Monday, April 19, 2010

More Song Lyrics...

The music and lyrics from songs are a frequent mode of encouragement from God, for me. It amazes me how many times a certain song will stand out with specific lyrics that either seem to fit my exact situation or be exactly what I need to hear for that moment. Sometimes they're songs I have heard many times before, but that weren't so applicable at that time. It's kind of like the Bible... living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword! :-) I love to put my ipod on shuffle mode and then wait and see what songs God brings... :-)

The other night I was listening to music and this song came on. It is an "old", familiar song to me, but the lyrics struck me in a different way that night, and I hope they can maybe encourage you as they did me. If not, well, thanks for reading anyhow! Happy Monday!

"Warrior is a Child"

By Twila Paris

Lately I've been winning battles left and right 
But even winners can get wounded in the fight 
People say that I'm amazing 
Strong beyond my years 
But they don't see inside of me 
I'm hiding all the tears  

They don't know that I go running home when I fall down 
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around 
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
 'Cause deep inside this armor 
The warrior is a child  

Unafraid because His armor is the best 
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest 
People say that I'm amazing 
Never face retreat
But they don't see the enemies 
That lay me at His feet  

They don't know that I go running home when I fall down 
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around 
I drop my sword and and cry for just a while 
'Cause deep inside this armor the warrior is a child  
They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around 
I drop my sword and look up for a smile 
'Cause deep inside this armor 
Deep inside this armor 
Deep inside this armor 
The Warrior is a Child

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