to sit back and not do anything as we are "supposed" to! :-) At any rate, I got to sleep in later and began my morning slowly and quietly. I read awhile and caught up on some e-mails before heading downstairs for lunch. After lunch I took a walk to the lake and spent two hours there writing a few notes, reading, and listening to music. I also walked around the lake before heading back home. I stopped at the bank on my way home and finally exchanged some US money for euros. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I accidentally got a 50 Euro note, so now I will have to back to exchange it for "smaller" notes. :-) Spent the rest of the afternoon/evening visiting, reading, writing, and catching up on more e-mails. I also made a phone call and chatted with my family online a bit. I found a book off the Petrie shelves that is a biography about Jim Elliot. It's a nice, easy read and very interesting, as I've read a lot about and by Elisabeth Elliot, but less about Jim. Oh dear... so does that mean I'm not reading 7 books? Hmmm... :-) They're a huge variety though, and so interesting!
Friday - July 27, 2007
Back to work! A long, more typical day starting with the getting up at 6:45 in order to be ready to help Rebecca get up at 7:00. I was able to squeeze in a walk and some reading in between the rest of the day's tasks. A lot of work to do, but it continues to be relatively enjoyable and I'm still happy here. It was a lovely, partly-cloudy, windy day. It's rainy now, at 12:32 a.m. It was my night to do the "midnight turn". The guests that were here for 2 weeks to help with Rebecca's book have left, so things are a bit quieter now, which is good, so everybody can recharge and rest up!
Saturday - July 28, 2007 - Sunday - July 29, 2007 - A quiet weekend of rest... excluding all the typical day's work! :-) I did the usual, serving, walking, reading, etc. We watched a movie together on Saturday evening, and some guests stopped by Saturday evening as they were going by Genval on their way somewhere. Sunday was also a quiet day with a bit of preparation for some notable Norwegian guests coming for lunch on Monday. It was rainy and chilly most of the day. Sunday nght was also a full moon and very pretty. Made a very nice nightlight from the skylight in my room. I looked at the moon and wondered if you might have gone and looked at it some 6 hours later. Did you know we were looking at the same moon tonight?! :-) Also had a good laugh as we briefly saw a bit of Looney Toons on TV... in French! Sylvestor the cat talked with the same "lythp" he has on American Looney Toons, only he was lisping in French! :-) Tweety Bird also surprised me by his fluency in French. :-) Pretty cool and funny! Oh, and also, did you know that (at least for Genval), there is a "noise law" for Sundays? You're not allowed to mow grass (and probably participate in other noisy activities?) on Sundays because of this noise law. Interesting! I'll bet my Dad would be all for it in our city! ;-)
Monday - July 30, 2007 - Busy, tiring day! The morning was spent preparing everything and everybody for the arrival of the Norwegian guests. The lunch was prepared beautifully, deck swept, table set, etc. I actually made an egg salad, which is funny, because I don't even care for hard-boiled eggs, but I actually really enjoyed making it! I've found a funny joy I've never known that comes from preparing foods I don't even care for! One day I took the shells off of shrimp, another day I chopped mushrooms. I laugh at myself happily working with food I don't like! Everybody here is so accomadating and tries not to let/make me eat or prepare food I don't like, but I really don't mind it! :-) The lunch seemed to go very well, and was my first glimpse at a "semi-elegant" meal in the Petrie household. Apparently they get even more gorgous! This meal they only used one set of silver ware, although it really was silver, which had to be carefully hand washed and dried after the meal. Another opportunity to expand my education here! Did you know that on a tea tray the rounder pitcher is for milk and the more oval is for cream? Okay, so maybe you knew already, but now I know too! :-)
Tuesday - July 31, 2007 - Pretty typical day. Started a new book by George MacDonald called "The Maiden's Bequest". It's a novel off of the Petrie's bookshelf and is set in Europe. :-) Yes, I did finish the Jim Elliot biography before picking up this book. I also found Tozer's "The Pursuit of God" and am reading that as well. I went for a walk today and took one of the Petrie dogs with me. That was fun. :-) I think I will do that more often when I take my shorter walks. Speaking of the dogs, Maddie the puppy has learned to "Shake" and "Roll-over" now and is very anxious to learn more tricks. Anything that involves food and attention suits her fine! Molly, the 6 year old, has also learned to shake and is a very fun and adorable girl once you get her "out of her shell". These dogs are such a blessing to me! :-)
Wednesday - August 1, 2007 - Hmmm... that's today! It's my second day off and a LOVELY day indeed! Sunny, clear blue skies, temperature in the 70's. I hope to go to the lake and spent a few hours again reading, writing, listening to music possibly, and walking. I also have a few errands to run and may make my first solo trip to the store. Should be interesting and may make for a good story next week! ;-) Speaking of next week, this coming week is likely going to be a very busy week, as the other caretaker who has been here is leaving and Rebecca's husband will also be gone for a week. That leaves two of us to the caretaking and house work, although I believe another girl will be coming for a few days until Rebecca's husband returns. I anticipate more work and less rest, and also less time for calling, e-mailing, writing, etc. , so if you don't hear much or anything from me, that may be why! Today will be a nice "gearing up" day for this weekend and upcoming week!
Blessings in Belgium:
* The grace of God for me to be here, be happy, at peace, and enjoy what I am doing!
* Another full week gone by smoothly and happily!
* My wonderful friends and family who I am priviliged to miss! (Missing people is hard, but not having people to miss would be even harder!)
* The letters, notes, e-mails, pictures, and encouragement I have received from friends and family members!
* The beautiful weather, town, country, and continent to get to be in!
* The life, ability, and provision God has given for me to do and be where I am right now!
Prayer Requests:
* My right wrist has been sore for the past few days. I have had problems with strained wrists before and think that's what this is (it would make sense with the type of physical stuff I've been doing). It is really not that bad and doesn't bother me much unless I use it or stretch it certain ways, but I would appreciate prayers for its healing so that I may be more effective and so that it will not become a burden!
* That this next week of more intense work and time of just 3-4 of us together would go smoothly
* That I would continue to openly submit to the molding, shaping, and stretching that the Lord is doing and and has in store for me
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That the grace He has given me so far would continue to carry and fill me with His joy in all I am doing!
~ 2 Corinthians 13:14
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all",
~ Mary Beth
"God's training is for now, not later. His purpose is for this very minute, not for sometime in the future... If we have a further goal in mind, we are not paying enough atention to the present time. However, if we realize that moment-by-moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is a precious." ~ Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost for His Highest" (July 28)
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