Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bits from Belgium - Week 4

Friday, July 1, 2011

Thank you for praying and hurting with us. This has been, in some ways, an awful week, climaxing this afternoon. We all wish we could run away from it or re-wind and change what's happening - but because the Petries are going through this, and it's real, I am thankful I am here. Please continue to pray for miracles and however else you feel led. There have been so many ups and downs the last few days. I am okay and able to continue serving, but I hurt so much for this family and it hurts watching them hurt and suffer even more than me.
We let the family have dinner alone together tonight. They are holding up well, considering the circumstances. People are obviously praying, and God is hearing our prayers.
I spent some time pouring over Bible verses this evening, and repeatedly came across "appropriate" and comforting verses. One moment, I'm upset and confused as to why God allows this to happen to a family already so heavy-laden... and to a young, newly married son, husband, and father. But then I also know there is Nowhere else to turn, No one better to trust, and Nobody who cares more than God does for Stephen and for this situation.
Rebecca went to bed peacefully tonight... a blessing and surprise. Stephen should be in surgery right now to have the tumor on his spine removed. We will probably get phone calls throughout the night.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Stephen came through his surgery well yesterday. Rebecca got to talk to him on the phone today. They have sent his tumor cells for biopsy and should know more by late next week. They're pretty certain it's cancerous, just not sure what kind. It's incredible, and heartbreaking, to be here with the Petrie's through this. Their faith is strong, and I'm getting a taste of what it must have been like when Rebecca fell. It's a privilege, though painful to be here. I had a special prayer and crying time with Rebecca last night after doing midnight and helping her call Philip and Josie and Matt (all are with Stephen in Michigan). While there is constantly a "heaviness" on our hearts, thankfully the emotions seem to come in waves for the most part, and we are all holding up okay.

The new caregiver, Jenna, has settled in well and is an eager and hard worker. Michelle Cottingham (the third caregiver) will be arriving around July 12. Annie is still here, but on vacation, and has written a list of things for the caregivers to do (deep cleaning, de-frosting, organizing, etc.) when there are several of us here working together.

I hope you all have a great 4th of July weekend! It's so strange here because there's no such celebration going on - it's just another weekend! I keep forgetting that it's a big holiday weekend in the states, until people remind me! At any rate, enjoy it!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Today was relatively quiet. I got up with Rebecca at 7:30-ish, and had a really good quiet time while she had hers. It is soothing, healing, and re-charging for me these days, to just sit (or lay) and pour over the Bible, pausing to re-read verses or pray. I am emotionally tired, which is wearing on me a little physically, although in general, I think I'm holding up well. The new caregiver is doing well, but with Annie on vacation, it is mostly my responsibility to make sure she knows what she should be doing, how to do it, etc. So I'm teaching/training on top of trying to "do stuff" that I normally do. Thankfully, Jenna has a great attitude and is a very willing worker and learner. Paul, Rebecca, and Susannah are dealing with so much emotional stress and exhaustion right now. I'm trying to do all I can to take care of "running the house", to enable them to be together, rest, pray, or do whatever they desire to help cope with all. It's really hard for Rebecca because she knows she can't go to see him, and she wishes it were her in his place. She's been through hard times like that before, but it's even harder for Paul, who has always been able to just go when something like this happens. He is physically drained still (he was just starting to get better before the news of Stephen's stuff hit), has a spasming back, and says he is "feeling his age". In some ways I think this is a blessing for Rebecca, who needs Paul here for her as well, but she also worries about him being so worn down. They are in this together - helpless physically, but strong spiritually. They take turns being strong for eachother, and I guess I am somewhere in there as well... constantly lifting them all up in prayer and trying to encourage, listen, love on, or cry with them as the Lord leads. I'm sorry I'm rambling and that this is all probably so depressing. Through all this heaviness and the intensity, I am glad I can be here to be whatever help I can. I think I understand a little better why God "needed" me here... and I'm glad he didn't tell me ahead of time!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!
I just wanted to send you a quick update of encouragement. At the risk of sounding bi-polar, I wanted to share that we all had a WONDERFUL evening together tonight - like "old times". We made a little campfire and had sausages, sauteed zuchini, home-made potato salad, and marshmallows (I had to go to the "international" section of the grocery store to get them! They were with the peanut butter, microwave popcorn, "marshmallow fluff", and several other "American" foods that I didn't know were strictly "American"! ;-) All of our spirits were good this evening. It was sooo nice! There are still the ups and downs as the phone calls and/or fears or realities of the situation hit or sink in, and we miss Susannah and Marta a lot, (they left his morning) but it was refreshing to have a quiet, light, fun evening together. THANK YOU for the prayers!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The morning was pretty quiet, as I got to sleep in a bit and didn't have too much to do until lunch time. The rest of the day was busy, but not overly so. I made lunch, did laundry, made Susannah's bed with clean sheets, did dishes, mailed your letter, dropped a shirt off at the dry-cleaners, and got in a lovely walk around the lake. (The weather today was beyond amazing! Blue skies, upper 70's, sunny...ahhhh). I was trying to remember some of the things I see here that I want to share and remember. One of those things that I thought you would like is that there are so many elderly couples (or single elderly men or women) who walk around the lake. I love to see them so alive and active, just out for a stroll around a beautiful lake. There's a lot of PDA here between significant others, but also just friends. It is not at all strange to see women walking together, arm in arm, talking like friends. And no, I'm quite sure they're not gay... just "normal" Belgians! There were bright colored sailboats out on the lake also. I wished I'd had my camera. I can't remember if there were other things I wanted to tell you about my thoughts as I walked around the lake, but I will try to write them down if I do! Walking here has always been a relaxing, fun, de-stressing activity that helps me "clear my mind and soul" for a bit. It's funny that I don't get into that nearly as much back home. I don't know why. I guess I just don't make it a priority. I didn't used to listen to music as much as I have been here as well, but I find it helps me worship and think about things I want to be thinking about while I walk. Kind of helps me "walk with God", if you know what I mean.
I made Mexican lasagna and sauteed green beans for dinner. Sometimes I can't remember what all I did in a day, but they sure are busy and sure do fly by! We watched the movie Sabrina last night (a cute and funny chic flick - I've watched here before, but it was fun watching Jenna see it for the first time) and an episode of Poirot (the Belgian detective guy).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Slept great - was awakened once by Rebecca at 4:00, but we both got back to sleep quickly. It's so funny that I can almost bet it's either 2 or 4 a.m. (nearly on the dot) if and when she calls in the night. It must be something about the sleeping meds wearing off then or something. Anyhow...

Paul and Rebecca are doing well. He and Rebecca have been spending a lot of "together time" (private lunches, which can't hurt either. Rebecca is doing well too. She has emotional moments still in thinking about or after talking to Stephen, but she's holding steady and their faith isn't wavering. They should get the pathology reports on the biopsy by the end of this week, which could be upsetting again - although I think they're more prepared now. Stephen himself is recovering really well. I guess he's walking around a lot and doing great physically and spiritually and emotionally. His 25th birthday is tomorrow. Other than the fact that I know his parents and a few of his sibs really well and love them dearly, I think the other thing that really saddened me about all this is the place in life he's at. That could be me... ! Our lives are so not our own... and that's a good thing. But it's kind of a reality check to know somebody my own age facing what he might be facing.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Things are fine here. Rebecca and Paul are getting time together (private lunches, time visiting in her room, etc.), which is good for both of them. They should get word on Stephen's biopsy results by the end of this week. Today is his 25th birthday. Other than that, not much new around here. I am very busy, but not too much so or stressed about it (not too much, anyhow!) My meals are coming out okay so far and the errands I've had to run have gone smoothly. It's nice that Annie is still "here", though on vacation, so she can verbally walk me through things. :-)

I had a good time in Brussels. I did something fun, because I was feeling kind of lonely (I went by myself), and though I was excited to see all the usual sites again, I was almost "bored" and thought it silly to take a bunch more pictures in front of all the same landmarks. But then I had an idea (I think it was God-given :-) Remember Flat Stanley? Well, I didn't have a Flat Anybody, but I did find some pine branches and realized I could take and spell out "Luke" everywhere I went with those little pine branches, and do a little "photo story" about his visit to Brussels. :-) It turned into great fun... almost like a treasure hunt, as I visited each famous site and tried to figure out a creative way to get a picture with "Leafy Luke" in it. In the process, I of course had lots of stares and people trying to figure out what I was doing. Several smiled when they saw it, and all of that made it all the more exciting and fun. I ended up having a GREAT day, at some delicious waffles and frites, made some purchases that I am excited about, and was ready and eager to come home!

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