(Michael, my current CCI puppy, is in the most excellent hands of long-time CCI puppy raisers and friends, Marty and Dave Carvour. I can't thank them enough for taking care of my CCI pups when I am out of the country! It's so comforting to not worry about them and know I will return home to find them in as good, if not better shape than when I left! I got this e-mail from Michael today... (please excuse his spelling and grammar - he's not quite 9 months old :-)
dear mom
michael angel boy here i asked marty where you were and why
i couldnt go home to you and she said you werent home you
were in belgium whats a belgium and she showed me on this big
ball where you are well that makes no sense to me its only this
______________________________________ so why cant i be with
im having fun here with nathan he is a lot of fun and he gets tired like
me so we sleep and play and sleep and play and sleep and play we got
to run outside together yesterday i had to drag a long rope but i didnt
mind I could still run fast so can nathan so we ran side by side most of
the time marty called us and we came running we almost hit her but
she didnt mind because we came when she called and that made her
happy so I guess its ok to runned into her
i get food here and water and marty says my poop looks good should
she say things like that you dont say things like that I sleep in a wire
room its comfortable i can sleep on my back and my paws are off the
floor they stay cool so does my tummy
they dont have any animals here cept dogs and rabbits and birds and
no kids i miss the kids i miss you too even though you dont think i do i
i also get lap time and scritches daves a nice person i havent gone
anywhere they dont go to school here is that ok i kind of like not
having to get up and hurry off to school i can play with nathan we
have a blast
i have to go now i hope i can see you tomorrow dream about me and
ill dream about you bye
Very cute! Marty and Dave will take great care of him! I'm sure he likes it there... I know Dembre does!
Aww, what's a Belgium? Too cute ...
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