Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lunar Eclipse!

The almost-full moon on Tuesday night, 6/14/11
Photo taken outside my bedroom window
The eclipsing moon, Wednesday 6/15/11
Photo taken outside my bedroom window

As I type this, a total lunar eclipse is finishing here in Belgium. I don't recall if I have ever seen an eclipse, and certainly not one as full and clear as this! Interestingly, though viewable from most continents, it is not viewable in North America (too light out still!) It doesn't really get dark enough here to even see the moon until between 11 and 11:30 p.m. (and dawn arrives around 5:00 a.m. :-) When the moon had finally risen, I couldn't anything for awhile, then a small sliver of moon, then a quarter, then half, and now, it's at about a three-quarter moon. Pretty amazing for a night that is supposed to be a full moon! In about a half hour, it will be full again. What a cool thing to get to experience while I am here! :-)

A rare total lunar eclipse is happening today, June 15, and will be visible in parts of South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. The event will be the longest lunar eclipse in 11 years, beginning at 1:24 p.m. EDT (17:24 GMT) and ending at 7 p.m. EDT (23:00 GMT). During this time, the Earth's shadow will completely cover the moon for one hour and 41 minutes."

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