Thursday, September 27, 2007
Week 11 Pictures - Part II
Week 11 Pictures
Bits from Belgium - Week 11
~ Psalm 91:1-2 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
It seems like I just finished my e-mail update from last week, and yet here I am sending out an update about Week 11 already! Next week will be the last Bits from Belgium that will actually be from Belgium. Wow. It's strange and exciting to think about coming back to Ohio and my friends and family!!! In many ways it feels like I've only been here for a few days and am going/coming back so soon. There are so many more people I could get to know, places I could go, things to do here, and lessons to learn! I realize when I get home, however, and see so many things that have changed, I will realize just how long I've been gone! And when I think about seeing you all again, I am filled with SO much excitement and can hardly wait to see you and hug you and be with you again!
I feel like my time here has been a very intense and important time of learning and growth. It has opened up a lot of doors to me both obviously and in ways only God and I may know. It has helped me get to know myself as God desires and has designed me and has led me through experiences I could never have dreamed of being a part of and am SO incredibly thankful for! Sometimes I worry that all this will stop or slow down when I return. It was encouraging to be reminded that God says "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." There is soooo much work that needs to be done in me, and it certainly won't be left or end here in Belgium! A recent quote I read fits with what I've been mulling over this week...
"Since every moment is the beginning of the rest of your life, and every moment is the end of the past, every moment should be governed by the glad affections of both gratitude and faith... " We should be "continually humbled by our backward look of gratitude and continually emboldened by our forward look of faith!" - John Piper "Life as a Vapor"
Looking forward to seeing you all SOON!!!
This week's bits from Belgium...
Jeudi - 20 Septembre , 2007 - Nice day today. Warm with a cool breeze. Very Fall-like and the sky is so beautifully blue! The day was pretty quiet and typical. I did some more flower picking and arranging per Rebecca's request... ;-)
A funny incident also occured today with Susannah Petrie (Rebecca's daughter) & I. Susannah is trying to learn some Spanish because she works with quite a few people from Spain, so she has been practicing some words and phrases with us. (She's already fluent in English and French!) Anyhow, we were in Rebecca's room chatting together and Annie knocked on the door to come in. Simultaneously, Susannah and I both said "Yes"... but the funny thing was that neither of us said it in English! I said "Oui" and Susannah said "Si" both at the exact same time and way! We just looked at eachother and burst out laughing because both of us had responded at the same instant without any planning or forethought and had both replied in the respecive languages we are learning! :-)
Vendredi - 21 Septembre, 2007 - GORGOUS DAY!!!! Warm, sunny, breezy. We ate dinner outside today. A pretty busy day today with a visitor from Alabama who will be here until Monday, plus four other visitors, the morning and evening nurse, and the physical therapist all coming and going throughout the course of the day! Susannah made a fabulous dinner of grilled turkey burgers and vegies and we worked together to make a pasta salad. Dessert consisted of a pear pie from the fresh pears off the Petrie tree. The recipe came from one of the Petries' friends from Israel who visited in August. The "pie" looked more like a cobbler or crisp, but tasted just fine... I don't think it mattered that it didn't look like it's name! :-)
Samedi - 22 Septembre, 2007 - The weather was again AMAZING! The morning and afternoon was typical, but this evening the Christensens (friends of the Petries) came over and grilled delicious chicken wings and we had a feast. :-) I made another pear "pie" and a pear/apple "pie" like the one I made the other day. Before the Christensens left this evening they had a short time of worship led by Chris on the guitar in Rebecca's room. The music and singing was lovely and it was so special to be in live worship again. Didn't realize how much I'd missed it! It was a very peaceful, enjoyable time and boy did I sleep well!
Dimanche - 23 Septembre, 2007 - All's fine here. The weather was gorgous again today. Sunny, warm, and perfect temperatures. I got in a walk to the lake and around it in the afternoon. It was as beautiful as always! I had my camera with me and was able to get some especially neat pictures of the sun making a rainbow in the water fountain. Wish you could have seen it in real life! LOVELY!!! Had our usual Sunday evening popcorn and TV watching together. We watched some more episodes about a humorous, obsessive/compulsive detective Monk as he solves mysteries.
Lundi - 24 Septembre, 2007 - A lovely morning - very windy and cool with sun and big, white puffy clouds. These clouds piled up as the day went on, and by early afternoon it was raining. Paul left for a short visit to northern Africa. He will be back Thursday. Our guest from Alabama, also left today, so things went from quite lively and loud to quiet and very un-exciting in a very short amount of time! Seems to happen both ways here quite often! We had a quiet afternoon and watched some BBC James Herriot videos, which follow the books quite closely and were enjoyable. To anybody who is not a fan of the James Herriot veterinary stories or British humor, (or should I say humour?) the videos can be quite boring, however I have read enough of his books and have enough of an interest in the subject that I really did enjoy watching the videos. I will have Maddie with me tonight and through Weds. since Paul is gone. :-)
Mardi - 25 Septembre, 2007 - A pretty typical day here. We had the usual incoming and outgoing of people plus the predictable unpredictable-ness of surprises and excitement, peace, and quiet. This evening is the night before a full moon, and just as it has been the past two months, the moon here is very bright and beautiful. At about 11 p.m., Rebecca and I basked in the moonlight in her room. I pulled her bed over by the window where the moonlight shined down on us and formed shadows in Rebecca's beautiful garden and through the pear tree. It was so lovely and something that even my camera, writing, or words cannot capture...
Mercredi - 26 Septembre, 2007 -
I got up early, helped Rebecca get up for the morning, and then got picked up by Norma, who has unofficially become my official Belgian personal tour guide! Today, Norma drove me through more Belgian countryside and up to the lovely, very quaint city of Brugge/Bruges, in northwestern Belgium! The weather on the way up was most fascinating, as it was a sunny, misty morning when we left, but gradually become more and more cloudy as we drove. We drove through several rain showers and then back into sun. During the drive, we had the privilige of watching God paint the sky over 5 times with various beautiful rainbows!!! I took some photos of them, but once again, the photos don't come even near to displaying how lovely they were! By the time we got to Brugge, it was raining pretty steadily and rather chilly. We visited a nice kringwinkel in Brugge first hoping the rain would let up a bit. When it didn't, we decided to go ahead and make the plunge (literally! :-). With umbrella in hand, we walked together through a bit of Brugge, stopping to check out the lace, chocolate, and tapestry shops. We purchased a chocolate bar and split it and stood inside the chocolate shop eating it. We headed back down the streets in the rain afterwards, but gradually the rain let up until it completely stopped! It barely sprinkled the rest of our time in Brugge, until we got in the car to leave. :-) Thank you God! Brugge, like Brussels, is GORGOUS! It is sometimes referred to as "the mini-Venice" because of it's beautiful canals that run through the city! Among the many beautiful medieval buildings is the "Church of Our Lady", whose 122 meter brick spire makes it one of the world's highest brick towers/buildings. This church also contains a Madonna by Michelangelo. We didn't go into the church, but did get to enjoy walking around the main square of the city, and I also enjoyed a boat ride through the canals of Brugge, giving me a lovely, small taste of the city. The boat tour guide said everything three times... in English, French, and Flemish! After all the pictures I took last week in Brussels, the bets were being cast back at the Petrie household as to how many pictures I was going to take during the day in Brugge. :-) No need to fear, there are plenty of pictures to share with you about today! ;-)
Like almost all of Belgium, I found Brugge to be quaint, beautiful beyond words, very "European", and very comfortable to be in. On the way home, Norma and I stopped at several more kringwinkels. I got home in time to eat dinner, watch part of a movie with Rebecca and Annie, and then make a few phone calls back to Ohio before heading to bed very tired and very happy.
Blessings in Belgium:
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home!
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* God's little and big miracles I've gotten to experience and grow in faith through
* The ways I've been "pushed" to grow up and do things I may not have dreamed of doing before this!
* The ability to be able to capture and share some of this experience through pictures, videos, and e-mails!
* The prayers of my friends and family and the many ways I've seen them answered... faith builders indeed!
Prayer Requests:
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
* That I will continue to be open and moldable to the "good work" God is able to do in me here, at home, and throughout the rest of my life!
* That my dear friend Jessica H., who will be arriving in 1 week (!!!!!) will have smooth and peaceful preparation for coming here and a safe trip! I can't wait to see her! :-D
* That I and my friends and family will be able to smoothly prepare and handle my "re-entry" to life in Ohio in a week and half...
Thank you again and again for your prayers and encouraging e-mails and notes!
A la prochaine!
~ MB
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"It is easy for us to imagine that we will suddenly come to a point in our lives where we are fully prepared, but preparation is not suddenly accomplished. In fact, it is a process that must be maintained. It is dangerous to become settled and complacent in our present level of experience." - Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest"
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Bonjour les amis et la famille!
It seems like I just finished my e-mail update from last week, and yet here I am sending out an update about Week 11 already! Next week will be the last Bits from Belgium that will actually be from Belgium. Wow. It's strange and exciting to think about coming back to Ohio and my friends and family!!! In many ways it feels like I've only been here for a few days and am going/coming back so soon. There are so many more people I could get to know, places I could go, things to do here, and lessons to learn! I realize when I get home, however, and see so many things that have changed, I will realize just how long I've been gone! And when I think about seeing you all again, I am filled with SO much excitement and can hardly wait to see you and hug you and be with you again!
I feel like my time here has been a very intense and important time of learning and growth. It has opened up a lot of doors to me both obviously and in ways only God and I may know. It has helped me get to know myself as God desires and has designed me and has led me through experiences I could never have dreamed of being a part of and am SO incredibly thankful for! Sometimes I worry that all this will stop or slow down when I return. It was encouraging to be reminded that God says "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." There is soooo much work that needs to be done in me, and it certainly won't be left or end here in Belgium! A recent quote I read fits with what I've been mulling over this week...
"Since every moment is the beginning of the rest of your life, and every moment is the end of the past, every moment should be governed by the glad affections of both gratitude and faith... " We should be "continually humbled by our backward look of gratitude and continually emboldened by our forward look of faith!" - John Piper "Life as a Vapor"
Looking forward to seeing you all SOON!!!
This week's bits from Belgium...
Jeudi - 20 Septembre , 2007 - Nice day today. Warm with a cool breeze. Very Fall-like and the sky is so beautifully blue! The day was pretty quiet and typical. I did some more flower picking and arranging per Rebecca's request... ;-)
A funny incident also occured today with Susannah Petrie (Rebecca's daughter) & I. Susannah is trying to learn some Spanish because she works with quite a few people from Spain, so she has been practicing some words and phrases with us. (She's already fluent in English and French!) Anyhow, we were in Rebecca's room chatting together and Annie knocked on the door to come in. Simultaneously, Susannah and I both said "Yes"... but the funny thing was that neither of us said it in English! I said "Oui" and Susannah said "Si" both at the exact same time and way! We just looked at eachother and burst out laughing because both of us had responded at the same instant without any planning or forethought and had both replied in the respecive languages we are learning! :-)
Vendredi - 21 Septembre, 2007 - GORGOUS DAY!!!! Warm, sunny, breezy. We ate dinner outside today. A pretty busy day today with a visitor from Alabama who will be here until Monday, plus four other visitors, the morning and evening nurse, and the physical therapist all coming and going throughout the course of the day! Susannah made a fabulous dinner of grilled turkey burgers and vegies and we worked together to make a pasta salad. Dessert consisted of a pear pie from the fresh pears off the Petrie tree. The recipe came from one of the Petries' friends from Israel who visited in August. The "pie" looked more like a cobbler or crisp, but tasted just fine... I don't think it mattered that it didn't look like it's name! :-)
Samedi - 22 Septembre, 2007 - The weather was again AMAZING! The morning and afternoon was typical, but this evening the Christensens (friends of the Petries) came over and grilled delicious chicken wings and we had a feast. :-) I made another pear "pie" and a pear/apple "pie" like the one I made the other day. Before the Christensens left this evening they had a short time of worship led by Chris on the guitar in Rebecca's room. The music and singing was lovely and it was so special to be in live worship again. Didn't realize how much I'd missed it! It was a very peaceful, enjoyable time and boy did I sleep well!
Dimanche - 23 Septembre, 2007 - All's fine here. The weather was gorgous again today. Sunny, warm, and perfect temperatures. I got in a walk to the lake and around it in the afternoon. It was as beautiful as always! I had my camera with me and was able to get some especially neat pictures of the sun making a rainbow in the water fountain. Wish you could have seen it in real life! LOVELY!!! Had our usual Sunday evening popcorn and TV watching together. We watched some more episodes about a humorous, obsessive/compulsive detective Monk as he solves mysteries.
Lundi - 24 Septembre, 2007 - A lovely morning - very windy and cool with sun and big, white puffy clouds. These clouds piled up as the day went on, and by early afternoon it was raining. Paul left for a short visit to northern Africa. He will be back Thursday. Our guest from Alabama, also left today, so things went from quite lively and loud to quiet and very un-exciting in a very short amount of time! Seems to happen both ways here quite often! We had a quiet afternoon and watched some BBC James Herriot videos, which follow the books quite closely and were enjoyable. To anybody who is not a fan of the James Herriot veterinary stories or British humor, (or should I say humour?) the videos can be quite boring, however I have read enough of his books and have enough of an interest in the subject that I really did enjoy watching the videos. I will have Maddie with me tonight and through Weds. since Paul is gone. :-)
Mardi - 25 Septembre, 2007 - A pretty typical day here. We had the usual incoming and outgoing of people plus the predictable unpredictable-ness of surprises and excitement, peace, and quiet. This evening is the night before a full moon, and just as it has been the past two months, the moon here is very bright and beautiful. At about 11 p.m., Rebecca and I basked in the moonlight in her room. I pulled her bed over by the window where the moonlight shined down on us and formed shadows in Rebecca's beautiful garden and through the pear tree. It was so lovely and something that even my camera, writing, or words cannot capture...
Mercredi - 26 Septembre, 2007 -
I got up early, helped Rebecca get up for the morning, and then got picked up by Norma, who has unofficially become my official Belgian personal tour guide! Today, Norma drove me through more Belgian countryside and up to the lovely, very quaint city of Brugge/Bruges, in northwestern Belgium! The weather on the way up was most fascinating, as it was a sunny, misty morning when we left, but gradually become more and more cloudy as we drove. We drove through several rain showers and then back into sun. During the drive, we had the privilige of watching God paint the sky over 5 times with various beautiful rainbows!!! I took some photos of them, but once again, the photos don't come even near to displaying how lovely they were! By the time we got to Brugge, it was raining pretty steadily and rather chilly. We visited a nice kringwinkel in Brugge first hoping the rain would let up a bit. When it didn't, we decided to go ahead and make the plunge (literally! :-). With umbrella in hand, we walked together through a bit of Brugge, stopping to check out the lace, chocolate, and tapestry shops. We purchased a chocolate bar and split it and stood inside the chocolate shop eating it. We headed back down the streets in the rain afterwards, but gradually the rain let up until it completely stopped! It barely sprinkled the rest of our time in Brugge, until we got in the car to leave. :-) Thank you God! Brugge, like Brussels, is GORGOUS! It is sometimes referred to as "the mini-Venice" because of it's beautiful canals that run through the city! Among the many beautiful medieval buildings is the "Church of Our Lady", whose 122 meter brick spire makes it one of the world's highest brick towers/buildings. This church also contains a Madonna by Michelangelo. We didn't go into the church, but did get to enjoy walking around the main square of the city, and I also enjoyed a boat ride through the canals of Brugge, giving me a lovely, small taste of the city. The boat tour guide said everything three times... in English, French, and Flemish! After all the pictures I took last week in Brussels, the bets were being cast back at the Petrie household as to how many pictures I was going to take during the day in Brugge. :-) No need to fear, there are plenty of pictures to share with you about today! ;-)
Like almost all of Belgium, I found Brugge to be quaint, beautiful beyond words, very "European", and very comfortable to be in. On the way home, Norma and I stopped at several more kringwinkels. I got home in time to eat dinner, watch part of a movie with Rebecca and Annie, and then make a few phone calls back to Ohio before heading to bed very tired and very happy.
Blessings in Belgium:
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home!
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* God's little and big miracles I've gotten to experience and grow in faith through
* The ways I've been "pushed" to grow up and do things I may not have dreamed of doing before this!
* The ability to be able to capture and share some of this experience through pictures, videos, and e-mails!
* The prayers of my friends and family and the many ways I've seen them answered... faith builders indeed!
Prayer Requests:
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
* That I will continue to be open and moldable to the "good work" God is able to do in me here, at home, and throughout the rest of my life!
* That my dear friend Jessica H., who will be arriving in 1 week (!!!!!) will have smooth and peaceful preparation for coming here and a safe trip! I can't wait to see her! :-D
* That I and my friends and family will be able to smoothly prepare and handle my "re-entry" to life in Ohio in a week and half...
Thank you again and again for your prayers and encouraging e-mails and notes!
A la prochaine!
~ MB
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"It is easy for us to imagine that we will suddenly come to a point in our lives where we are fully prepared, but preparation is not suddenly accomplished. In fact, it is a process that must be maintained. It is dangerous to become settled and complacent in our present level of experience." - Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest"
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Week 10 Pictures - Part III
Week 10 Pictures - Part II
Week 10 Pictures
(p.s. Yes, that's a McDonald's sign in the background :-)
Bits from Belgium - Week 10
~ Psalm 71:14-17 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Week 10! For those of you with wearied eyes from reading my last 9 weeks of updates... here's some good news! There are only 2 more "Bits from Belgium" before I'll be back in the United States, (plus one from that last 1/2 week as well probably!). Then it will be up to you whether you would like to delve into my verbal stash of memories and stories or view the 100+ pictures and video clips I've garnered during my time here!
Looking backwards, I can't believe 3 months could fly by so quickly! I remember when I got here I thought it would be like forever! (I can read my journal to prove it! :-) Sometimes I feel like I just got here, and the more I see, the more I realize how much more there is to see! That said, I am perfectly content and thrilled with all I have seen and experienced. If I get to see and experience more of Europe before I leave... GREAT! If I spend the next 19 days here in the Petrie house in Genval, I have no doubt that that time will be just as rich and filled with knowledge and experiences to be brought home and carried through the rest of my life. Either way will be.... GREAT! :-) It's been a busy week and I seem to have been even more long-winded than usual on my daily bits, so I'll get right on to the not so bitty bits from Week 10!
Jeudi - 13 Septembre , 2007 - BEAUTIFUL weather today! It was sunny most of the day and the temperature was lovely. Rather typical day here. I got to sleep in this morning again after doing the midnight turn for the third day in a row. That's the longest stretch I've done midnights for, but it's actually been fine, and I've not been very tired at all! In the afternoon I did some flower picking and arranging for Rebecca... something I don't consider myself very skilled at! It was kind of fun to try to be creative and use an "eye" I don't have (the "flower arranging eye!) I laughed at myself as I realized I was adding yet another thing to my list of "things I don't do at home" or "haven't tried before" that I've found myself doing here! This was even more meaningful to me as I had read just hours before in "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, "You have dozens of hidden abilities and gifts you don't know you've got because you've never tried them out. So I encourage you to try some things you've never done before. No matter how old you are, I urge you to never stop experimenting... When it doesn't work out, call it an "experiment", not a failure..." So there's another Belgium "experiment" to add to my list! ;-)
Vendredi - 14 Septembre, 2007 - Beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky this morning (doesn't happen very often here!), and then gradually clouded up as the day went on. Warm, but breezy and just LOVELY! Nothing new or terribly exciting to report... just another day to be thankful to be alive!
Samedi - 15 Septembre, 2007 - The weather was GORGOUS today. We ate lunch and dinner outside. It was chilly, but SO sunny! The day was pretty quiet and typical. Annie should get back tomorrow night after visiting Paris for a few days. She doesn't get a break very often, so it worked out well for her to go visit family and enjoy some time off this week. After having Paul gone all last week, I've gotten used to being pretty busy, and it hasn't worn me out, thankfully!
The Petries have a pear tree (also a couple plum trees!). The pears have been ripening for the past few weeks and are finally about ready to be eaten. Some are falling onto the ground and are easily picked up (if you beat the birds, the dogs, and the bacteria and fungus to them! :-), but most are still on the tree, just out of my reach. I am hoping to make a pear tart thing from a recipe I received from the Petries' friends from Israel about a month ago. I've been slowly collecting pears that I could reach, but finally came up with the idea of "pear ball" to "harvest" some of the higher ripe pears on the tree. The game goes something like this... 1. find hard, good sized, icky pear on ground and pick up. 2. Toss pear into tree aiming for pear of choice. 3. If lucky, thrown pear will hit hanging pear and knock it to the ground where it will be picked up and brought inside. It's kind of a new version of poole or boche ball! :-) When you're 5 foot, 2 and 3/4 inches, sometimes it takes creativity to get what you want or need! :-)
Dimanche - 16 Septembre, 2007 - I got up early this morning and got picked up by friends Hans and Norma (the same Norma that took me to the kringwinkels and Waterloo!), who took me to a flea market in Waterloo. Apparently this flea market goes on just about every Sunday. It's in a huge supermarket parking lot and takes up almost the whole place! It was quite a sight to see rows and rows and ROWS of furniture, dishes, nicknacks, clothes, beautiful (and not so beautiful) artwork, housewares, jewelry... and junk. It's definitely a place where "one man's trash is another man's treasure" and vice versa! Picture one big garage sale in a great big parking lot with people speaking 3 different languages (English, French, and Flemish/Dutch). A LOT of the shoppers and sellers had dogs as well, which added to the allure for me! One interesting thing I've noticed here in Belgium is how many purebred dogs there are and how much variety of breeds. In the states there seem to be more crossbreeds and the purebreds tend to be one of a few of the most popular breeds. Here I've seen some really "unusual" breeds in the states, like a Dogue de Bordeaux (hmmm... it's French... maybe it makes sense for it to be here?! :-), wirehaired pointing griffon, etc. I've seen some Belgian malinois as well, which is kind of cool considering this is their home country! :-) Sorry to stray from the topic at hand... the flea market! So, we walked up and down rows and rows looking at various things and trying to decide what, if anything, to buy. I enjoyed another chocolate filed croissant (Mmmmm), but didn't end up taking anything home from the flea market... other than some photographs on my camera, much more knowledge about a lot of things related to flea market shopping (thanks Norma!), a great new experience, and some WONDERFUL memories to add to my Belgium experience! :-)
Hans and Norma then dropped me off back "home" in time for lunch and a nice afternoon nap. Shortly after that, they called back. They had been to a street festival (Hoeilaart Grape Festival!) in their town (7 minutes away from the Petries) and had run into a booth of a guide dog organization from near here. They had actually seen signs for this organization before and told me about it, but didn't realize they would find them at this festival. Anyhow, they wondered if they could "steal me away" from the Petries again so that I could meet these people and also see some people making lace by hand. The Petries were very gracious and allowed me to desert them once again... second time in one day! :-O Norma and I went back to this festival and walked through it heading for the guide dog organization's booth. We passed many more street vendors as well as small stage with couples dressed up and square dancing (to English songs!). Norma introduced me to the people at the booth, who actually spoke relatively good English (as well as Flemish/Dutch and French!)! I spent over a 1/2 hour just visiting with them, asking questions about their organization and guide dogs in Europe and Belgium, and also got a "big dog fix"! It was WONDERFUL! There were 3 Labs there (one who reminded me SO MUCH of Jen!), an Australian shepherd, a Bernese mountain dog pet, and another shepherd mix. The dogs were great: very sweet, obedient, and beautiful. The dogs are trained in French and/or Flemish, but thankfully communicating with them isn't much different with or without a language barrier! :-) The people were very nice also and very patient with me hanging all over their dogs (with permission first, of course! :-)
The organization is tiny, as apparently most are here. They have about 10 puppy raisers and 23 graduates and purchase their dogs from breeders. ) For those interested, you can check out the website at: . The only problem is that unless you understand Flemish/Dutch or French, you probably won't be able to understand much of the website! :-O
I definitely did not come here expecting to get to meet people like this or learn about assistance dogs in Belgium. This was SO neat and SUCH a gift! Thank you God!
Lundi - 17 Septembre, 2007 - Another warm, sunny, beautiful morning, but it gradually clouded over as the day went on and was misty and rainy in the evening. One thing about Belgium... you sure have no idea what he weather will be one hour to the next! Apparently being a meteorologist is not a very encouraging occupation out here! The Petries have a guest from Finland here tonight and tomorrow. He and his wife adopted two kids from India... the world keeps getting smaller and smaller! :-)
The Petries are having some internet problems, which thankfully don't affect the laptops and wireless computers, but do affect the internet phone that I call home on. Because of this, it's been at least a week since I called home. Sorry Dad and Mom!
Mardi - 18 Septembre, 2007 - Today's weather was about the wackiest I've experienced here or in Ohio! According to the Petries, this is "true" Belgium weather. The day began with early morning showers. By the time I got up the sky was blue, clear, and it was sunny. "Oh yeah," I thought, "Another lovely day!" Wrong. About an hour later, more dark clouds rolled in and it proceeded to downpour for about another hour. Never fear though... as soon as the downpour passed the sun was back, the sky was blue, and there were just a few white, puffy clouds in the sky. The sun sparkled on the wet flowers, trees, and bird bath in Rebecca's garden. Now imagine me taking the above and repeating it here about ten times, and you will have today's weather. :-) By lunch time I had given up counting how many times it had rained and then the sun had come out. It continued to be this way throughout the rest of the day! Do you have any idea how many times you must be thankful on a day like that if you are one who likes to thank God for the sun and the rain?! :-) Hee-hee! Anyhow, it was pretty unique to me!
The only other item of interest for a few of you is that while I was out walking I walked over an area just COVERED in nuts and old nut shells. I didn't pay much attention the first time, but on the way back I looked closer and was amazing to find that the nuts were BUCKEYES! Buckeyes in Belgium? I couldn't believe it. :-) Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at the time, but if you would like I will return to that location with my camera and photograph the sidewalk COVERED in what I thought were only Ohio-native (grin) nuts, buckeyes. Anybody want me to bring home some Belgian Buckeyes? ;-)
Mercredi - 19 Septembre, 2007 -
I had the day off today and have been planning for the past few weeks to get up enough nerve to go into Brussels, as my Mom would say, "all by my lonesome". After my first visit into the city of Brussels, I knew I wanted to go back again before I left Belgium, but wasn't sure how or when it might work out. This week it worked out. :-) I had a quiet-ish morning sleeping in a bit and catching up on e-mails. I then grabbed some lunch, my camera, some money, train schedule, map, and a GSM (cell phone) and headed to the train station. Other than stuttering out my French request for a ticket, which the man thankfully somehow understood, everything went fine and I boarded the right train at the right time without any problems! The 1/2 hour ride into Brussels was relatively uneventful, although at one point I had some guys sitting on the same seats with me who were chattering away in French. I wonder if they realized I could only understand a word or two in each sentence? They probably just thought I was anti-social... or maybe just typical, since people here don't interact with strangers the way people might in at least the midwest U.S. Actually, since I already realize how very little French I know, it was kind of encouraging for me to realize that unintentially "eavesdropping", I could actually pick up a lot of words they were using, even if I couldn't quite follow the gist of their conversation! I THINK it had something to do with soccer teams though... :-) I got into Brussels without any problems and wondered around the train station area a bit. There are about a billion (okay, maybe a few less) exits and entrances into the station, with each one going a different direction. One goes to a large, covered mall (apparently one of the biggest in Europe), so I walked through that and then around a bit more of the train station before heading down to the Grand Place. I was very relieved to find everything as I had left it a few weeks ago after my visit with Melissa. :-) Everything was where I remembered them to be, and I had no difficulty re-visiting some of the places that I really enjoyed seeing last time... like the Grand Place and a lot of other places that I don't know the names of. :-) In addition, I wandered through the King's Garden... the garden across from the Palace, which used to be the king's hunting grounds! I found more buckeye trees there and tons and tons and TONS of buckeyes! This time I had my camera and got a few pictures. :-) Speaking of pictures, I took 177 pictures and video clips throughout my Brussels visit today. There are quite a few that won't be there after I get through editing, but I can tell you how very much I love having a digital camera on days like today! :-) I didn't really have anybody else to share the day with other than my camera, so I tried to take pictures of just about everywhere I went that left an impression so that I can relive it when I come back home and share the stories with you! :-) There are a lot of English speakers in Brussels as well, which makes for a nice change. :-) I'm afraid I really am going to be in some reverse culture shock when I get home. You mean I will be able to understand and communicate with almost everybody around me?! No way! :-D You don't realize what a privilige that is until it's gone! (just another one of those things to add to my list! :-) In addition to re-visiting some spots, I also walked further throughout Brussels and discovered some beautiful churches, gardens, and views that I had not seen last time. Brussels is so neat, as you can walk down various streets and suddenly come across incredibly beautiful sites that you had no idea were there or were totally not expecting! I also did a bit of shopping and enjoyed the free taste-testing while in the chocolate shops. One could almost make a whole meal out of chocolatier shop stops! :-O I had intended to stay in Brussels for just a few hours and then head back to Genval, thinking I would get bored. The time went quickly, however, and I ended up staying for over 4 hours! I was on my feet almost the entire 4 hours walking throughout Brussels and had not realized how tired I was until I came home this evening. Now my feet are telling me I must have walked miles... it's a good kind of sore though. :-) I took the 17:25 (5:25 p.m.) train back to Genval. Here's another unbelievable story... I walked into the incredibly crowded train station to take the train home. It was about 17:00/5:00... one of the busiest times there I think. People were EVERYWHERE! I was able to locate what platform the train needed would be on, and headed that way. As I arrived, there following shortly behind me down the stairs was Hans (husband of Norma) and a friend visiting from Albania! Okay, so tell me, what are the chances of me running into one of the approximately 4 people I know in the country of Belgium (other than those that live in the Petrie household!), at the train station in Brussels getting ready to hop on the very same train as I?! God sure knows how to impress me! :-) He also knows I love a little human company. :-) At any rate, it turns out Hans and this friend from Albania had missed the train they had intended to take and were therefore going to take the same train I was! And so, once again, I had most excellent company on my ride back to Genval! (They got off the stop before Genval). To some, this may not seem like that big a deal, but considering the size of Brussels, the number of people I've seen today, and the fact that neither of us had ANY IDEA that the other was in Brussels for the day, I have to believe that was a divine "coincidence"! :-) The rest of the evening here has been fine and quiet. All in all a lovely day filled with new experiences and more "growing up" opportunities! It has been nice to have the day off, and I'm looking forward to picking back up where I left off tomorrow!
p.s. The internet and phone is fixed, so I was finally able to call Mom! :-) Yeah!!!
Blessings in Belgium:
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* God's little and big miracles I've gotten to experience and grow in faith through
* The ways I've been "pushed" to grow up and do things I may not have dreamed of doing before this!
Prayer Requests:
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
* That I will be able to begin mentally preparing myself for my "re-entry" to life with my wonderful family in Ohio
* That I will be able to, "treasure up all these things and ponder them in my heart": that I can take home with me the lessons, changes, and experiences I've had here and use them throughout the rest of the life God has given me...
* That my dear friend Jessica H., who will be arriving in 2 weeks (!!!!!) will have smooth and peaceful preparation for coming here and a safe trip here! I can't wait to see her! :-D
It is 3:44 Ohio time, 9:44 Belgian time. I'm about ready to go read for a bit and then consult my pillow for the evening.
It's been another week for me and another week for you. How are you doing? What's new with you? How can I be praying for you?
A la prochaine,
~ MB
------------------------------ ----------------------------------
"I am, by nature, selfish. I think most about me. That's why humility is a daily struggle, a lesson I must relearn over and over. The opportunity to be a servant confronts me dozens of times a day, in which I'm given the choice to decide between meeting my needs or the needs of others. Self-denial is the core of servanthood..." - Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life"
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Week 10! For those of you with wearied eyes from reading my last 9 weeks of updates... here's some good news! There are only 2 more "Bits from Belgium" before I'll be back in the United States, (plus one from that last 1/2 week as well probably!). Then it will be up to you whether you would like to delve into my verbal stash of memories and stories or view the 100+ pictures and video clips I've garnered during my time here!
Looking backwards, I can't believe 3 months could fly by so quickly! I remember when I got here I thought it would be like forever! (I can read my journal to prove it! :-) Sometimes I feel like I just got here, and the more I see, the more I realize how much more there is to see! That said, I am perfectly content and thrilled with all I have seen and experienced. If I get to see and experience more of Europe before I leave... GREAT! If I spend the next 19 days here in the Petrie house in Genval, I have no doubt that that time will be just as rich and filled with knowledge and experiences to be brought home and carried through the rest of my life. Either way will be.... GREAT! :-) It's been a busy week and I seem to have been even more long-winded than usual on my daily bits, so I'll get right on to the not so bitty bits from Week 10!
Jeudi - 13 Septembre , 2007 - BEAUTIFUL weather today! It was sunny most of the day and the temperature was lovely. Rather typical day here. I got to sleep in this morning again after doing the midnight turn for the third day in a row. That's the longest stretch I've done midnights for, but it's actually been fine, and I've not been very tired at all! In the afternoon I did some flower picking and arranging for Rebecca... something I don't consider myself very skilled at! It was kind of fun to try to be creative and use an "eye" I don't have (the "flower arranging eye!) I laughed at myself as I realized I was adding yet another thing to my list of "things I don't do at home" or "haven't tried before" that I've found myself doing here! This was even more meaningful to me as I had read just hours before in "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, "You have dozens of hidden abilities and gifts you don't know you've got because you've never tried them out. So I encourage you to try some things you've never done before. No matter how old you are, I urge you to never stop experimenting... When it doesn't work out, call it an "experiment", not a failure..." So there's another Belgium "experiment" to add to my list! ;-)
Vendredi - 14 Septembre, 2007 - Beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky this morning (doesn't happen very often here!), and then gradually clouded up as the day went on. Warm, but breezy and just LOVELY! Nothing new or terribly exciting to report... just another day to be thankful to be alive!
Samedi - 15 Septembre, 2007 - The weather was GORGOUS today. We ate lunch and dinner outside. It was chilly, but SO sunny! The day was pretty quiet and typical. Annie should get back tomorrow night after visiting Paris for a few days. She doesn't get a break very often, so it worked out well for her to go visit family and enjoy some time off this week. After having Paul gone all last week, I've gotten used to being pretty busy, and it hasn't worn me out, thankfully!
The Petries have a pear tree (also a couple plum trees!). The pears have been ripening for the past few weeks and are finally about ready to be eaten. Some are falling onto the ground and are easily picked up (if you beat the birds, the dogs, and the bacteria and fungus to them! :-), but most are still on the tree, just out of my reach. I am hoping to make a pear tart thing from a recipe I received from the Petries' friends from Israel about a month ago. I've been slowly collecting pears that I could reach, but finally came up with the idea of "pear ball" to "harvest" some of the higher ripe pears on the tree. The game goes something like this... 1. find hard, good sized, icky pear on ground and pick up. 2. Toss pear into tree aiming for pear of choice. 3. If lucky, thrown pear will hit hanging pear and knock it to the ground where it will be picked up and brought inside. It's kind of a new version of poole or boche ball! :-) When you're 5 foot, 2 and 3/4 inches, sometimes it takes creativity to get what you want or need! :-)
Dimanche - 16 Septembre, 2007 - I got up early this morning and got picked up by friends Hans and Norma (the same Norma that took me to the kringwinkels and Waterloo!), who took me to a flea market in Waterloo. Apparently this flea market goes on just about every Sunday. It's in a huge supermarket parking lot and takes up almost the whole place! It was quite a sight to see rows and rows and ROWS of furniture, dishes, nicknacks, clothes, beautiful (and not so beautiful) artwork, housewares, jewelry... and junk. It's definitely a place where "one man's trash is another man's treasure" and vice versa! Picture one big garage sale in a great big parking lot with people speaking 3 different languages (English, French, and Flemish/Dutch). A LOT of the shoppers and sellers had dogs as well, which added to the allure for me! One interesting thing I've noticed here in Belgium is how many purebred dogs there are and how much variety of breeds. In the states there seem to be more crossbreeds and the purebreds tend to be one of a few of the most popular breeds. Here I've seen some really "unusual" breeds in the states, like a Dogue de Bordeaux (hmmm... it's French... maybe it makes sense for it to be here?! :-), wirehaired pointing griffon, etc. I've seen some Belgian malinois as well, which is kind of cool considering this is their home country! :-) Sorry to stray from the topic at hand... the flea market! So, we walked up and down rows and rows looking at various things and trying to decide what, if anything, to buy. I enjoyed another chocolate filed croissant (Mmmmm), but didn't end up taking anything home from the flea market... other than some photographs on my camera, much more knowledge about a lot of things related to flea market shopping (thanks Norma!), a great new experience, and some WONDERFUL memories to add to my Belgium experience! :-)
Hans and Norma then dropped me off back "home" in time for lunch and a nice afternoon nap. Shortly after that, they called back. They had been to a street festival (Hoeilaart Grape Festival!) in their town (7 minutes away from the Petries) and had run into a booth of a guide dog organization from near here. They had actually seen signs for this organization before and told me about it, but didn't realize they would find them at this festival. Anyhow, they wondered if they could "steal me away" from the Petries again so that I could meet these people and also see some people making lace by hand. The Petries were very gracious and allowed me to desert them once again... second time in one day! :-O Norma and I went back to this festival and walked through it heading for the guide dog organization's booth. We passed many more street vendors as well as small stage with couples dressed up and square dancing (to English songs!). Norma introduced me to the people at the booth, who actually spoke relatively good English (as well as Flemish/Dutch and French!)! I spent over a 1/2 hour just visiting with them, asking questions about their organization and guide dogs in Europe and Belgium, and also got a "big dog fix"! It was WONDERFUL! There were 3 Labs there (one who reminded me SO MUCH of Jen!), an Australian shepherd, a Bernese mountain dog pet, and another shepherd mix. The dogs were great: very sweet, obedient, and beautiful. The dogs are trained in French and/or Flemish, but thankfully communicating with them isn't much different with or without a language barrier! :-) The people were very nice also and very patient with me hanging all over their dogs (with permission first, of course! :-)
The organization is tiny, as apparently most are here. They have about 10 puppy raisers and 23 graduates and purchase their dogs from breeders. ) For those interested, you can check out the website at: . The only problem is that unless you understand Flemish/Dutch or French, you probably won't be able to understand much of the website! :-O
I definitely did not come here expecting to get to meet people like this or learn about assistance dogs in Belgium. This was SO neat and SUCH a gift! Thank you God!
Lundi - 17 Septembre, 2007 - Another warm, sunny, beautiful morning, but it gradually clouded over as the day went on and was misty and rainy in the evening. One thing about Belgium... you sure have no idea what he weather will be one hour to the next! Apparently being a meteorologist is not a very encouraging occupation out here! The Petries have a guest from Finland here tonight and tomorrow. He and his wife adopted two kids from India... the world keeps getting smaller and smaller! :-)
The Petries are having some internet problems, which thankfully don't affect the laptops and wireless computers, but do affect the internet phone that I call home on. Because of this, it's been at least a week since I called home. Sorry Dad and Mom!
Mardi - 18 Septembre, 2007 - Today's weather was about the wackiest I've experienced here or in Ohio! According to the Petries, this is "true" Belgium weather. The day began with early morning showers. By the time I got up the sky was blue, clear, and it was sunny. "Oh yeah," I thought, "Another lovely day!" Wrong. About an hour later, more dark clouds rolled in and it proceeded to downpour for about another hour. Never fear though... as soon as the downpour passed the sun was back, the sky was blue, and there were just a few white, puffy clouds in the sky. The sun sparkled on the wet flowers, trees, and bird bath in Rebecca's garden. Now imagine me taking the above and repeating it here about ten times, and you will have today's weather. :-) By lunch time I had given up counting how many times it had rained and then the sun had come out. It continued to be this way throughout the rest of the day! Do you have any idea how many times you must be thankful on a day like that if you are one who likes to thank God for the sun and the rain?! :-) Hee-hee! Anyhow, it was pretty unique to me!
The only other item of interest for a few of you is that while I was out walking I walked over an area just COVERED in nuts and old nut shells. I didn't pay much attention the first time, but on the way back I looked closer and was amazing to find that the nuts were BUCKEYES! Buckeyes in Belgium? I couldn't believe it. :-) Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at the time, but if you would like I will return to that location with my camera and photograph the sidewalk COVERED in what I thought were only Ohio-native (grin) nuts, buckeyes. Anybody want me to bring home some Belgian Buckeyes? ;-)
Mercredi - 19 Septembre, 2007 -
I had the day off today and have been planning for the past few weeks to get up enough nerve to go into Brussels, as my Mom would say, "all by my lonesome". After my first visit into the city of Brussels, I knew I wanted to go back again before I left Belgium, but wasn't sure how or when it might work out. This week it worked out. :-) I had a quiet-ish morning sleeping in a bit and catching up on e-mails. I then grabbed some lunch, my camera, some money, train schedule, map, and a GSM (cell phone) and headed to the train station. Other than stuttering out my French request for a ticket, which the man thankfully somehow understood, everything went fine and I boarded the right train at the right time without any problems! The 1/2 hour ride into Brussels was relatively uneventful, although at one point I had some guys sitting on the same seats with me who were chattering away in French. I wonder if they realized I could only understand a word or two in each sentence? They probably just thought I was anti-social... or maybe just typical, since people here don't interact with strangers the way people might in at least the midwest U.S. Actually, since I already realize how very little French I know, it was kind of encouraging for me to realize that unintentially "eavesdropping", I could actually pick up a lot of words they were using, even if I couldn't quite follow the gist of their conversation! I THINK it had something to do with soccer teams though... :-) I got into Brussels without any problems and wondered around the train station area a bit. There are about a billion (okay, maybe a few less) exits and entrances into the station, with each one going a different direction. One goes to a large, covered mall (apparently one of the biggest in Europe), so I walked through that and then around a bit more of the train station before heading down to the Grand Place. I was very relieved to find everything as I had left it a few weeks ago after my visit with Melissa. :-) Everything was where I remembered them to be, and I had no difficulty re-visiting some of the places that I really enjoyed seeing last time... like the Grand Place and a lot of other places that I don't know the names of. :-) In addition, I wandered through the King's Garden... the garden across from the Palace, which used to be the king's hunting grounds! I found more buckeye trees there and tons and tons and TONS of buckeyes! This time I had my camera and got a few pictures. :-) Speaking of pictures, I took 177 pictures and video clips throughout my Brussels visit today. There are quite a few that won't be there after I get through editing, but I can tell you how very much I love having a digital camera on days like today! :-) I didn't really have anybody else to share the day with other than my camera, so I tried to take pictures of just about everywhere I went that left an impression so that I can relive it when I come back home and share the stories with you! :-) There are a lot of English speakers in Brussels as well, which makes for a nice change. :-) I'm afraid I really am going to be in some reverse culture shock when I get home. You mean I will be able to understand and communicate with almost everybody around me?! No way! :-D You don't realize what a privilige that is until it's gone! (just another one of those things to add to my list! :-) In addition to re-visiting some spots, I also walked further throughout Brussels and discovered some beautiful churches, gardens, and views that I had not seen last time. Brussels is so neat, as you can walk down various streets and suddenly come across incredibly beautiful sites that you had no idea were there or were totally not expecting! I also did a bit of shopping and enjoyed the free taste-testing while in the chocolate shops. One could almost make a whole meal out of chocolatier shop stops! :-O I had intended to stay in Brussels for just a few hours and then head back to Genval, thinking I would get bored. The time went quickly, however, and I ended up staying for over 4 hours! I was on my feet almost the entire 4 hours walking throughout Brussels and had not realized how tired I was until I came home this evening. Now my feet are telling me I must have walked miles... it's a good kind of sore though. :-) I took the 17:25 (5:25 p.m.) train back to Genval. Here's another unbelievable story... I walked into the incredibly crowded train station to take the train home. It was about 17:00/5:00... one of the busiest times there I think. People were EVERYWHERE! I was able to locate what platform the train needed would be on, and headed that way. As I arrived, there following shortly behind me down the stairs was Hans (husband of Norma) and a friend visiting from Albania! Okay, so tell me, what are the chances of me running into one of the approximately 4 people I know in the country of Belgium (other than those that live in the Petrie household!), at the train station in Brussels getting ready to hop on the very same train as I?! God sure knows how to impress me! :-) He also knows I love a little human company. :-) At any rate, it turns out Hans and this friend from Albania had missed the train they had intended to take and were therefore going to take the same train I was! And so, once again, I had most excellent company on my ride back to Genval! (They got off the stop before Genval). To some, this may not seem like that big a deal, but considering the size of Brussels, the number of people I've seen today, and the fact that neither of us had ANY IDEA that the other was in Brussels for the day, I have to believe that was a divine "coincidence"! :-) The rest of the evening here has been fine and quiet. All in all a lovely day filled with new experiences and more "growing up" opportunities! It has been nice to have the day off, and I'm looking forward to picking back up where I left off tomorrow!
p.s. The internet and phone is fixed, so I was finally able to call Mom! :-) Yeah!!!
Blessings in Belgium:
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* God's little and big miracles I've gotten to experience and grow in faith through
* The ways I've been "pushed" to grow up and do things I may not have dreamed of doing before this!
Prayer Requests:
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
* That I will be able to begin mentally preparing myself for my "re-entry" to life with my wonderful family in Ohio
* That I will be able to, "treasure up all these things and ponder them in my heart": that I can take home with me the lessons, changes, and experiences I've had here and use them throughout the rest of the life God has given me...
* That my dear friend Jessica H., who will be arriving in 2 weeks (!!!!!) will have smooth and peaceful preparation for coming here and a safe trip here! I can't wait to see her! :-D
It is 3:44 Ohio time, 9:44 Belgian time. I'm about ready to go read for a bit and then consult my pillow for the evening.
It's been another week for me and another week for you. How are you doing? What's new with you? How can I be praying for you?
A la prochaine,
~ MB
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"I am, by nature, selfish. I think most about me. That's why humility is a daily struggle, a lesson I must relearn over and over. The opportunity to be a servant confronts me dozens of times a day, in which I'm given the choice to decide between meeting my needs or the needs of others. Self-denial is the core of servanthood..." - Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life"
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bits From Belgium - Week 9
~ Psalm 63:3-8 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Ca va? Como Estas? How are you?
Week 9 is here and passing quickly! 3 more weeks and my dear friend Jessica H. will be arriving for "the changing of the guard". 3 1/2 more weeks and I will be returning to Ohio. Jessica H. and I will be here together for about 5 days before I leave and she remains to be Rebecca's next caregiver and share in the beauty, adventure, challenges, growth, and everything else the Lord has planned for her time here! It will be so special and neat to have such a very close friend share in this experience, and it is even more exciting to know we will get to be here together for a few days! I am very much looking forward to seeing her again... even 4,000 miles from our usual "hang out" spot! :-)
The days here continue to pass by quickly, and I can hardly believe another day is over when I lay my head back down on my pillow each night! As I look at my last 3 1/2 weeks here, I find myself reviewing some [I would love to review all, but there are implications from this experience that I think I will discover throughout the rest of my life!] of the things I've seen, learned, been challenged with, and ways I have changed. I think about life back in Ohio and how it has changed since I left. In the weeks and months preceding my arrival here, I spent a lot of time thinking, praying, and trying to prepare myself mentally for all the things I would see, do, and be faced with. Now, as I prepare to come home 3 months later, I realize I am faced with this again, only this time I am trying to prepare myself for "re-entry" into the world I knew and grew up in. I am excited and very eager to see you all again! I look forward to returning to all the activities and friendships I left when I came here, but also realize that I'm bringing home with me 3 months worth of speechless, indescribable experiences, lessons, growth, and change. I pray and desire that these changes and the things I've learned will remain with me upon my return and throughout the rest of my life. I pray that "He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
This week has been pretty quiet as far as outside "adventures" go, but very busy, as usual, in the Petrie household! Every day here brings something new and good, whether it be a lovely discussion with Rebecca, some fascinating insights in my reading, a wonderful e-mail, package, or letter from the U.S., a challenging task or experience, or just some time to think, pray, journal, etc... I don't know about all of Belgium, but at least in this household, there is no such thing as a boring day! :-)
On to this week's bits...
Jeudi - 6 Septembre , 2007 - Mostly cloudy, some drizzle. Warm and humid. Had a quiet morning and was able to get in a short walk/jog around the block. Rough day, but we all got through it okay together and with Help.
Vendredi - 7 Septembre, 2007 - Happy Birthday Dear Mother! More clouds, more warm. A busy, tiring day with lots of people coming and going. (A "normal" weekday involves a minimum of 2 nurse visits and a kine (kee-nay) (Physical therapist), not to mention friends and other people coming and going...). Dr. V.H., Rebecca's doctor made a house call today. House calls are much more common here in a variety of businesses, not just because of Rebecca's special situation. Dog groomers, hair stylists, etc. are much more likely to make house calls here than they are in the U.S. Apparently a lot of it has to do with them using your utilities and therefore not having to pay for them themselves. (Taxes here are incredibly high I hear!)
Samedi - 8 Septembre, 2007 - 2 months in Belgium... only 1 month to go. Wow! Time flies when you're having fun?! :-) A quiet day here. I was tired and had a minorly sore, scratchy throat and was worried that I might becoming down with a cold or something. I drank 3 cups of tea (citrus, chai, and British), and prayed that it would not get worse because I couldn't imagine being able to do everything I needed to do and be sick at the same time. I took a nap in the afternoon and actually slept as well. In the evening I had a chance to take a lovely bath... I haven't taken a bath in what must be years! :-) It was very relaxing. I also took part in another mission of the "Slug War" in the garden. I spread the "delicious" slug food/poison and rounded up all visible slugs to be bagged and trashed. It was a successful attack, with evidence posted on my blog website. :-) In the evening we watched the movie Oliver Twist, since it was yet another classic I hadn't seen. (I amaze a lot of people by the long list of great movies I've never seen... :-) I also got a phone call from a girl in nearby Waterloo. She met the girl, Megan, who was helping out last week while Paul was gone, and Megan knew I was interested in possibly going back into Brussels or going to Brugge with someone (rather than alone), and though this girl and I might hit it off. I enjoyed chatting with her for a few minutes and we exchanged e-mail addresses. The girl is from Wisconsin... we're practically neighbors! :-) Funny how the world suddenly seems smaller at times like this! I don't know that we'll have a chance to get together or go into Brussels together, but it was neat getting to "meet" another person from the U.S. who is here, and I am hopeful that we will get to meet in person at least once before I leave!
Dimanche - 9 Septembre, 2007 - Sundays here are so quiet and peaceful. Even when the day isn't much different from others, it just feels more quiet somehow. Perhaps it's because the town itself is so very quiet on Sundays. Amazingly (thank you God!), I felt a bit better today. My sore throat was gone and I was not as tired. What a blessing! Paul arrives home from the states tomorrow, so I think all of us were eagerly waiting for the day to pass by! We watched Father of the Bride 2 and A Walk to Remember. (Both were new movies for me, and I REALLY enjoyed them both!) I gave Maddie a bath before bed. She was great and is soooo soft and clean (for a few hours anyhow!) Speaking of Maddie, the little circus dog now can Shake, Roll, Wait, Down, Stay, sit up on her hind legs, and stand on her hind legs and twirl. She doesn't always do them on command or when wanted, but she sure is a smart little dog! Several of the tricks she did on her own and we just added a word and hand motion to them. She is quite a riot! Molly, one of the other dogs, has also learned to Shake. Hopy, the 18 year old, has yet to learn them. I think it's harder to learn physical tricks when you're somewhat blind, mostly deaf, and over 100 years old in human years?
The weather today was very nice. Partly sunny with temperatures in the 50's or low 60's. Another strange happenstance that occured in the town of Genval today was the arrival of 9 storks on the church roof! Unfortunately they were gone by the time I went out to see them, but apparently 9 storks had taken a rest on the roof of the church in Genval. Storks are not entirely uncommon here (Annie was telling me about how people build platforms on their roofs to help the storks nest... anybody read the book The Wheel on the School? ;-), but to have 9 in one place in day is pretty unusual, and it seems everybody was talking about it and gawking at them. We wonder if perhaps the members of the church congregation are going to blessed with many children this year? :-)
Lundi - 10 Septembre, 2007 - Happy Birthday Dear Daddy! Feel MUCH better today! My energy level is back up and I don't have even a hint of a sore throat. Paul arrived home this morning as well! It's SO nice to have him back after his 12 day trip! He brought back with him several notes and gifts from a few of my family and friends he saw during his visit! THANK YOU!!! I went for a nice long walk in the evening and took a different route down some new neighborhoods for a change of scenery and some excitement. :-) It was a rainy day and cooled off quite a bit by evening! I was wearing a long-sleeved jacket while I walked and was quite chilly!
Mardi - 11 Septembre, 2007 - Beautiful weather. Still cool, but not too bad. Partly sunny for most of the day. How nice to see the sun again! We had had a lot of cloudy days in a row! Annie left today to visit her family in France. She doesn't get much time off, and it seemed to work out for all of us here for her to go now, so while it means a little more work for all of us here, we're glad she gets a chance to visit her friends and family. She'll return Sunday night I believe. I made dinner tonight... 2 baked chickens, potato slices, and.... steamed Brussels sprouts!!! I'm not a big fan of Brussels sprouts, actually, but I had been told by one particular friend that I simply HAD to have Brussels sprouts while I was in Brussels. So, I am very happy to say I have not only had a couple Brussels sprouts in Brussels... I've also made them! Not only that... I also have visible proof, as I managed to [minorly] burn my finger while removing the lid of the Brussels sprouts! :-) The only other thing I "need" to do before I leave is make Belgian waffles. Don't count on it happening though! That may be something that will have to wait until I get home. :-) At least I have the waffle iron now though!
Mercredi - 12 Septembre, 2007 -
Because Annie is gone this week, I won't have a "usual" day off today, but that's okay. :-) I was able to sleep in this morning and have a quiet morning catching up on e-mails, taking a shower, reading, etc. I also had a quiet early afternoon and was able to take a walk to and around Lake Genval again. I've missed that lake! I find it a bit amusing that I go to an amazing, historical, world-reknown city like Brussels and am completely awed, love, and inspired by the city, and then also walk to a small lake 10 minutes from here that nobody outside of central Belgium has probably EVER heard of, and be just as awed, inspired, and in love with it! :-) Guess it's that beauty of simplicity! :-) I enjoy walking around the lake and being on the French side for half and the Dutch side for the other half. Prety fascinating! I don't know if any of you have seen or studied Dutch at all, but it's one COOL language! The words are so fun to say and so interestingly spelled! The rest of the afternoon and evening were busy with "the usual"... and here I am nearing 8 p.m. and getting ready to e-mail out the Bits from Belgium, Week 9!
Blessings in Belgium:
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* The abatement of the "mystery itches"! (I actually got several more itchy red spots over the next two days after last week's post, but since then they have all started to heal and disappear and no longer itch... yeah! :-)
Prayer Requests:
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
* That I will be able to begin mentally preparing myself for my "re-entry" to life with my wonderful family in Ohio
* That I will be able to, "treasure up all these things and ponder them in my heart": that I can take home with me the lessons, changes, and experiences I've had here and use them throughout the rest of the life God has given me...
Thank you for another week of prayers, encouragement, updates, support, and friendship! I pray that God will bless you all as much as you have blessed me!
~ MB
P.s. Several people have asked about the song that I put with the photo slideshow from last week. The song is called "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made", by Matt Redman from his album "Beautiful News".
------------------------------ ----------------------------------
"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
You're blessed when you're content with just who you are - no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
You're blessed when you get your inside world - your mind and heart - put right. Then you can see God in the outside world..."
Section from Matthew 5 - The Message
Bonjour les amis et la famille!
Ca va? Como Estas? How are you?
Week 9 is here and passing quickly! 3 more weeks and my dear friend Jessica H. will be arriving for "the changing of the guard". 3 1/2 more weeks and I will be returning to Ohio. Jessica H. and I will be here together for about 5 days before I leave and she remains to be Rebecca's next caregiver and share in the beauty, adventure, challenges, growth, and everything else the Lord has planned for her time here! It will be so special and neat to have such a very close friend share in this experience, and it is even more exciting to know we will get to be here together for a few days! I am very much looking forward to seeing her again... even 4,000 miles from our usual "hang out" spot! :-)
The days here continue to pass by quickly, and I can hardly believe another day is over when I lay my head back down on my pillow each night! As I look at my last 3 1/2 weeks here, I find myself reviewing some [I would love to review all, but there are implications from this experience that I think I will discover throughout the rest of my life!] of the things I've seen, learned, been challenged with, and ways I have changed. I think about life back in Ohio and how it has changed since I left. In the weeks and months preceding my arrival here, I spent a lot of time thinking, praying, and trying to prepare myself mentally for all the things I would see, do, and be faced with. Now, as I prepare to come home 3 months later, I realize I am faced with this again, only this time I am trying to prepare myself for "re-entry" into the world I knew and grew up in. I am excited and very eager to see you all again! I look forward to returning to all the activities and friendships I left when I came here, but also realize that I'm bringing home with me 3 months worth of speechless, indescribable experiences, lessons, growth, and change. I pray and desire that these changes and the things I've learned will remain with me upon my return and throughout the rest of my life. I pray that "He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
This week has been pretty quiet as far as outside "adventures" go, but very busy, as usual, in the Petrie household! Every day here brings something new and good, whether it be a lovely discussion with Rebecca, some fascinating insights in my reading, a wonderful e-mail, package, or letter from the U.S., a challenging task or experience, or just some time to think, pray, journal, etc... I don't know about all of Belgium, but at least in this household, there is no such thing as a boring day! :-)
On to this week's bits...
Jeudi - 6 Septembre , 2007 - Mostly cloudy, some drizzle. Warm and humid. Had a quiet morning and was able to get in a short walk/jog around the block. Rough day, but we all got through it okay together and with Help.
Vendredi - 7 Septembre, 2007 - Happy Birthday Dear Mother! More clouds, more warm. A busy, tiring day with lots of people coming and going. (A "normal" weekday involves a minimum of 2 nurse visits and a kine (kee-nay) (Physical therapist), not to mention friends and other people coming and going...). Dr. V.H., Rebecca's doctor made a house call today. House calls are much more common here in a variety of businesses, not just because of Rebecca's special situation. Dog groomers, hair stylists, etc. are much more likely to make house calls here than they are in the U.S. Apparently a lot of it has to do with them using your utilities and therefore not having to pay for them themselves. (Taxes here are incredibly high I hear!)
Samedi - 8 Septembre, 2007 - 2 months in Belgium... only 1 month to go. Wow! Time flies when you're having fun?! :-) A quiet day here. I was tired and had a minorly sore, scratchy throat and was worried that I might becoming down with a cold or something. I drank 3 cups of tea (citrus, chai, and British), and prayed that it would not get worse because I couldn't imagine being able to do everything I needed to do and be sick at the same time. I took a nap in the afternoon and actually slept as well. In the evening I had a chance to take a lovely bath... I haven't taken a bath in what must be years! :-) It was very relaxing. I also took part in another mission of the "Slug War" in the garden. I spread the "delicious" slug food/poison and rounded up all visible slugs to be bagged and trashed. It was a successful attack, with evidence posted on my blog website. :-) In the evening we watched the movie Oliver Twist, since it was yet another classic I hadn't seen. (I amaze a lot of people by the long list of great movies I've never seen... :-) I also got a phone call from a girl in nearby Waterloo. She met the girl, Megan, who was helping out last week while Paul was gone, and Megan knew I was interested in possibly going back into Brussels or going to Brugge with someone (rather than alone), and though this girl and I might hit it off. I enjoyed chatting with her for a few minutes and we exchanged e-mail addresses. The girl is from Wisconsin... we're practically neighbors! :-) Funny how the world suddenly seems smaller at times like this! I don't know that we'll have a chance to get together or go into Brussels together, but it was neat getting to "meet" another person from the U.S. who is here, and I am hopeful that we will get to meet in person at least once before I leave!
Dimanche - 9 Septembre, 2007 - Sundays here are so quiet and peaceful. Even when the day isn't much different from others, it just feels more quiet somehow. Perhaps it's because the town itself is so very quiet on Sundays. Amazingly (thank you God!), I felt a bit better today. My sore throat was gone and I was not as tired. What a blessing! Paul arrives home from the states tomorrow, so I think all of us were eagerly waiting for the day to pass by! We watched Father of the Bride 2 and A Walk to Remember. (Both were new movies for me, and I REALLY enjoyed them both!) I gave Maddie a bath before bed. She was great and is soooo soft and clean (for a few hours anyhow!) Speaking of Maddie, the little circus dog now can Shake, Roll, Wait, Down, Stay, sit up on her hind legs, and stand on her hind legs and twirl. She doesn't always do them on command or when wanted, but she sure is a smart little dog! Several of the tricks she did on her own and we just added a word and hand motion to them. She is quite a riot! Molly, one of the other dogs, has also learned to Shake. Hopy, the 18 year old, has yet to learn them. I think it's harder to learn physical tricks when you're somewhat blind, mostly deaf, and over 100 years old in human years?
The weather today was very nice. Partly sunny with temperatures in the 50's or low 60's. Another strange happenstance that occured in the town of Genval today was the arrival of 9 storks on the church roof! Unfortunately they were gone by the time I went out to see them, but apparently 9 storks had taken a rest on the roof of the church in Genval. Storks are not entirely uncommon here (Annie was telling me about how people build platforms on their roofs to help the storks nest... anybody read the book The Wheel on the School? ;-), but to have 9 in one place in day is pretty unusual, and it seems everybody was talking about it and gawking at them. We wonder if perhaps the members of the church congregation are going to blessed with many children this year? :-)
Lundi - 10 Septembre, 2007 - Happy Birthday Dear Daddy! Feel MUCH better today! My energy level is back up and I don't have even a hint of a sore throat. Paul arrived home this morning as well! It's SO nice to have him back after his 12 day trip! He brought back with him several notes and gifts from a few of my family and friends he saw during his visit! THANK YOU!!! I went for a nice long walk in the evening and took a different route down some new neighborhoods for a change of scenery and some excitement. :-) It was a rainy day and cooled off quite a bit by evening! I was wearing a long-sleeved jacket while I walked and was quite chilly!
Mardi - 11 Septembre, 2007 - Beautiful weather. Still cool, but not too bad. Partly sunny for most of the day. How nice to see the sun again! We had had a lot of cloudy days in a row! Annie left today to visit her family in France. She doesn't get much time off, and it seemed to work out for all of us here for her to go now, so while it means a little more work for all of us here, we're glad she gets a chance to visit her friends and family. She'll return Sunday night I believe. I made dinner tonight... 2 baked chickens, potato slices, and.... steamed Brussels sprouts!!! I'm not a big fan of Brussels sprouts, actually, but I had been told by one particular friend that I simply HAD to have Brussels sprouts while I was in Brussels. So, I am very happy to say I have not only had a couple Brussels sprouts in Brussels... I've also made them! Not only that... I also have visible proof, as I managed to [minorly] burn my finger while removing the lid of the Brussels sprouts! :-) The only other thing I "need" to do before I leave is make Belgian waffles. Don't count on it happening though! That may be something that will have to wait until I get home. :-) At least I have the waffle iron now though!
Mercredi - 12 Septembre, 2007 -
Because Annie is gone this week, I won't have a "usual" day off today, but that's okay. :-) I was able to sleep in this morning and have a quiet morning catching up on e-mails, taking a shower, reading, etc. I also had a quiet early afternoon and was able to take a walk to and around Lake Genval again. I've missed that lake! I find it a bit amusing that I go to an amazing, historical, world-reknown city like Brussels and am completely awed, love, and inspired by the city, and then also walk to a small lake 10 minutes from here that nobody outside of central Belgium has probably EVER heard of, and be just as awed, inspired, and in love with it! :-) Guess it's that beauty of simplicity! :-) I enjoy walking around the lake and being on the French side for half and the Dutch side for the other half. Prety fascinating! I don't know if any of you have seen or studied Dutch at all, but it's one COOL language! The words are so fun to say and so interestingly spelled! The rest of the afternoon and evening were busy with "the usual"... and here I am nearing 8 p.m. and getting ready to e-mail out the Bits from Belgium, Week 9!
Blessings in Belgium:
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* The abatement of the "mystery itches"! (I actually got several more itchy red spots over the next two days after last week's post, but since then they have all started to heal and disappear and no longer itch... yeah! :-)
Prayer Requests:
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
* That I will be able to begin mentally preparing myself for my "re-entry" to life with my wonderful family in Ohio
* That I will be able to, "treasure up all these things and ponder them in my heart": that I can take home with me the lessons, changes, and experiences I've had here and use them throughout the rest of the life God has given me...
Thank you for another week of prayers, encouragement, updates, support, and friendship! I pray that God will bless you all as much as you have blessed me!
~ MB
P.s. Several people have asked about the song that I put with the photo slideshow from last week. The song is called "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made", by Matt Redman from his album "Beautiful News".
------------------------------ ----------------------------------
"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
You're blessed when you're content with just who you are - no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
You're blessed when you get your inside world - your mind and heart - put right. Then you can see God in the outside world..."
Section from Matthew 5 - The Message
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Picture Video...
A slideshow presentation of pictures from my first 8 weeks in Belgium can be viewed at:
Please turn on your volume!
Many of the pictures will be familiar to you... sorry! If nothing else, enjoy the music! :-)
I hope to create another presentation when I get home, but for now this will suffice...
~ MB
Please turn on your volume!
Many of the pictures will be familiar to you... sorry! If nothing else, enjoy the music! :-)
I hope to create another presentation when I get home, but for now this will suffice...
~ MB
Belgium Pictures - Week 8
Sunrise over Genval, Belgium. August 30, 2007. 6:50 a.m.
Pictures from Belgium - Week 8
Bits from Belgium - Week 8
~ Psalm 57:7-11 ~
Bonjour les amis et la famille! (We're back to French for this week! :-)
So how has your week been? How are you?
Can you believe it's September already?! I can't!
... Nither can I believe that I've been here in Genval, Belgium for 2 months... that I leave in 4 1/2 weeks... that I'm cooking and ironing and actually liking it... that I'm learning a tiny bit of French... that I'm keep my hair down sometimes... that I love Belgium and Europe... that I've met so many incredible people and have added to my family of friends... that I've been able to be a part of this amazing family and household... that I am here... now... loving, learning, laughing, and living the life I've been given! WHAT A PRIVILIGE!!!!!!!!!!
All is well here, and most of what I'd like to share this week is below, so on to the bits!
Jeudi - 30 Août , 2007 - I woke up at 5:30 a.m. with the nearly full moon shining on my face again. It's so pretty and so neat! Makes me kind of want to get up and dance in the moonlight, but I was tired, so instead I just smiled, thanked God for it, and tried to go back to sleep...
Paul left for a 12 day visit in the United States today. How very strange to be saying good bye to him while knowing he will see my family tomorrow. It was not as difficult as I'd imagined it would be to say good bye to him knowing he'd see my family. Only when I gave him a hug and asked him to send my love to my family did I tear up and ponder the possibilities of hopping into his baggage! The day went very well otherwise though, and knowing I only have 5 1/2 weeks left here makes me want to make the most of my time that's left!
Vendredi - 31 Août, 2007 - Today is the first day of our annual church Labor Day Family Camp. To our family and many of our friends, Labor Day weekend is synonomous with Labor Day Family Camp. I believe this year marks the 3rd camp I've missed in my 21 years of life (correct me if I'm wrong Mom!). At any rate, it's hard to know what's going on and not be there. In addition, Paul is at the camp and is seeing my dear family!!! I thought I would be much more upset over that fact, but knowing he's seeing them and was able to deliver a few small packages made me quite happy, and I'm thankful that they at least get to see him and vice versa. It's been easier than I thought it might be to miss camp. There was a a bit of consolation when I realized I would be asleep during most of the important parts of camp, so I at least wouldn't be here looking at the clock and knowing what's going on too much! That's a selfish consolation, I'm afraid. The other consolation and encouragement is that in the very first few moments when I felt the "call" to come here, (at LDFC, in fact! More on that later...) I also had a strange sense that I would not be at LDFC this year (2007), but would instead be in Belgium. At the time it was an amazing, almost unbelievable, and overwhelming thought, but I clearly remember it, and it has encouraged me through this weekend and given me an internal "okay" to not be there, if you know what I mean! Kind of makes me want to pay a little more attention to some of those little "whispers" we hear from God as well... He doesn't lie! :-)
Another huge encouragement came after returning from a long, much-needed walk this morning. Upon returning to the house I found a "suspicious" package awaiting me from a very special friend in the U.S. I ran up to my room and opened the package... out of which wafted the irresistable smell of Jessica R.'s homemade chocolate mint cookies which have become our Labor Day Camp cabin tradition! In addition to the cookies,, Jessica had written up a multitude of hilarious, heartwarming LDFC memories we've shared over the last few years. I literally laughed out loud reading several of them! She also had several very sweet notes from some of my friends who shared a few of their favorite memories from our times together at LDFC. What a heartwarming, most amazingly considerate gift Jessica! It left me speechless, and I don't think THANK YOU is nearly sufficient!
Samedi - 1 Septembre, 2007 - Happy Birthday Stephen! A beautiful, but pretty typical day here! I was able to sleep in and have a quiet morning. I took a shower and actually dressed up a little (for me anyhow! ;-) I usually don't have time (or make the time) to do that, but I think everybody appreciates some variety in their lives, and I don't want to be an eye-sore too often! :-) We had a quiet afternoon as well, and watched a movie "The Devil Wears Prada" together (Rebecca, Annie, Susannah P. and I) at dinner. We got "kabap's" gyros for dinner. D-licious! They are like the gyro equivolent to Chipotle! Big, scrumptious, filling... etc. :-) Today was also LDFC back home, which I was of course thinking a lot about!
Dimanche - 2 Septembre, 2007 - A quiet day here. Beautiful, but cool. We watched the movie "Sabrina" together. Nothing exciting to report... just another day of enjoying eachother's fellowship and the life and moments we've been given!
Lundi - 3 Septembre, 2007 - Labor Day in Ohio... first day of school in Belgium. (Labor Day in Belgium is in mid-October I believe? I can't remember, but it's definitely not today!) A rainy, gray, warmish, and kind of pretty day as it kept changing between rain, sun, clouds, and back again. The rain sounds so nice on the windows and through the trees. It seems it is often a rainy day like this on Labor Day in Ohio, so it seemed appropriate here today somehow, even though it wasn't rainy in Ohio. :-)
Today marks the day exactly one year ago when I first felt called to come here. It actually happened at LDFC while I was praying and trying to surrender more of my life and the concerns I was holding onto to God. I suddenly got a very strong impression and realization that I could and SHOULD pursue going to Belgium the next Summer (now) after I graduated from college to offer myself to our friends for a few months. It was a very "strange" sensation because it was one of those things I had known about for a long time, ("that" being the fact that the family could use people to help take care of Rebecca and had young ladies from around the world that would come and help take care of her), but never had a huge interest or feeling of being called to do it. It was also strange for me to realize I had not made ANY plans or thoughts about my Summer, 2007, which is very unlike me normally! God apparently knew that I would have a harder time going if I had previously made plans! Anyhow, it happened suddenly at camp, and it was almost like God dialed my phone number and called me up to go... I don't recall ever having such a strong certainty that He had called me to something like I did for this. I hope this isn't the last time He "dials me up" either! :-)
Through the end of LDFC last year, the praying and looking into this opportunity, the planning and preparing for the trip, and now the finally coming here and experiencing it, God has proved Himself SO very faithful and true to all His words! It's been SO amazing to see His promises fulfilled and His grace given through an experience I can't imagine doing alone, but LOVE doing with Him!
A somewhat hectic day here with many peopole coming and going (including a representative from the organization Joni and Friends). We were nicely exhausted by the end of the day! School is also now in session here in Belgium, and with the school just behind the Petries' house, we hear the happy shouts and cries of children on the play ground throughout the day. It's much louder than it was during the Summer, but as we say... "at least they're happy sounds"! Besides that, it makes me feel more at home. :-)
Mardi - 4 Septembre, 2007 - I finally saw the movie "Amazing Grace"! WOW! I LOVE IT! The lines in the movie are fabulous (made me want to have a notebook and pen just to record some of them!), and the movie is a nice compilation of tension mixed with some humor and romance, history, and good acting! I'm usually a few months to a few years (or lifetimes!) behind on the latest movies, but this is one many of you had been talking about, and now I know why. :-) Otherwise a very quiet day, which was very nice after Monday's zoo! :-)
Mercredi - 5 Septembre, 2007 -
A quiet morning and cool, cloudy, misty day. Late morning a friend of the Petries (Norma, one of the ladies I went "kringwinkeling" with last week) came and took me to visit the monument and site of the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon met his defeat against 4 other nations. The monument includes a huge mound with a lion erected on the top, as well as a couple informative "museum-ish" things. We went into a panorama building that contains a 3-D, 360 degree wall mural of the fight, complete with battle surround sound and some artifacts and models surrounding the ground. It was impressive and a bit saddening to think about the thousands of lives lost on that day and the chaos and fear and anger and everything else that might have gone along with that battle. Wow.
After the Waterloo visit we went out to lunch at... McDonalds! Have you ever ordered McDonald's in French before? I hadn't until today! One of the things I'm realizing I enjoy so much about being here (or in any foreign country) is that even the littlest experiences can be so exciting, a bit scary, and quite fun! It's a bit of a game to try to work at communicating what I would like and how I would like it, and it's most interesting to see little kids stare at me with wide eyes when I speak to my friends in English! It really is a taste of life from a different angle, and it's certainly not dull! :-) I was able to order what I wanted, although when I asked for a bag since we were trying to do take-out, I was given salt instead. Oh well... sel and sac...same thing I guess... :-) Actually, the place was incredibly packed and noisy, and my French is pathetic anyhow, so I was happy with the salt and we ended up eating in anyhow, so it didn't matter that I didn't get the bag. :-) Norma and I finished our day by visiting a couple more kringwinkels (thrift stores), before coming back home around 4:00. The afternoon and evening has been rainy, gray, and quiet.
* * * Over the past few weeks, in my "spare" time, I have been working on a short photo compilation/slideshow covering some of my favorite pictures from the first 2/3 of my visit here! I hope to do a more complete presentation when I get home, but for now, if you would like to get a taste of my past 8 weeks here, please visit: (let me know if you have any problems viewing!)
(Please make sure you have your volume turned on!)
I apologize if many of you have seen some, if not all of these photos already, but perhaps you can enjoy the music if nothing else. :-)
Blessings in Belgium:
* The opportunity to sight-see a little!!!
* The amazing people I'm getting to meet and learn about!
* The giving of time and self from other people, which has allowed me to see and do what I have!
* The knowledge and experiences I am gaining here in areas so different from those I had at home
* The ability to communicate with "all ya'll" at home and throughout the U.S.!
* The beauty of this place and the world we live in!
* The amazing privilige it is to be here in this place, doing what I'm doing, with the people I'm with!
* The surprising enjoyment I have found in the challenge of learning and practicing a bit of the French language!
* God's faithfulness and grace each and every day...
* Good sleep and less tiredness this week!
Prayer Requests:
* Some mischievious, very itchy "something" bites that have showed up on my arms! Not sure if they're mosquito, spider, or something else, but whatever they are from, they've caused several red, itchy, bumps to develop on my arms. I wouldn't mind them leaving now. :-)
* That I can be humble and serve the way Jesus has taught and demonstrated
* That I might decrease so that He might increase
* That I can love, be a light, and bless those I interact with
* That I will be in tune with and always seeking and listening for His guidance throughout each moment and day
Thank you for another week of note, letter, picture, package, e-mail, and especially prayer blessings!
~ MB
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"A sacrifice offered,
In response to His call,
Nither half nor three-quarters,
We're asked to give all.
We're urged to give up,
In order to gain.
To learn and to trust,
His goodness through pain.
Faithful, forever,
He knows the grand plan.
Who, why, and how?
All I know is, God can."
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