Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Picture Video...

A slideshow presentation of pictures from my first 8 weeks in Belgium can be viewed at:

Please turn on your volume!

Many of the pictures will be familiar to you... sorry! If nothing else, enjoy the music! :-)

I hope to create another presentation when I get home, but for now this will suffice...

~ MB


Unknown said...

wow that video is awesome! What is the song you put to it? Counting the days till you return~Anna

Mary Beth said...

Anna, it's "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" by Matt Redman. :-) Glad you liked it! Can't wait to come home and share the stories that go with all the pictures! I can't count down the days 'til I come home because it makes me too sad and excited... sad to say good bye and excited to come back and see everyone!