Saturday, July 16, 2011
I am sitting here at my desk in my room, listening to the rain pour onto my sunlight. It. is. lovely.
I love listening to the rain. I am excited to go to sleep to it.
Today was a blessing. I was up early, but once I got Rebecca up, with Jenna, I was able to go back to bed for awhile. It was really nice. I was tired today... like all the tiredness from the week piled up into one day and just hit me. Honestly, God has been so faithful these past weeks and I have been so strong, healthy, and covered in His grace to have the stamina and joy in all of my tasks. Things I wouldn't have thought I would have enjoyed (like all the cooking!) have been incredibly enjoyable and relaxing even, to me. After a good little nap this morning, I got up and got ready for the day, started making the crust for my banana cream pie, and started getting lunch together, doing laundry, stocking stuff, writing the schedule out for next week, etc... all the usual busyness. :-) Paul went to pick-up Mary from her rehab center and brought her back for lunch. We had a nice and delicious lunch - I bought a bunch of new cheeses the other day, and we had several of them for lunch... mmmmmm!)
After lunch was naptime, and a nap sounded good again, so I did some e-mail stuff, worked on next week's schedule some more, and then lay down for another short nap. The weather earlier today was the typical Belgian sun, clouds, rain, clouds, sun, etc. We also had more wind than usual, so it was lovely to listen to and feel the wind through my window as I rested. When I got up I managed to keep busy for the rest of the afternoon and evening, finishing the banana cream pie, helping Jenna make dinner (turkey burgers with bacon and cooked in the bacon grease... DELICIOUS! :-) Dinner was nice, Mary left, and then we watched The Italian Job. GREAT movie... and intense! I feel like I'm tense all movie and have lots of adrenalin released, and then the great relief afterwards, which leads to some other hormone release and a great feeling. I think we're leaving our chic flicks for awhile and getting into an action-film kick. Paul is happy about that, and we are all loving it so far! :-) We watched "Sahara" yesterday. Boy... that was intense too! After the movie, it was time to get Rebecca ready for bed, so we did that, I cleaned up a few more things in the kitchen, and then it was back upstairs to check and write a couple e-mails and then... back to sleep! I feel much better now - my body is re-energized and I'm not tired. I do hope I can sleep tonight, but I don't think I will have too much trouble with that rain sound lulling me... :-)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Today was a relatively quiet, busy day. You know, the typical here! This morning we got Rebecca up and a little bit after that I started working on our dinner-lunch: chicken, potatoes, green beans. It took longer than I expected, but all turned out well and was acceptably eaten. :-) We also did some more cleaning of kitchen cabinets and Rebecca's room. After our wonderful lunch and conversation, we got Rebecca down for a nap, I did some e-mailing, and then I went for a walk around the lake... 1 1/2 laps! As usual, I got home right as it started to rain. It's truly miraculous how often it looks like rain, but doesn't start until I walk into the front door! I had a little bit of down time late afternoon, then back to preparing food for our "laid-back" lunch-dinner (popcorn, fruit salad, leftovers, etc.) We ate dinner and watched "Did You Hear about the Morgans" (cute movie!). After dinner and the movie, Jenna, Michelle and I were cleaning up the dinner dishes and talking, when all of a sudden I gasped as I looked outside and saw a super-bright RAINBOW outside! We all three dashed up the two flights of stairs, laughing and gasping to our rooms to get our cameras and look out the high windows. It didn't last too long, but it sure was beautiful! I LOVE rainbows!
And now, I really must be off to sleep, as I'm back on 7 a.m. shift in the morning (every morning, this week, in fact, except Weds. Tuesday night will be my only midnight shift this week.)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Today was another fine day. The weather was chilly with many showers on and off throughout the day. 7 a.m. came, but not too soon. I got up and helped get Rebecca up, but then had a couple hours of quiet to read, rest, and do some computer stuff. I've been working on my Fall class and teaching schedule, and the course times just came out, so I think I finally have the first quarter more finalized. I just have to decide what classes to offer to teach, and then find out which one(s) I get!
I ran a few errands today and went to the pharmacy to pick up some meds for Rebecca. There is a huge Lab who was there. He belongs to the pharmacist and his name is Scotch. I met him 4 years ago, the first time I was here, and actually went into her back yard and played fetch with him. :-) He must have been 3 then, because he's 7 now and starting to gray. She let me say hi to him, and it was wonderful to get licked and leaned on by a great big lab again. I've missed that! It was also fun because dogs speak a universal language, and he didn't care that I stumble my way through every public conversation everywhere else in Genval, but with him - the communication was quite clear, and we were both happy. He got a good petting, and I got a few licks and walked home smelling like a dog, and very pleased. We had tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch today --- it was "that" kind of weather... so gray, chilly (low 60's!), and wet. It stopped raining a bit in the afternoon, so I walked to a nearby store for a few groceries, and then came back home, read awhile, and then started dinner. We had raclette, which is a fun meal, kind of like fondue. I had not heard the story before, but apparently it originated with the Swiss. There is a specific raclette cheese that is put on a little pan inside a little open oven thing, and then we top the cheese with various vegies or meats, and when the cheese is bubbly, we pour it over boiled potatoes. Mmmmm... delicious! I had it for the first time last year when I was here, but it was fun to see Jenna and Michelle enjoy it for the first time. It's typically a Fall or holiday dinner, but we had fun with it "partying" for no reason. :-) Trying to be a friend and "manage" two 17 year old girls isn't without it's challenges, but they are really sweet, amazing girls, and so respectful, generous, and kind to me. I love them both already.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
All's well here. Rebecca and I slept well I think. She called me at 3 a.m. because she was uncomfortable, hot, and thirsty. We got that all taken care of, talked a minute, and then I headed back to bed. She was being funny and said she was laying there, awake, and thought, hmmmm... I miss Mary Beth. I think I'll just call her. :-) Of course, she really had reason to call me, but it was funny none-the-less. There's a good chance I won't be on midnights again until possibly next Thursday night (the night before I leave). I will continue doing 7 a.m.'s so Paul can sleep in, and the girls will alternate midnights. It means I will have the opportunity to get uninterupted sleep, which is nice, but I enjoy doing midnights with Rebecca and the one-on-one time, so I will both be grateful to get full nights' sleep, and miss it at the same time!
I have a Bible verse from 1 Peter that I've been meditating on the last couple days...
1 Peter 4:10-11 "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen."
I like this verse a lot. It challenges me in any situations I have to speaks and/or serve, and re-orients me to the focus of everything I do - "so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and power..." I think that's what God has been sharing with me the last couple days, along with the usual dose of "being content with where I am and what I'm doing" (And I am! Even if there are moments of longing, God is enabling them to not slay the appetite of my living!
I had a nice, busy day off today. This morning I got up a little after 8 and puttered around until 9:30, when Diana arrived. We went to the Chateau de La Hulpe and walked around and talked. The weather was humid and gray, but dry. We saw horses and cattle, slugs, trees, a tiny black frog, and lots of birds. There were a bunch of vehicles up at the Chateau itself, so we went to investigate, and from the best we could tell, it looked like they were video-ing for a movie or something! They had several dogs there being involved in the filming as well. We were terribly curious to find out more, but a guy "guarding" the area told us we would have to make a wide circumference because they were filming. We should have asked for more info, but it was in French, and we didn't want to get in trouble, so we walked on. :-) Afterwards we went out to lunch at a really nice little place with delicious sandwiches.
Diana dropped me off at the Petrie's about 12:30, and then I had about 20 minutes before Donatienne (the kine/physical therapist) came to pick me up. She had her adorable 2 1/2 year old son with her, who speaks the cutest French ever!) We went to the store to get some bread and meat for sandwiches, and then just hung out at her house for the afternoon. She offered to take me wherever, but I don't really have anywhere else that I feel I "need" or want to see, and I enjoyed just visiting. Elliot (her son) napped, and we talked and she showed me their yard and the work they hope to do on it this summer. She has SO much energy and is so lively! It was fun and nice to get to know her more and just chat.
She brought me back to the Petries at about 4:30, and I spent the rest of the evening reading, writing, eating dinner, posting pictures on facebook, took a shower, and visited with the gang (had a great conversation with Jenna this evening too... guess it was a day of great, deep conversations for me!) I'm tired tonight - I think all those "deep" conversations have worn me out! I was encouraged, challenged, and excited by all the good conversations, but it is draining too. Paul and the rest of the "family" were watching the last Bourne movie tonight. I decided to pass on it and spend the time in my room reading and writing. I'm tired and decided I wasn't in the mood for more loud shooting, chasing, violence, and drama.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Hard to believe I will be at the airport this time next week, getting ready to board a plane back to Ohio, USA... I will probably be getting up around midnight (Ohio time) on Friday morning, and should be at the airport, boarding my plane, about 4:00 a.m. Friday morning. It'll be a long day! As far as I know all the flight info is the same.
Thank you for your prayers here. Things are going really well. The girls have settled in so smoothly and are really doing a good job. It makes me feel much more peaceful about leaving, knowing the girls are able to handle things and that Paul and Rebecca will be in good hands and not have to go through a stressful transition. We are all so grateful for how carefully the Lord planned and orchestrated these months for all of us! I think taking over the cooking will be the biggest challenge for the girls, so you can pray for that, but otherwise, they seem to have a good handle on how things roll around here, and are able to almost everything now. I defrosted the last freezers and fridge yesterday, so all our "extra" caregiver jobs should be finishing up. It's very satisfying to be able to look at Annie's list for us and mentally check off each one: done! :-)
Yesterday was the Belgian National Holiday (the Belgium equivalent of the USA Independence Day :-). I stayed and helped with Rebecca yesterday so Jenna and Michelle could go into Brussels with Diana. They all had a great time, and I enjoyed a quiet day with Paul and Rebecca and Annie. I had a really nice talk with Rebecca over tea, and Paul and Rebecca gave me a couple nice decorative dish-things as a gift - something to decorate and use in "my" home some day, that I can remember them by every time I look at them. With so much activity here the past weeks, I really treasure the one-on-one time I get with Paul and Rebecca. Last night, after helping get Rebecca to bed, Annie drove all three of us across Genval to the "fete" (party) where there was a little carnival, concert, and at 11:15 p.m., fireworks!!!! (They have to wait until 11:15 here for it to be dark enough to do the fireworks!) Annie dropped us off and we walked around a bit and then stood and watched a magnificent fireworks show! Jenna and I especially enjoyed it because we hadn't seen any 4th of July fireworks! It was really awesome, and right above our heads (quite loud too!) The music accompanying the fireworks was also quite splendid. We had a great time, and then walked back home, getting back around 12:15. I was too wound up to be able to fall asleep right away, but slept hard once I did. Poor Penny (the dog we are still watching for Mary) was panting and shaking when we got back, but she handled the various firecrackers and explosives throughout the day very well. It was an interesting experience to be the "foreigners" at a national celebration, but being all together was really fun, and we laughed a lot and had a good time. Tonight, Annie and I are going to a dance performance which I believe will be featuring Mexican, Hungarian (?), and Flemish and Wallonian (both Belgian) dancing. I am excited to go! I never expect or plan on doing much outside of my off days when I am here, but it is a treat when we do get to do something like last night or tonight! I will not be getting an off day next week (it'd be silly, since I'll be leaving on Friday!), but I am/will be phasing out of my responsibilities to help the transition hopefully go smoother, which may leave me some time to go back into Brussels and visit the Royal Palace again. They are opening it up for free to the public to go inside and tour for a couple weeks, starting Tuesday. I have seen the outside so many times, but never been inside, and from what I've heard/seen in pictures, it's quite magnificent inside! Other than that, this next week will be spent savoring my time here with my "family", preparing and packing to leave, and then hopping a train at 7 a.m. Friday morning to head to the airport...
I am trying to focus on what (who) I will be seeing at my return, rather than who I will be leaving here. The good-bye's will be hard, but will probably be more of a "see you later" or "a la prochaine" (until the next!) than a good bye! These last days are flying by... which is both exciting and sad for me! There were times when this visit seemed to be long, but when I look back on it now, it really feels like it's flown! So much has happened since I've been here (where you are and where I am!). I am so glad I came.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Today has been good. I had another good tea time with Rebecca (she has been sharing such gems of wisdom for me to bring home and "practice"... I can't get enough of 'em or her input, and value it so much! :-) This evening I called my family while they were together for a Kopechek Family Reunion. I got to be passed around and speak with my Grandma and Grandpa Kopechek, a bunch of aunts and uncles, a couple cousins, Bethany, and my parents. It was really nice, although I always hate missing the reunions... I love my family! :-) After dinner tonight we watched "The Terminal". I love that movie! I liked how it really showed how important relationships, as well as simple honesty is, and how far they can get you. For whatever reason, after the movie, Jenna, Michelle and I were cleaning up the dishes and got all giddy and goofy and were laughing about everything. It was a riot, and so much fun. We just laughed and laughed and kept cracking jokes and being silly. I'm afraid to say a lot of the laughter came from my actions and the crazy things I was saying. I was so tired, and couldn't stop saying goofy things and mixing up my words! Anyhow, it was a fun time, and Rebecca joined in the fun while we got her ready for bed. I guess those late nights and early mornings are getting to me, but I don't mind being giddy tired if it means we all have a bit of fun and laughter. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile, and it was great. I love this "family" too, and am so grateful for the gift I've had to get to be here for awhile, to be trained, grown, challenged, loved, and blessed.
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